توضیحات تمامی مشخصات CSS
مشخصات CSS
این صفحه شامل توضیحاتی در مورد تمام مشخصاتی است که CSS WG روی آنها کار می کند. برای مشاهده فشرده و نحوه ارائه بازخورد به صفحه «کار فعلی» مراجعه کنید.
آزمایش ها
انتخابگرها عنصر مورد استفاده در CSS و برخی
فناوریهای دیگر را توصیف میکند. انتخابگرها برای انتخاب عناصر در یک
سند HTML یا XML استفاده میشوند تا ویژگیهای (سبک) را به آنها الحاق
کنند. عناصر را می توان بر اساس نام، ویژگی ها، زمینه و سایر جنبه های
آنها انتخاب کرد.
ویراستاران: Tantek Çelik، Elika
J. Etemad، Daniel Glazman، Ian
Hickson، Peter Linss، John Williams
انتخابگرها سطح 4 سطح 3
را با روش های جدیدی برای انتخاب عناصر گسترش می دهد. بر اساس، به
عنوان مثال، بر اساس آنچه که آنها در بر دارند یا بر اساس آنچه در
ادامه می آید.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad، Tab Atkins Jr.
آزمایش ها
CSS سطح 2 ویرایش 1 اشتباهات در توصیه 1998 CSS سطح 2 را
تصحیح می کند و چند ویژگی بسیار درخواستی را که در ابتدا برای سطح 3
برنامه ریزی شده بود، اضافه می کند که قبلاً به طور گسترده پیاده سازی
شده اند. اما بیشتر از همه CSS 2.1 نمایانگر یک عکس فوری از استفاده
از CSS است: شامل تمام ویژگی های CSS است که در تاریخ انتشار توصیه به
صورت متقابل برای HTML و XML پیاده سازی شده است.
ویراستاران: Bert Bos، Tantek
Çelik، Ian Hickson، Håkon Wium Lie
پیش نمایش CSS سطح 2 نشان می دهد که چگونه CSS2 با خطای پیشنهادی اعمال شده و متن اضافی جایگزین شده با
ارجاع به سایر ماژول های CSS به نظر می رسد. این خود یک مشخصات نیست،
بلکه یک کاندید برای ویرایش بعدی (یعنی دوم) سطح 2 CSS است.
ویراستاران: Bert Bos
CSS Snapshot 2007 به تمام
مشخصاتی که مجموعاً وضعیت CSS را در سال 2006 نشان میدهند پیوند
دارد. از آنجا که بخشهای بزرگی از CSS هنوز در حال توسعه هستند و
اغلب دشوار است که بدانیم وضعیت آنها چیست، گروه کاری CSS تصمیم گرفت
این سند را منتشر کند. که فقط شامل بخش هایی از CSS است که پایدار
هستند و نشان داده شده است که کار می کنند.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad
CSS Snapshot 2010 به تمام
مشخصاتی که مجموعاً وضعیت CSS را در سال 2010 نشان میدهند پیوند
دارد. با این سند، CSS WG
قصد دارد به پیادهکنندهها کمک کند تا بین بخشهایی از CSS که آماده
تولید هستند و قطعاتی که هنوز آزمایشی هستند، تمایز قائل شوند.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad
CSS Snapshot 2015 به تمام
مشخصاتی که مجموعاً وضعیت CSS را در سال 2015 نشان میدهند پیوند
دارد. با این سند، CSS WG
قصد دارد به پیادهسازان کمک کند تا بین بخشهایی از CSS که آماده
تولید هستند و قطعاتی که هنوز آزمایشی هستند تمایز قائل شوند.
این یادداشت همچنین شامل بهترین روشها برای پیادهسازی تجربی و
جزئی، از جمله قوانین به اصطلاح «پیشوندهای فروشنده» در مورد
ویژگیهای اختصاصی و ناپایدار است.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad
CSS Snapshot 2017 به تمام
مشخصاتی که در مجموع نشان دهنده وضعیت CSS در سال 2017 هستند پیوند
دارد. این جانشین عکس های فوری مشابه برای سال های 2015 2010 و 2007 است. با این سند، CSS WG قصد دارد به اجراکنندگان کمک کند
تا بین بخش های مختلف تمایز قائل شوند. CSS که آماده تولید هستند و
قطعاتی که هنوز آزمایشی هستند.
یادداشت همچنین بهترین روشها را برای پیادهسازیهای تجربی و
جزئی، از جمله قوانینی برای به اصطلاح «پیشوندهای فروشنده» در مورد
ویژگیهای اختصاصی و ناپایدار تعریف میکند.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.، Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Florian Rivoal
CSS Snapshot 2018 به تمام
مشخصاتی که روی هم نشان دهنده وضعیت CSS در سال 2018 هستند پیوند
دارد. این جانشین عکس های فوری مشابه برای سال های 2017 2015, 2010 و 2007 است. با
این سند، CSS WG قصد دارد به
اجراکنندگان کمک کند تا بین بخش هایی از CSS که آماده تولید هستند و
قطعاتی که هنوز آزمایشی هستند.
یادداشت همچنین بهترین روشها را برای پیادهسازیهای تجربی و
جزئی، از جمله قوانینی برای به اصطلاح «vendor prefixes» در مورد
ویژگیهای اختصاصی و ناپایدار تعریف میکند.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.، Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Florian Rivoal
CSS Snapshot 2020 به تمام
مشخصاتی که مجموعاً وضعیت CSS را در سال 2020 نشان می دهد پیوند دارد.
این جانشین عکس های فوری مشابه برای سال های 2018, 2017, 2015, 2010 و 2007 است. با این سند، CSS WG قصد دارد کمک کند. پیادهکنندهها بین بخشهایی از CSS که
آماده تولید هستند و قطعاتی که هنوز آزمایشی هستند تمایز قائل
یادداشت همچنین بهترین روشها را برای پیادهسازیهای تجربی و
جزئی، از جمله قوانینی برای به اصطلاح ‘vendor prefixes’ در مورد
ویژگیهای اختصاصی و ناپایدار تعریف میکند.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.، Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Florian Rivoal
CSS Snapshot 2021 به تمام
مشخصاتی که مجموعاً وضعیت CSS را در سال 2021 نشان می دهد پیوند دارد.
این جانشین عکس های فوری مشابه برای سال های 2020 2018, 2017, 2015, 2010 و 2007 است. با این سند، CSS
WG قصد دارد کمک کند.
