
Evolving anti-fingerprinting protections
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Event details

Central European Summer Time
Giralda III - Level -2
Christian Biesinger, Per Bjorke, Bhargava Ch, Ari Chivukula, Mihai Cîrlănaru, Jean Luc Di Manno, Nick Doty, Christian Dullweber, Tony England, Michael Ficarra, Isaac Foster, Kevin Gibbons, Fabian Höring, Tsuyoshi Horo, Tim Huang, Michael Kleber, Mirja Kühlewind, Yaacov Lacher, Brian May, Tabitha Odom, Gerhard Oosthuizen, Shubhie Panicker, Vinod Panicker, Gregorio Pellegrino, Philipp Pfeiffenberger, Matthew Reynolds, Adam Rice, Elias Selman, Nicola Tommasi, Xiaohan Wang, Paul Zuehlcke
Big meeting:
TPAC 2023 (Calendar)

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As third party cookies become less available, tracking will shift further towards fingerprinting and other forms of covert cross-site tracking.

While it is infeasible to fundamentally remove or change usage of IP addresses or web APIs which could be used for fingerprinting, it is possible to curtail access to these surfaces in scenarios that are sensitive for cross-site tracking.

Browsers have been developing and shipping mitigations using tracker lists as a pragmatic path forward -- spanning IP proxying and active fingerprinting mitigations. There are some common challenges and potential opportunities across browsers.


Shubhie Panicker

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As third party cookies become less available, tracking will shift further towards fingerprinting and other forms of covert cross-site tracking.

While it is infeasible to fundamentally remove or change usage of IP addresses or web APIs which could be used for fingerprinting, it is possible to curtail access to these surfaces in scenarios that are sensitive for cross-site tracking.

Browsers have been developing and shipping mitigations using tracker lists as a pragmatic path forward -- spanning IP proxying and active fingerprinting mitigations. There are some common challenges and potential opportunities across browsers.

Discuss challenges & evolving mitigations, identify collaboration opportunities

This session is restricted to TPAC registrants.



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