Voice Browser Working Group - Former Participants
John Aberdeen
MITRE Corporation
Bartosz Adamczyk
Shyam S. Agrawal
KIIT College Of Engineering, Gurgaon

Dave Anderson
Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories

Paolo Baggia
Nuance Communications, Inc.

Paul Bagshaw
James Barnett
Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories

Emily Bateman
Comverse Technology
Hans Bjurstrom
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Davide Bonardo
Loquendo, S.p.A.
Davide Bonardo
Nuance Communications, Inc.

Jerry Carter
W3C Invited Experts
Jerry Carter
W3C Invited Experts
Skip Cave
Somnath Chandra
Department of Information Technology, Government of India
Wu Chou

Narendra Datar
Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories
Dan Evans
W3C Invited Experts
Max Froumentin
World Wide Web Foundation

Frederic Gavignet
Serguei Golberg
Alan Goldschen
MITRE Corporation
Rob Green
Jeff Hoepfinger
SandCherry, Inc.
Mukul Jain
Jeff Kusnitz
IBM Corporation
Torbjörn Lager
W3C Invited Experts
George LaPallo
Jim Larson
W3C Invited Experts
Alex Lee
Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories
Rob Marchand
Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories

Shuning Pang
China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)
Nixon Patel
Bhrigus Software (India) Private Limited
Dave Pawson
W3C Invited Experts

T.v. Raman
Google LLC
Frank Scahill
Pramod Sharma
Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories
Jp Shipherd
Nuance Communications, Inc.
Glen Shires
Google LLC

Harm-Jan Spier
Ian Sutherland
Oracle Corporation
Jianhua Tao
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jim Trethewey
Intel Corporation
Raj Tumuluri
Openstream, Inc.

Akos Vetek
Nokia Corporation
Hao Wang
Kuansan Wang
Zhiyong Wu
Jun Yan
Xu Yang
Aspect Software
Mohamed Zergaoui

Enrico Zovato
Nuance Communications, Inc.