W3C Website redesign: Choosing a front end framework

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As part of the W3C Website phase 1 redesign work, we are seeking the review and feedback of our exceptionally well-informed and helpful external contributors, on choosing a front end framework.

Studio 24, with whom we are working on the Website redesign, have reviewed the questions around HTML/CSS frameworks and have written up the pros and cons of Bootstrap and Apollo —which is Studio24-made and aims to be less of a framework and more of a layout system— to help the decision-making process.

Please, read the document "Choosing a front end framework" and kindly share your review comments, advice on the topic and other considerations, to help us make the better informed possible decision. You may do so by responding to the public mailing list. We are aiming to make a decision around mid-June, so the due date on this consultation is **Thursday, June 11, 2020 (EOD)**

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