پیادهکنندهها بین بخشهایی از CSS که آماده تولید هستند و قطعاتی که
هنوز آزمایشی هستند تمایز قائل میشوند.
یادداشت همچنین بهترین روشها را برای پیادهسازیهای تجربی و
جزئی، از جمله قوانینی برای به اصطلاح ‘vendor prefixes’ در مورد
ویژگیهای اختصاصی و ناپایدار تعریف میکند.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.، Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Florian Rivoal
CSS Snapshot 2022 به تمام
مشخصاتی که مجموعاً وضعیت CSS را در سال 2022 نشان می دهد پیوند دارد.
این جانشین عکس های فوری مشابه برای سال های 2021 2020 2018, 2017, 2015, 2010 و 2007 است. با این سند، CSS WG قصد دارد کمک کند پیادهکنندهها بین بخشهایی از CSS که
آماده تولید هستند و قطعاتی که هنوز آزمایشی هستند تمایز قائل
یادداشت همچنین بهترین روشها را برای پیادهسازیهای تجربی و
جزئی، از جمله قوانینی برای به اصطلاح ‘vendor prefixes’ در مورد
ویژگیهای اختصاصی و ناپایدار تعریف میکند.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr., Elika J. Etemad /
fantasai, Florian Rivoal
CSS Snapshot 2023 به تمام
مشخصاتی که مجموعاً وضعیت CSS را در سال 2023 نشان می دهد پیوند دارد.
این جانشین عکس های فوری مشابه برای سال های 2022، 2021، 2020، 2018، 2017، 2015، 2010 و 2007 است. با این سند، CSS
WG قصد دارد کمک کند
پیادهکنندهها بین بخشهایی از CSS که آماده تولید هستند و قطعاتی که
هنوز آزمایشی هستند تمایز قائل میشوند.
یادداشت همچنین بهترین روشها را برای پیادهسازیهای تجربی و
جزئی، از جمله قوانینی برای به اصطلاح ‘vendor prefixes’ در مورد
ویژگیهای اختصاصی و ناپایدار تعریف میکند.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr., Elika J. Etemad /
fantasai, Florian Rivoal
طرحبندی الگوی شبکه (که قبلا: طرحبندی پیشرفته) روش
جدیدی را برای قرار دادن عناصر با استفاده از محدودیتهایی در تراز
آنها با یکدیگر و انعطافپذیری آنها توصیف میکند. عناصر سند به یک یا
چند الگو، که شبیه یک شبکه چیدمان سنتی است، با ردیفها و ستونها
مانند یک جدول، جاری میشوند. می توان آن را برای یک صفحه یا به عناصر
جداگانه اعمال کرد، به عنوان مثال، برای چیدمان یک فرم. این ماژول و
Grid Layout در حال ادغام هستند.
ویراستاران: Bert Bos، César
بسیاری از دستگاه های بصری در درجه اول قادر به تولید صدا نیز
هستند، حتی گاهی اوقات با کیفیت بسیار بالا. ماژول صوتی دارای
ویژگیهایی برای پیوست کردن صداهای پسزمینه به عناصر و جلوههای صوتی
برای انتقال حالت است، مانند فعالسازی پیوند یا «هوایی کردن» روی یک
عنصر. امکانات مورد انتظار شامل قرار دادن چندین صدا، قرار دادن یک
صدا به چپ یا راست در فضای استریو و پخش یک صدا در یک حلقه است.
ویراستاران: Dave Raggett، Daniel Glazman
آزمایش ها
پس زمینه ها و حاشیه ها رنگ ها و تصاویر پس زمینه و
سبک حاشیه ها را توصیف می کند. عملکرد جدید شامل قابلیت کشش تصویر
پسزمینه، استفاده از تصاویر برای حاشیهها، گرد کردن گوشههای جعبه و
افزودن یک سایه جعبه در خارج از حاشیه است.
ویراستاران: Bert Bos، Elika J.
پسزمینهها و مرزها سطح 4 مخزنی برای ویژگیهای
پیشنهادی برای سطح بعدی ماژول پسزمینه و
مرزها است. اگر (برخی از) آن ویژگی ها حفظ شوند، ماژول در نهایت
جایگزین ماژول سطح 3 می شود. هنوز هیچ پیشنویسی منتشر نشده است، اما
ویژگیهای مورد انتظار در حال حاضر شامل شکلهای گوشه، موقعیتهای
پسزمینه نسبی با حالت نوشتن (برای چرخش خودکار، آینه و/یا قرار دادن
یک پسزمینه بسته به اینکه آیا عنصر مورد نظر شامل عمودی، راست به چپ
یا عمودی باشد یا نه). متن از چپ به راست)، و حاشیههای جزئی (بریدن
بخشهایی از لبه).
ویراستاران: Bert Bos، Elika J.
Etemad، Brad Kemper، Lea Verou
رابط کاربری پایه دارای ویژگی هایی برای استایل دادن
به برخی از جنبه های تعاملی و پویا صفحات وب است: ظاهر عناصر فرم در
حالت های مختلف و مکان نماها و رنگ های بیشتر برای توصیف رابط کاربری
گرافیکی (رابط کاربری گرافیکی) که به خوبی با محیط دسکتاپ کاربر ترکیب
می شود.
ویراستاران: Tantek Çelik
Box Model طرح بندی محتوای
سطح بلوک را در جریان عادی توصیف می کند. وقتی اسناد بر روی رسانه های
بصری (مانند صفحه یا کاغذ) چیده می شوند، CSS عناصر سند را به صورت
جعبه های مستطیلی نشان می دهد که یکی پس از دیگری چیده شده اند یا به
ترتیبی که جریان نامیده می شود در داخل یکدیگر قرار
گرفته اند. جریان می تواند افقی (معمولی برای اکثر زبان ها) یا عمودی
(اغلب برای ژاپنی و چینی استفاده می شود).
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad، Bert Bos
Box Model طرح بندی محتوای
سطح بلوک را در جریان عادی توصیف می کند. سطح 4 سطح 3 را با روشی برای
سرکوب خودکار حاشیه اولین یا آخرین عنصر در داخل یک خط یا یک بلوک
گسترش می دهد (که اغلب در غیر این صورت امکان پذیر نیست، زیرا همیشه
راهی برای دانستن اینکه کدام عنصر در لبه می افتد وجود ندارد).
