Low Vision Community Group - Former Participants
Robert Aiello
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with IEEE Standards Association
Mansi Anand
Level Access
Margaret Cashman
Individual CLA commitment
James Clarke
Individual CLA commitment
Simona Fratus
Individual CLA commitment
Klaus-Peter Hoeckner
Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs
Maria Kaffa
University of East London
Daniele Marano
Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs
Nitish Soni Nitish
Individual CLA commitment
Kevin Prince
Foster Moore
Gloria Romero Quintana
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Plexus tech
Sara Temby
Individual CLA commitment
Sam Waller
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Cambridge
Jackie Zhang
Individual CLA commitment