Gathering Use Cases across Application Domains

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The Web of Things Interest Group is gathering use cases and is seeking your help to ensure that we get plenty of examples across a wide rage of application domains. Use cases are valuable as a way of grounding technical discussions on functional requirements and solutions. The survey of use cases will feed into our study of the technology landscape, and into future standards track work we hope to initiate later this year.

We are looking for narratives written from a user perspective along with a brief answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the user motivation for the use case
  2. How does this translate to a technical description
  3. What application domains are related
  4. What are the interaction patterns
  5. Which aspects are not considered

We are also seeking feedback on a draft taxonomy of applications and welcome suggestions for improvements and additional categories.  For more information, see our wiki page on use cases across application domains.

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