WASP's Education Task Force Curriculum Survey
Since 2005, the Education Task Force of the Web Standards Project has been tackling the issue of providing future Web professionals with quality education. Their goal is to propose the creation of a curriculum framework to help educators teach best practices in Web design and development more effectively. Upon completing modules in such a curriculum, a student should have sound knowledge of best practices and a solid foundation upon which to build.
As a first step towards this goal, the task force has been running a survey aimed at clarifiying the needs in teaching Web technologies, design and development. If you are an educator or have a role in creating or shaping education curricula, please take a few minutes to answer these 9 questions. The survey is set to close on July 15th, 2007.
Does anyone have a copy of this survey and have the results been reported?
"The creation of a curriculum framework to help educators teach best practices in Web design and development more effectively"
This is the precise model for our new online, back-end development at: http://www.nassonu.edu for the students on our "cyber Space Institute"
This survey could help us greatly fron a teachers prospective. We have spent considerable time working with students to get their prospective and yet have done little research with our teachers.
If we could get our hands on one of these surveys it could answer some questions we might not have thought about or from angles we have yet to address.
Any support in this is a godsend and we thank you for any chance to get this survey to help us...
Dr. James