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad
CSS Extended Box Model
Extended Box Model کنترل
بیشتری بر موقعیت شناورها و اندازه جعبه ها فراهم می کند.
ویراستاران: Bert Bos
Marquee حاوی ویژگی هایی است که سرعت و جهت اثر
“marquee” را کنترل می کند. Marquees یک مکانیسم اسکرول است که نیازی
به دخالت کاربر ندارد: محتوای سرریز به خودی خود به داخل و خارج از
دید حرکت می کند. Marquee بیشتر در تلفن های همراه استفاده می شود.
(تا آوریل 2008 ویژگی های خیمه شب بازی بخشی از ماژول Box module. بود.)
ویراستاران: Bert Bos
آبشاری و وراثت چگونگی تخصیص مقادیر به خواص را
توصیف می کند. CSS به چندین شیوه نامه اجازه می دهد تا بر رندر یک سند
تأثیر بگذارد، و فرآیند ترکیب این شیوه نامه ها "Cascading" نامیده می
شود. اگر هیچ مقداری از طریق cascading یافت نشد، می توان یک مقدار را
از عنصر والد یا مقدار اولیه ویژگی به ارث برد. استفاده می شود.
همچنین، ماژول توضیح میدهد که چگونه «مقادیر مشخص شده»، که همان چیزی
است که یک شیوه نامه حاوی است، به «مقادیر محاسبهشده» و «مقادیر
واقعی» پردازش میشوند.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad، Tab Atkins Jr.، Håkon
Wium Lie
در مقایسه با سطح 3, سطح 4 یک کلمه کلیدی
«پیشفرض» را اضافه میکند تا ترتیب عادی آبشار و ارث را نادیده
بگیرد، و امکان واجد شرایط شدن قانون «@import» را نه تنها با یک Media Query, بلکه با یک «supports()» نیز
اضافه میکند. بند (برای جزئیات آن، قوانین
مشروط CSS). را ببینید).
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Tab Atkins Jr.
Cascading and
Inheritance Level 5 extends level 4 with the ability to classify style sheets into into an arbitrary
number of ‘layers’: base layers and override layers. This makes it
easier to re-use style sheets and add local overrides, without the
need for '!important' or very specific selectors.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Miriam E. Suzanne، Tab Atkins Jr.
Cascading and
Inheritance Level 6 extends level 5 with ‘scoped styles’, a way to group style rules that apply to
the same part of a document.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Miriam E. Suzanne، Tab Atkins Jr.
specifies the color-related aspects of CSS, including transparency
and the various notations for the <color>
value type.
ویراستاران: L. David Baron، Tantek Çelik، Chris Lilley
Color Module Level 4 extends Color level 3. It defines various color
notations, including RGB, HSL, hexadecimal, named colors, HWB, Lab,
LCH and relative colors ('color-mod'). It defines the 'color' and
'opacity' properties. And it provides ways to work in color spaces
other than the default sRGB.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.، Chris Lilley، Lea Verou، L. David Baron
contains the properties to select fonts, as well as properties for
font ‘adjustments,’ such as glyph variants (e.g., swash letters,
small caps, oldstyle digits), and kerning. Font selection is
identical to the similar section in CSS2. The font adjustment
properties are new to level 3. The module also contains the
@font-face rule for downloadable fonts, which was previously in a
separate module.
The module will eventually be replaced by the larger Fonts level 4
ویراستاران: John Daggett، Paul Nelson، Jason Cranford Teague، Michel Suignard، Chris Lilley
Content for Paged Media contains advanced properties for
printing, beyond what the Paged Media module provides. It has
properties for creating footnotes, cross references ("see section X
on page Y") and constructing running headers from section titles.
ویراستاران: Håkon Wium Lie
Page Floats was split off from Generated Content for Paged
Media. It contains properties to float elements to the top,
bottom or side of a page in paginated renderings, and to float
elements to particular positions with text wrapping at both sides.
ویراستاران: Johannes Wilm، Håkon Wium Lie
Generated and
Replaced Content defines how to put content before, after,
or in place of an element. The content can be text or an external
object, such as an image. E.g., when a document contains an element
that links to an image, it is this module that allows a designer to
choose whether the image is shown in place of the element or not.
(The computation of the size of replaced elements is
defined in the CSS Image Values module.)
ویراستاران: Ian Hickson
Presentation deals with the various ways hyperlinks can be
presented. CSS1 already provided the ':visited' and ':link'
pseudo-classes to select hyperlinks. This module will provide
properties to control which hyperlinks are active and where the
target is shown when the user traverses the link (e.g., in a new
window or in-line in the current document). Note that not all links
have to be presented as hyperlinks; some may be handled as replaced
elements (see the Generated and replaced
content module) and some are outside the scope of CSS (such as
links to scripts, namespace definitions, P3P policies, etc.)
ویراستاران: Tantek Çelik، Bert
Bos، Daniel Glazman
The Introduction has been dropped and replaced by a series of
Notes called the ‘CSS Snapshots.’ See,
e.g., the Snapshot 2010 for a
ویراستاران: Håkon Wium Lie، Eric A. Meyer، Bert Bos
contains the properties for styling lists, in particular various
types of bullets and numbering systems.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.، Shinyu Murakami، Ian Hickson
CSS Math
Math is a
proposed module for properties targeted at styling mathematical
formulas, building on on the layout model of the ‘presentational’
elements of MathML. It is currently not
being worked on.
ویراستاران: -
Layout contains properties to flow content into
flexibly-defined columns.
ویراستاران: Håkon Wium Lie
XML-based formats can use “namespaces” to
distinguish multiple uses of the same element name from each other,
and this draft explains how CSS selectors can be extended to select
those elements based on their “namespace” as well as their local
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad، Anne van Kesteren، Chris Lilley، Peter Linss
The DOM specifies the functions that are found
in several programming libraries (and browsers) to manipulate HTML,
XML & CSS documents. Programmers can call them from their programs
rather than write their own. Some of those functions deal with
adding & deleting rules and changing properties in CSS style
sheets. These APIs form the CSS
Object Model or CSS-OM. They are useful for stand-alone programs as well as for scripts
and applets. DOM level 2 contains two chapters on the CSS-OM (CSS
Object Model) and the CSS WG will develop a level 3 CSS-OM.
