CSS Validator Translation - Polish and Chinese translators wanted!
The last time we gave news about the W3C CSS validator on this space was already over a year ago, for the "fuji release".
No news since then? That doesn't mean there has been no progress. Far from it, actually: with the great work from Maria Kaceriakova and Julien Grand-Mourcel over the summer, a ton and a half of bugs have been fixed, and some big changes to the way we validate CSS are on the way.
The CSS validator is one of the World Wide Web Consortium tool that truly strives to be "World Wide": available in 9 languages, it ensures that web designers and developers can check their stylesheets in their language.
Unfortunately, this also implies that any big change to the validator need to be translated in a number of languages before any release. With the wonderful help of the community of volunteer translators, we have already managed to get almost all the languages up to date, but we are still struggling with a couple of them. So here is a call for help:
if you are a native speaker of Polish or Chinese ??? (simplified characters), if you are comfortable with the concepts and terms of Web design and CSS in English and in your mother tongue, and have a few minutes to spare, you can help:
- go to the CSS Validator's translations page
- find the strings of text that still need to be translated
- send the translation to us (clicking on the cells in the translation table should give you a mail template)
That's all.
And if your language is not listed yet, we'll be opening the translations to more language soon. Send mail to the (public) W3C translators' list and mention you would like to translate the CSS validator - we'll send you the updated translation kit and instructions to get you started.
I see there's 1% left for Polish. It's a great tool! Will try to have a look at the missing translations soon.
Hello Lukasz. The Polish translation is now back at 100% thanks to you. Congrats!
I saw that there is still about 3% of Polish translation of the W3C CSS Validation service left. I have translated the missing Polish fragments and already sent them to the w3c-tranlators list.