DPUB IG Telco, 2017-03-06: A11y and ARIA in the charter, document publishing

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See minutes online for a more detailed record of the discussions.

A11y text in the charter

The text on accessibility in the draft charter was discussed. Avneesh Singh and Deborah Kaplan presented the proposal of the accessibility task force. After some discussion it was agreed that the new text will be added to a separate branch in the charter text, and the decision on whether that change is fine or not will be taken during the week on email.

(Right after the meeting the changes were done, see the separate mail on the details.)

How to handle the ARIA work

The charter draft includes some activities on the development of a DPUB ARAI 2.0, and the question is whether this would be a joined deliverable with the ARIA WG or whether the DPUB WG would do it alone. After some discussion the agreement is the latter.

Document Publishing

The decision is to publish the PWP and the UCR drafts at W3C. This should happen on Thursday, 9th of March.

Possible WG F2F

The discussion about the F2F is still ongoing: there has to be an 8 weeks' notice in the charter and this would require that the charter is officially on the AC's desk for voting before the 10th of April. It is unclear whether this is possible; the agreement is that in two weeks the IG takes a final decision whether the meeting dates in NYC should be held, or whether the F2F should be postponed to the end of June.

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