ویراستاران: Anne van Kesteren
The APIs introduced by this specification
provide authors with a way to inspect and manipulate the view
information of a document. This includes getting the position of
element layout boxes, obtaining the width of the viewport through
script, and also scrolling an element.
ویراستاران: Anne van Kesteren
Paged Media extends the properties that CSS2 already had with new ones to
control such things as running headers and footers and page
ویراستاران: Melinda Grant، Elika J. Etemad، Håkon Wium Lie، Simon Sapin، Jim Bigelow
CSS Positioned
Layout defines one of several ways in CSS to layout parts of
a document. It contains properties to position an element at a
fixed position relative to other positioned elements, to offset
elements from their normal position, and to position them at a
fixed position on a page. A 'z-index' property defines whether
elements are in front of or behind other elements at the same
ویراستاران: Arron Eicholz
Levels introduces a way to step forward and backward through
multiple renderings of the same document, which is especially
useful for slide show presentations (highlight list items one at a
time) and outline views (show more or less detail). The model is
that each element has a presentation level and three styles (three
states): one for when the browser is at a lower presentation level,
one for an exact match and one when the browser's presentation
level is above that of the element. The browser must offer the user
an easy way to increase and decrease the browser's level.
ویراستاران: Håkon Wium Lie
This module was dropped in March 2008. The keyword 'reader' is a media type for use in Media Queries
(similar to 'screen', 'print', 'projection', etc.). Devices that
might choose to apply rules inside '@media reader' are devices like
screen readers, that display a page on screen and speak it at the
same time, or display the page and simultaneously render it on a
dynamic braille device. The properties that apply to this media
type are therefore the combination of the properties for screen,
speech and braille.
ویراستاران: Bert Bos
describes CSS properties to manipulate the position of "ruby",
which are small annotations on top of or next to words, especially
common in Chinese and Japanese. They are often used to give the
pronunciation or meaning of difficult ideograms.
ویراستاران: Richard Ishida، Paul Nelson، Michel Suignard
The CSS Scoping
module level 1 defines the CSS counterpart to HTML5's scoped
styles, mechanisms for styling pseudo-elements (‘regions’) and
selectors for the ‘shadow DOM.’
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.، Elika Etemad
Grid Layout allows to set up a flexible design
grid for an element so that the descendants of the element can be
positioned relative to that grid and thereby be aligned to each
other in two dimensions. Areas of the grid can be assigned names
both for ease of use and to create a level of indirection that
facilitates reordering of elements. Like the other grid/template
modules, this module builds on frame-based
layout ideas that started in 1996 and produced, among other
things absolute positioning in CSS level 2. The Grid Layout module
thus has a large overlap with Multi-column
Layout, Template Layout, Flexible Box Layout, Grid
Positioning, and Regions, but doesn't
replace them. It is expected, however, that the six modules can
eventually be condensed to just three: Multi-column, Flexible Box,
and a third one for grids/templates/regions.
ویراستاران: Alex
Mogilevsky، Phil
Cupp، Markus
Mielke، Daniel
Glazman، Tab Atkins Jr.، Elika J.
Etemad / fantasai، Rossen Atanassov
Level 2 of the Grid Layout module extends the
capabilities of the grid, in particular with the ability to make
descendant elements of a grid element other than direct children
into grid items.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.، Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Rossen Atanassov
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr., Elika J. Etemad /
fantasai, Jen Simmons, Brandon Stewart
‘Regions’ is the collective name for a some
kinds of areas on the canvas, which can be selected by
pseudo-elements. Regions are created by certain other modules, such
as Paged Media (which creates regions
called ‘margin boxes’), Selectors (which
creates, e.g., the '::first-line' region) and Grid Template Layout (which creates ‘slots’).
The Regions module defines two kinds of things you can do with regions: Some
kinds of regions can be chained together and content flowed into
them, such that text that is too long for one region doesn't
overflow, but automatically continues in another region; and,
secondly, content can be styled based on what region it ends up in.
E.g., a paragraph that flows into two regions can have bold text in
the first region and normal text in the second, even though there
is no element boundary.
ویراستاران: Vincent Hardy، Rossen Atanassov، Alan Stearns
contains properties to specify how a document is rendered by a
speech synthesizer: volume, voice, speed, pitch, cues, pauses, etc.
There was already an ACSS (Aural CSS) module in CSS2, but it was
never correctly implemented and it was not compatible with the Speech Synthesis
Markup Language (SSML), W3C's language for controling speech
synthesizers. The ACSS module of CSS2 has therefore been split in
two parts: speech (for actual speech, compatible with SSML) and audio (for sound effects on other devices). The
speech properties in level 3 will be similar to those in level 2,
but have different values. (The old properties can still be used
with the deprecated 'aural' media type, but the new ones should be
used inside the new 'speech' medium, as well as in style sheets for
'all' media.)
ویراستاران: Daniel Weck، Dave Raggett، Claudio Santambrogio، Daniel Glazman
The syntax of CSS rules in HTML's ‘style’
attribute is strictly speaking not part of CSS, but is mentioned
here, because it is produced by the CSS working group. It was made
necessary, because XHTML 1.0, in contrast to HTML 4.0, doesn't
define the syntax of CSS rules in its style attribute. However, the
specification is valid for all similar attributes (e.g., those in
SVG), not just for HTML.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad، Tantek Çelik، Bert
Bos، Marc
contains the generic (forward-compatible) grammar that all levels
of CSS adhere to. Every property also has restrictions on the
syntax of its value, but those can be found in the other CSS
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.، Simon Sapin، L. David
CSS Tables Module
describes the layout of tables: rows, columns, cells and captions,
with their borders and alignments. The model in level 3 will
probably not have anything new compared to level 2, but it will be
described in more detail.
ویراستاران: Francois Remy، Greg
contains the text-related properties of CSS2 (justification, text
wrapping, etc.) plus several new properties, many for dealing with
text in different languages and scripts (line breaking, kashida,
hyphenation, etc.). It includes (and replaces) the proposal in the
International layout draft. Also see the Line module for things
like vertical alignment within a line, line height calculation and
styles for first-line/first-letter. The Text module reached CR
status in 2003, but very little was implemented. Some common
typography required too many properties, while many combinations of
values were not useful. The rewrite started in 2004 and should
result in the same functionality, but with fewer properties and
better defaults. The Text module has been split into four parts:
Text, Writing Modes, Line Grid and Text
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad، Koji Ishii، Shinyu
Murakami، Paul
Nelson، Michel
Suignard، Chris
Modes (previously: Text Layout) describes the properties
that control text direction: horizontal lines of text that are
stacked from top to bottom (normal for most languages), vertical
lines of text that are stacked from right to left (often used for
Japanese), or vertical lines that stack from left to right
(Mongolian). It also describes the order of letters inside the line
(bi-directionality) and the rotation that may occur for certain
letters inside vertical text.
