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Previous: 20 December 2012
This: 24 January 2013
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Agenda of 24 January 2013 TAG Teleconference
Nearby: TAG work plan - Teleconference
details - issues list - open actions - pending review actions - www-tag archive - tag archive
- Convene
- Chair: Noah Mendelsohn, Scribe: Henry Thompson (unconfirmed)
- Regrets: Tim Berners-Lee
- Future regrets: 31 January & 7 (probably), 14, 28 February
- Agenda Review - this agenda
- Next Meeting: 31 Jan. 2013, Chair: Noah Mendelsohn
- Future scribes: Henry Thompson -> Larry Masinter -> Jeni Tennison
- Approve minutes of prior meeting(s)
- Reminder of informal notes from recent discussions:
- Administrative items
- Reminder: dates and location for March F2F are still in flux pending resolution of Tim's schedule
- Polyglot and DOM support of XML
- Goals:
- Decide whether TAG should pursue concerns regarding dropping of support for XML declaration in DOM 4
- Background:
- Carried over from proposed January F2F agenda:
- We had discussion on 13 December 2012 from which the chair has extracted the following notes on probable F2F focus areas (in no particular order)
- TAG future directions: we will likely discuss this several times, especially on Tuesday when our visitors are with us
- ACTION-772: With help from Jeni to propose CR exit criteria for fragids finding Due 2013-01-08 [on Larry Masinter - due 2012-12-20].
- ACTION-773: Line up reviewers for Publishing and Linking and invite to participate in F2F [on Ashok Malhotra - due 2012-12-20].
- ACTION-774: Frame F2F discussion of Privacy by design note, and possible followup up with privacy group. Due: 2013-01-08 [on Peter Linss - due 2012-12-20].
- Topics we tentatively agreed not to discuss include:
- ISSUE-57
- XML/HTML Unification (though we will probably schedule just a few minutes when Norm is with us, to make sure there are no loose ends we are forgetting to resolve...the chair has had a very long-standing action to announce wrapup of this topic)
- TAG focus
- Goals:
- Work toward March F2F at which we will try to refocus the work of the TAG
- Background:
- Pending Review Items:
- Pending review actions in Tracker
- Note especially: ACTION-746: on - Jeni Tennison - Raise a bug on registerContentHandler and registerProtocolHandler to ask for specification of how fragids are handled - Due: 2012-10-30 - PENDING REVIEW (in e-mail Larry Masinter says of this: "I owe Jeni a reply. I could try to answer on the call tomorrow.")
- Overdue Action Items:
- Any other business
Noah Mendelsohn for the TAG
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