SDW WG plenary telcon
  • Canceled


Event details

Eastern Standard Time
every 4 weeks on Thursday, starting from 2021-11-11, until 2021-11-11
Spatial Data on the Web Working Group ( View calendar)

Apologies - the ZOOM details for the meeting were not published ahead of the call. My mistake for making assumptions.

#Update to the Spatial Data on the Best Practices
Timo Homberg and Clara Boyd will email WG members to recap on objectives for this work and invite the WG to a call at 09.00 UTC, 22-Nov-2021 where they will re-initialise work on the BP doc.

#Reports from TPAC: Maps4HTML
Peter Rushforth will email the WG members with highlights from the TPAC meetings and provide a link to minutes of discussions.

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