ویراستاران: Elika Etemad / fantasai،
Koji Ishii، Shinyu
Murakami، Paul Nelson، Michel Suignard
Level 4 expands level 3 with a few extra
features, such as 'sideways-lr/sideways-rl', combining digits
horizontally inside vertical text, and automatically putting text
in columns when the text is orthogonal (vertical or horizontal) to
the surrounding text (horizontal or vertical). 'Sideways-lr' and
'sideways-rl' are alternative vertical writing modes that are very
useful for writing text vertically in scripts that are normally
horizontal, e.g., to write English text on book spines or along the
edge of a page.
ویراستاران: Elika Etemad / fantasai،
Koji Ishii
The CSS Line
Grid module level 1 defines properties to make it easier to
align the lines in side-by-side column or on the two sides of a
sheet of paper, despite images or headings that interrupt the
regular grid. It also defines mechanisms to align letters
vertically in a series of lines, which is a common design in
ideographic scripts, such as Japanese. (These feature were
previously part of the Writing Modes.)
ویراستاران: Elika Etemad، Koji
Ishii، Alan Stearns
Values and
Units describes the common values and units that CSS
properties accept.
ویراستاران: Håkon Wium Lie، Tab Atkins، fantasai، Chris
Values and
Units describes the common values and units that CSS
properties accept. Compared to level 3,
this level has a few more units and more arithmetical operations.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins، fantasai،
Values and Units
describes the common values and units that CSS properties accept.
Compared to level 4, this level adds
values that depend on the relative nesting level and a way to copy
attribute values into property values.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins, Elika J. Etemad /
fantasai, Miriam E. Suzanne
The Web
Fonts module has been merged with the Fonts module. Web Fonts allows downloading fonts for
use with a document. The technology is also included in SVG and,
conversely, one can create fonts for download in SVG. Previously,
this functionality was part of CSS level 2, but with the revison of
level 2, it has been moved to level 3.
ویراستاران: John Daggett، Chris Lilley، Michel Suignard
Extensions to CSS defines the 'binding' property for XBL. The property was
called 'behavior' in the first draft. That draft contained a number
of other proposals that are no longer pursued. (To some extent,
they have been replaced by XBL.)
ویراستاران: Ian Hickson
The Flexible Box
Layout Module defines the 'flex' and 'inline-flex' keywords
for the 'display' property, which cause an element to be displayed
as either a column or a row of child elements. Additional
properties determine the order of the child boxes (left to right,
bottom to top, etc.) and how space is distributed over the children
and the spaces between them. The module is primarily intended for
forcing rows of controls in a GUI to equal height
or width.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.، Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Rossen Atanassov،
Alex Mogilevsky،
L. David Baron،
Neil Deakin، Ian Hickson، David Hyatt
The CSS Images
Module defines how properties can refer to images by URL.
All properties that can take images as a value, such as
'background-image' and 'list-style-image', use this syntax. It also
defines color gradients. as a built-in image type.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad، Tab Atkins Jr.
The Images defines how properties can refer to images by URL. All properties
that can take images as a value, such as 'background-image' and
'list-style-image', use this syntax. It also defines color
gradients. The level-4 module extends the level-3 module of the same name with, among other things
conic color gradients.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.، Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Lea Verou
Fragmentation Module defines properties to force or avoid
page and column breaks. It combines features that were previously
in two different specifications, CSS Paged
Media and Multi-column Layout.
ویراستاران: Rossen Atanassov، Elika J. Etemad / fantasai
Fragmentation Module Level 4 extends Level 3 with
control over margins at page breaks and other enhancements.
ویراستاران: Rossen Atanassov، Elika J. Etemad / fantasai
The Transitions
Module defines a property to animate the transitions between
pseudo-classes (e.g., when an element enters or leaves the ':hover'
state). During a given delay, certain property values gradually
change from the old value to the new, rather than instantaneously,
as in level 2.
ویراستاران: Dean Jackson، David
Hyatt، Chris Marrin، Sylvain
Galineau، L. David Baron
ویراستاران: L. David Baron, Brian Birtles
The Animations
Module specifies which properties change their values during
an animation, what values they take successively, and during how
much time. It does not define what causes a particular animation to
start, only what happens during one. (Compare this to the Transitions module, which also animates
properties, but between state changes, i.e., pseudo-classes.)
ویراستاران: Dean Jackson، David
Hyatt، Chris Marrin
ویراستاران: L. David Baron، Brian Birtles
Animations is a joint specification by the CSS and SVG
workng groups. CSS Transitions, CSS Animations and SVG all provide mechanisms that generate animated content on a Web
page. Although the three specifications provide many similar
features, they are described in different terms. This specification
proposes an abstract animation model that encompasses the common
features of all three specifications. This model is
backwards-compatible with the current behavior of these
specifications such that they can be defined in terms of this model
without any observable change.
ویراستاران: Brian Birtles، Shane Stephens، Alex Danilo، Tab
ویراستاران: Brian Birtles، Robert Flack
CSS Mobile
Profile describes a subset of CSS that is suitable for
handheld devices, such as mobile phones. This profile further fills
in the 'handheld' media type.
ویراستاران: Svante Schubert، Robin Berjon، Ted Wugofski، Doug Dominiak، Peter Stark، Tapas Roy
CSS Print
Profile describes a subset of CSS that is suitable for
documents printed on low-cost printers. It is a companion to the XHTML Print Profile.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad، Melinda Grant، Jim
profile describes a subset of CSS that is suitable for
documents displayed on TV sets, including text documents that are
broadcast over digital TV.
ویراستاران: Glenn Adams، Tantek
Çelik، Sean Hayes، Håkon Wium Lie
CSS Conditional
Rules defines a number of ways to make style rules depend on
factors outside the document, such as the output media ('@media',
for the most part already in level 2), the capabilities of the user
agent, and the URL of the document.
