Minutes from recent meetings

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Just so they're all in one place:

May 25th, 2016summary of decisions sent to list for review: 1. Agreement that all extensions should be optional, and agreement to leave pre-defined extensions in the spec as they are currently defined. 2. Start an IETF RFC for the creations of a IANA Registry for the extensions (Jeff took this action item) 3. Add clarifying text around the extensions (Jeff took the action item)

Berlin F2F, May 13thcommentary

April 27th: - VGB overviewed issues for FPWD, rough agreement for his rewrites - Next meeting for agenda F2F

April 13: - Keeping sigs and attestation formats as separate sections - Felipe's terminology section - CredentialID unique across authenticator architectural issue - github issues preferred method before raising issues

April 6: - Discussion over what's right level of abstraction re: attestation/signatures and whether they should stay in W3C, and IETF update

March 30

March 23

March 16

SF F2F, March 4

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