
万维物联网(Web of Things简称WoT)旨在通过使用和扩展现有标准化Web技术来应对物联网(Internet of Things简称IoT)的碎片化现象。通过提供标准化的元数据和其他可重用的技术构件,W3C WoT能轻松实现跨物联网平台和应用领域的集成。






Web of ThingsWorking group

The Web of Things seeks to counter the fragmentation of the IoT through standard complementing building blocks (e.g., metadata and APIs) that enable easy integration across IoT platforms and application domains. 访问Web of Things Working Group

Web of ThingsInterest group

The mission of the Web of Things Interest Group is to counter the fragmentation of the Internet of Things by complementing available standards through Web technology capable of interconnecting existing Internet of Things platforms, devices, gateways, and cloud services. We aim to reduce costs through the global reach of Web standards, to enable open markets of services, and to unleash the power of the network effect. As a W3C Interest Group, we are seeking to build a deeper understanding of the Web of Things by investigating consumer, industrial, environmental, energy management, and smart city scenarios. This is intended to identify demand for further standards-track work within W3C working groups and to better align with the established W3C liaisons. 访问Web of Things Interest Group

Web Thing ProtocolCommunity group

The mission of this group is to define a common protocol for communicating with connected devices over the web, to enable ad-hoc interoperability on the Web of Things. Deliverables of the group may include use cases, requirements and specifications. The group will collaborate with the W3C Web of Things Interest Group and Working Group to ensure any specifications complement or extend the “Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description” specification. Objectives:
  1. Define a WebSocket sub-protocol for the Web of Things, using the W3C “Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description” data model and operations
  2. Define an HTTP protocol binding for the Web of Things (or support the Web of Things Working Group in defining this protocol binding and ensuring consistency with the WebSocket sub-protocol where appropriate)
  3. Evaluate other potential Web of Things protocol bindings (e.g. CoAP)
See the proposed Community Group Charter for more information. 访问Web Thing Protocol Community Group

Web of ThingsCommunity group

The goal of Web of Things Community Group is to accelerate the community activities around the recommendations and notes published by the WoT Working Group and Interest Group. This group does not publish Specifications. 访问Web of Things Community Group

Web of Things JapaneseCommunity group

The mission of the Web of Things Japanese Community Group includes the following:
  • to facilitate focused discussion in Japanese on the Web of Things specifications and related specifications
  • to gather comments and questions in Japanese about those specifications
  • to collect information about specific use cases in Japanese for technologies defined in those specifications
  • to report the results of its activities as a group back to the Web of Things Working Group/Interest Group, the W3C membership and the Web community.
This group will not publish any specifications. 访问Web of Things Japanese Community Group








W3C 会员

57成员组织参与万维物联网生态系统, 包括:

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Newphoria Corporation
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
OpenLink Software Inc.
Internet Academy


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