ویراستاران: L. David Baron
CSS Viewport
Level 1 (formerly ‘CSS Device Adaptation’) defines the
effect of the <META NAME=VIEWPORT> element that may occur in
HTML5 documents. On certain devices, that element influences the
size of the initial containing block and the mapping of
CSS units ('px', 'cm', 'pt', etc.) to real units.
The initial containing block is a hypothetical
rectangle in the CSS rendering model that defines the (0,0)
position and the meaning of percentages on the root element. On
devices with a screen it is normally equal to the viewport (i.e., the window on which the document is drawn). But, for
historical reasons, some devices use an initial containing block
that is bigger than the viewport. Typically, this is the case on
mobile phones and tablets that are less than about 1000px wide.
Such devices also scale the CSS units by the ratio of the viewport
and the initial containing block, which makes the units smaller
than recommended by CSS. The <META> element can override the
size of the initial containing block and it can define an explicit
zoom factor to change the size of the CSS units.
Most commonly, the <META< element is used
to tell mobile phones to make the initial containing block equal to
the viewport. That looks like this:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
ویراستاران: Florian Rivoal, Emilio Cobos Álvarez,
Matt Rakow, Rune Lillesveen, Ryan Betts, Øyvind Stenhaug
Exclusions defines properties to set on positioned elements
so that they act as ‘exclusions’ and cause text to wrap around
themselves, similar to how text wraps around floating elements.
ویراستاران: Vincent Hardy، Rossen Atanassov، Alan Stearns
CSS Shapes defines properties to assign a shape (circle, polygon, or
arbitrary image) to a CSS box, so that the lengths of the lines
inside the box are determined by that shape, rather than by the
box's margins. The shape can also be used on floating elements to
define how the text outside the float wraps around it.
ویراستاران: Vincent Hardy، Rossen Atanassov، Alan Stearns
Compositing and
Blending allows boxes not only to be opaque or
semi-transparent, but also to combine with underlying boxes in
other ways (color difference, color mask, color shift, etc.) for
various effects. This module is made in cooperation with SVG.
ویراستاران: Rik Cabanier
Effects allows graphics filters to be applied to an element
(after it has been rendered, but before it has been composited, see
Compositing and Blending). Filters can
blur an element, add a shadow, modify colors, increase contrast,
add a ‘texture,’ etc. The module defines a number of common
graphics effects, but also allows to use filters written in OpenGL
(OpenGL ES Shading Language). This module is made in cooperation
with SVG.
ویراستاران: Vincent Hardy، Dean
Jackson، Erik Dahlström
CSS Masking provides two means for partially or fully hiding portions of
visual elements: masking and clipping. Masking describes how to use
another graphical element or image as a luminance or alpha mask.
Clipping describes the visible region of visual elements. This
module defines features both for CSS and for SVG.
ویراستاران: Dirk Schulze، Brian
Birtles، Tab Atkins Jr.
The anonymous box that encloses the content of a
table cell or a grid
slot, and the one or more boxes inside a flexbox have in common that they can all be aligned to each
of the four edges of their container, or centered between those
edges. If the flexbox contains several boxes, they can also be
spread out (‘justified’) between two edges. The Box Alignment module defines
various properties for such alignments. It is under investigation
if the properties can be extended to apply to boxes in other
contexts, in particular to the normal flow. That would allow, e.g.,
the content of a floating box to be aligned to the bottom of the
float, similar to how 'vertical-align: bottom' aligns the content
of a table cell. Another possible addition is control over
alignment by means of flexible margins (like 'margin: auto' without
its limitations).
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Tab Atkins Jr.
The Text Decoration module defines the
properties that control the style and position of various
decorations around text, usually to emphasize it, and that do not
affect the layout of the text itself: 'text-decoration' (underline,
overline, blink, etc.), 'text-emphasis' (East Asian emphasis marks
on top of ideographs) and 'text-shadow'. These properties were
previously in the Text module.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad، Koji Ishii
Level 4 of the Text Decoration module extends
level 3 with more control over various aspects of the decoration,
such as the style and position of underlines.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad، Koji Ishii
The sizing module defines keywords for use on
the 'width' and 'height' properties to specify that the size of an
element should be as narrow as possible or as wide as possible,
rather than the width inherited from the element's parent. These
keywords are split off from the definition of 'width' and 'height'
in the Basic Box Model and will probably be
merged back into that module at a later date.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins، Elika
J. Etemad / fantasai
Level 4 extends level 3
with more keywords to select different algoriths to determine the
size of a box, and also defines an ‘aspect-ratio’ property to give
boxes a fixed width to height ratio, whatever their size.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins، Elika
J. Etemad / fantasai، Jen Simmons
The Counter Styles module defines
the '@counter-styles' rule with which authors can define their own
numbering styles for lists, section headings, figures, etc. The
numbering styles from level 2 are predefined. They include decimal
(1, 2, 3, 4…), upper-roman (I, II, III, IV…), lower-alpha (a, b, c,
d…), etc, as well as some styles for bullet lists, such as disc
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.
The Cascading variables module
allows arbitrary data (name/value pairs) to be associated with
elements. The data is in the form of properties of the form
'--NAME: VALUE'. The properties are inherited. They can be accessed
through the DOM and also referred to in other properties (on the
same element or in descendant elements) via the 'var(--NAME)'
functional notation.
ویراستاران: Luke Macpherson، Tab Atkins Jr.، Daniel Glazman
The CSS overflow
module level 3 defines the 'overflow' property, which
specifies how text is treated that is too wide or too tall for its
box. The text can be left to overflow, be clipped or scroll. See
the CSS marquee module for different
scrolling mechanisms and the CSS
fragmentation module level 3 for control over how the text is
broken into pages.
ویراستاران: L. David Baron
The CSS overflow
module level 4 extends the level-3 module with a mechanism
to break a box into multiple pages with either one page showing or
all pages showing at the same time. A pseudo-element allows to
select the individual pages and apply some style to them.
ویراستاران: L. David Baron، Florian Rivoal
The CSS Display
module level 3 redefines the 'display' property as a
shorthand for three other properties, each for a more or less
independent aspect of the 'display' property: whether the element
starts a new block or continues inline; how the contents of the
element are laid out; and whether the element has a label on the
side. The module also defines a new property that does the same as
'display: none' (i.e., do not display or speak the element). These
low-level properties are expected to be useful mostly in scripts.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.
