Change Tracking Markup Community Group - Former Participants
Adeel Ahmad
Individual CLA commitment
Owen Ambur
Individual CLA commitment

George Bina
Syncro Soft

Alain Couthures

Angelo Di Iorio
Individual CLA commitment
James Fuller
Webcomposite s.r.o.

Daniel Glazman
Disruptive Innovations

Antony Gnanapiragasam
Individual CLA commitment
Jang Graat
Individual CLA commitment
JoAnn T Hackos
Comtech Services Inc.
Dennis Hamilton
Individual CLA commitment

Robin La Fontaine

Randall Leeds
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with The New York Times

David Lewis
Trinity College Dublin

Tom Magliery
JustSystems Canada, Inc.

Sean McGrath
Tristan Mitchell
Charles O'Connor
Individual CLA commitment

Derek Read
JustSystems Canada, Inc.

Ana-Maria Sora
Individual CLA commitment

Claudius Teodorescu
Individual CLA commitment
Norman Walsh

Kai Weber
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Ernst Reinhardt Verlag

Mohamed Zergaoui