My Arms Are WAI Too Short

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ok. The title is a bit of a stretching. WAI stands for Web Accessibility Initiative. My arms are really becoming too short. I love reading. I have 1h30 of commuting in the morning by train and bus, and the same in the evening. I love this precious time in the train that I use for reading. For the last 6 months, I have an issue. I need to put my book farther and farther from me to have a comfortable reading. Yeah! you can say it, I'm getting old. sigh…

The WAI-AGE project has just published a document explaining the needs of older people with Web accessibility needs due to ageing. There is a lot of information in this report.

Depending on the organizations, an older adult is a person who is 50+, 60+ years old. They are not technophobes. Far to be, I know a few older adult persons in my friends, who spend almost more time than me on the Web, searching for information of any kind.

Web Accessibility for Older Users: A Literature Review is a very good read, easy to understand.

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