The CSS Font
Loading module level 3 defines a part of the DOM API for the
'@font-face' rule of CSS. In particular, it defines methods to
allow a script to explicitly load a font (e.g., to load it earlier
than the renderer would load it by itself) and be informed when a
font is loaded.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.
The CSS Will
Change Module Level 1 allows an author to give hints to the
renderer about which elements are likely to change style in some
way (e.g., because of animations or transitions) and where speed is
critical. This may help a renderer to decide where it should do
some work ahead of time.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins Jr.
Selectors Module Level 1 defines selectors for other kinds
of nodes in a tree-structured document than elements. In
particular, it provides ways to select attributes of elements.
These selectors have no effect in CSS, as CSS
only styles elements. They are meant for other contexts where
selectors are used to select parts of a tree, such as the Selectors
API and ITS 2.0. They thus provide an alternative to XPath, when
XPath is not usable or not desired.
ویراستاران: Jirka Kosek، Tab
Atkins Jr.
Interfaces defines APIs for scripts that manipulate points,
rectangles, quadrilaterals and transformation matrices.
ویراستاران: Simon Pieters، Dirk
Schulze، Rik Cabanier
Fullscreen is no longer being developed. It contained a proposal for an API
and some CSS selectors to style elements that are shown maximized
on a screen.
ویراستاران: Anne van Kesteren، Tantek Çelik
The CSS Inline Layout
Module describes the layout within a line and the stacking
of lines, and also the styling of drop caps. It replaces the CSS Line Layout module.
ویراستاران: Dave Cramer، Elika
J. Etemad / fantasai، Steve Zilles
The CSS Pseudo-Elements
Module defines various pseudo-elements, i.e., parts of
documents that correspond to something rendered, but not directly
to an element in the source document. A number of them were already
defined in CSS2 (::first-line
, ::first-letter
, etc.), a few others are new, such as ::selection
(selected text) and ::placeholder
(placeholder text in an input element).
The Selectors module
describes how to use pseudo-elements as part of selectors.
ویراستاران: Daniel Glazman، Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Alan Stearns
The Motion Path
Module defines an additional way to set the position and
rotation of absolutely positioned elements. The position is given
by a trajectory (an SVG shape) and an offset along that trajectory
between 0 and 100%. In combination with animations, the offset can
also be animated.
This module is joint work by the SVG and CSS
working groups.
ویراستاران: Dirk Schulze، Shane
The CSS Scroll Snap Module defines
properties to control some aspects of scrolling of an overflowing
element: when scrolling with a mouse or similar device, the element
can be made to "snap’ to particular positions, e.g., the first line
of a child element or the center of an image. These snap points can
be either by proximity (the element snaps to a position only when
the scrolling action ended close to that position) or mandatory
(the element always snaps to the nearest snap point when the
scrolling action ends).
ویراستاران: Matt Rakow، Jacob
Rossi، Tab Atkins-Bittner، Elika J.
Etemad / fantasai
The CSS Round
Display module defines new properties and new keywords for
existing properties to better handle circular or rounded viewports.
It includes, among other things, media queries to select style
rules based on the shape of the viewport and polar coordinates for
absolute positioning.
ویراستاران: Hyojin Song، Jihye
The CSS Basic User
Interface Module describes CSS properties and values to
style basic user interface elements. It includes and extends CSS Basic User Interface level 3 with, among other
things, properties to style the insertion caret.
ویراستاران: Florian Rivoal
The CSS Text Module
level 4 includes and extends CSS Text
Module level 3. It defines line breaking, justification and
alignment, white space handling and text transformations.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Koji Ishii، Alan Stearns
The specifications by the Houdini Task Force (a joint
task force of the CSS WG and the TAG) aim to specify low-level access to a CSS rendering engine such
as found in a typical browser, including, e.g., the CSS parser, the
box model, font loading, overflow handling and scrolling. An
application that uses such a CSS engine can thus override or extend
certain of its features.
The CSS Painting API Level 1 is one
of those specifications and defines an API to hook into the
functions that paint a CSS box on the screen, including its
background, borders and content. It can be used, e.g., to paint a
background given by an algorithm rather than an image.
ویراستاران: Shane Stephens، Ian
Kilpatrick، Dean Jackson
The CSS Properties and Values API
Level 1 is part of the Houdini
specifications. It defines an API to register new properties
with the CSS engine. In contrast to the Custom properties module (which allows to define properties
in a declarative way), the API allows properties with special
syntaxes and properties that do not inherit.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins، Shane
Stephens، Daniel Glazman، Alan
Stearns، Elliot Sprehn، Greg
The CSS Typed OM Level 1 is part of
the Houdini specifications. It defines an
API to access property values in the CSS Object Model in efficient
ways, i.e., typically as numbers rather than as strings.
ویراستاران: Shane Stephens
The Worklets Level 1 is part of the
Houdini specifications. It defines an API
to insert JavaScript code into the rendering pipeline.
ویراستاران: Ian Kilpatrick
The CSS Layout API Level 1 is part
of the Houdini specifications. It defines
a JavaScript API to attach scripts that react to computed style and
box tree changes.
ویراستاران: Greg Whitworth، Ian
Kilpatrick، Tab Atkins-Bittner، Shane
Stephens، Robert O'Callahan، Rossen
Fonts Module Level 4 extends Fonts level 3. It adds support for, among other
things, colored fonts, variable fonts and emoji.
ویراستاران: John Daggett، Myles
C. Maxfield
Fonts Module Level 5 extends Fonts level 4 with more precise control
over font selectton and font substitution (fallback fonts), such as
an enhanced 'font-size-adjust' property.
ویراستاران: Myles C. Maxfield، Chris Lilley
CSS Rhythmic Sizing Level 1
provides a property to force the distance between lines, which is
normally set by the line height, to be rounded to a multiple of a
given value. This allows lines to remain aligned to a fixed grid,
even if there are occasional lines that need more space (e.g.,
because they contain a mathematical formula or an inline image).
This module is a possible complement to the Line Grid module.
ویراستاران: Koji Ishii، Elika
J. Etemad / fantasai
The Fill and
Stroke Module defines properties to set the colors and fill
patterns of SVG shapes and of text. The CSS syntax allows SVG
shapes to be styled with an (external) style sheet, instead of with
attributes on each shape itself. ‘Filling’ refers to the inside of
the shapes, ‘stroke’ to the edges. Both can be simple colors, but
also patterns, gradients or images.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Tab Atkins-Bittner
The Containment
Module provides a property 'contain' that is especially
useful in highly dynamic GUIs: It declares that an element does not influence the
rendering of other elements outside itself and does not paint
outside its own box. That means the element can be added and
removed very quickly, without having to recalculate the style of
other elements. E.g., such an element does not increase the size of
its parent and does not increment any list counters.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins، Florian
The 2nd level of the Containment Module extends Containment level 1 with additional values for the 'contain'
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins، Florian
Level 3 extends level 2. It
introduces the concept of ‘container queries’, which allow style
rules to be written that only apply if an element has a given size,
or certain other characteristics.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins، Florian
Rivoal، Miriam E. Suzanne
Animations and transitions use timing functions to
specify how the speed of an animation varies over the duration of
the animation. (Animation refer to them as ‘easing functions’,
hence the name of the module.) The most common kinds are
predefined. But it is possible to define others, including some
that overshoot their target for a bouncing effect. This module
defines the possible values for all timing properties.
ویراستاران: Brian Birtles، Dean
Jackson، Matt Rakow، Shane Stephens
ویراستاران: Brian Birtles, Dean Jackson, Tab
Atkins Jr., Chris Lilley
The Logical
Properties and Values Module provides ways to set properties
indirectly, depending on the direction and writing mode of the
element or its containing block. E.g., setting
'margin-inline-start' indirectly sets one of the four margin
properties (margin-top, -right, -bottom or -left), depending on
whether the element's text is written left to right, right to left,
top to bottm or bottom to top. This is useful in simple, generic
style sheets, such as User Agent style sheets, but can occasionally
also shorten styles for documents that mix left-to-right and
right-to-left text, in particular for elements whose layouts for
right-to-left and left-to-right text are (mostly) mirror images.
ویراستاران: Rossen Atanassov، Elika J. Etemad / fantasai
The CSS Shadow
Parts module defines the selector syntax (viz., the
pseudo-element ‘::part()’) to select the ‘parts’ of a ‘shadow
CSS knows about ‘replaced elements’, elements in
a document that do not display their own content, but are replaced
by some other object, such as an image or a ‘shadow tree’. A shadow
tree is an object that, typically, has one or more configurable
aspects, called ‘parts’, that are configured by setting CSS
properties on them. E.g., the shadow tree may represent a calendar
or an embedded video player and it may be possible to configure the
background color or the font on some buttons. What parts exist (and
what their name is), which properties apply to them and what their
precise effect is depends on the object. This module of CSS defines
how to write selectors that select such a part. (See also CSS Scoping.)
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins-Bittner، Fergal Daly
The specification CSS Spatial Navigation Level 1 defines a general model for
directional navigation: up, down, left, right, within a group or
across groups of elements; and it defines JavaScript functions and
events that implement that model. It does not define what
keypresses or other physical action cause those events. That
depends on the User Agent.
The CSS Basic User
Interface Module defines properties that help specify what is
considered up, left, etc.
ویراستاران: Jihye Hong، Florian
The CSS Color
Adjust module defines ways for an author to adapt a style to
the user's color scheme, and in particular to a ‘light’ color
scheme (i.e., dark text on a light background), a ‘dark’ scheme
(i.e., light text on a dark background) or a printer-friendly
scheme (i.e., using less ink). A Media
Query allows to know if the system has a specific color scheme
and a property allows to set the initial values of color and
background to those from the system's scheme.
The module also defines how a user can force a
color scheme on a page (for accessibility reasons) and how an
author can adapt the style to such a forced scheme.
The Color module
defines keywords representing system colors. They are deprecated,
but they also follow the system's color scheme.
ویراستاران: Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Rossen Atanassov، Rune Lillesveen،
Tab Atkins Jr.
Worklet API defines two APIs to create animations in
JavaScript. The code for such animations can be run in a separate
thread (background process), so that the main thread is not
interrupted or can be given priority.
ویراستاران: Majid Valipour، Robert Flack، Stephen McGruer
Observer defines an API for scripts that need to react to
changes in an element's size.
ویراستاران: Aleks Totic، Greg
Level 5 expands Color Level 4
with notations for relative colors: colors in between other colors,
colors that are lighter or darker than a given color, or
ویراستاران: Chris Lilley، Una
Kravets، Lea Verou، Adam Argyle
Rules Level 5 extends Conditional
Rules Level 4. It defines how to combine media queries and
@supports rules and adds an ‘@else’ group to implicitly negate
media queries and @supports rules.
It also makes it possible to check for font
features inside conditional rules.
ویراستاران: L. David Baron، Elika J. Etemad / fantasai، Chris Lilley
CSS Custom
Highlight API Level 1 defines a library of functions that
can be called from a script to select (highlight) one or more
ranges of text in a document and assign them a name. It also
defines a CSS selector to style such named ranges of text from a
style sheet.
E.g., if a range of text has been selected by a
script and assigned the name ‘my-key-phrase’, the CSS rule
'::highlight(my-key-phrase) {color: blue}' makes that text blue.
ویراستاران: Florian Rivoal، Sanket Joshi، Megan Gardner
CSS Nesting defines a syntax that avoids having to type (long) selectors
several times. An abbreviation allows the selector of the previous
style rule to be reused in the next style rule.
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins-Bittner، Adam Argyle
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins-Bittner, Jake Archibald,
Khushal Sagar
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins-Bittner, Jake Archibald,
Khushal Sagar
ویراستاران: Tab Atkins-Bittner, Elika J. Etemad /
fantasai, Ian Kilpatrick
Level 1 contains just the most basic properties
of CSS, such as 'margin', 'padding', 'background', 'color' and
'font', with restrictions on the allowed values. It was the first
level of CSS to be completed (in 1996) and matched the capabilities
of implementations of the time. It is currently only of historical
interest; all implementations should be able to support level 2 and
probably large parts of level 3, too.
ویراستاران: Håkon Wium Lie، Bert Bos
Some properties are specifically for styling SVG
(or similar graphics languages) and are defined in the SVG spec,
rather than in a CSS module. They can be used together with other
properties in a style sheet, but usually don't apply to the same
elements. They specify things such as the color of strokes and
fills, and the shape of the ends of strokes.