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Community & Business Groups

Linked Building Data Community Group

This group brings together experts in the area of building information modelling (BIM) and Web of Data technologies to define existing and future use cases and requirements for linked data based applications across the life cycle of buildings. A list of recommended use cases will be produced by this community group.

The envisioned target beneficiaries of this group are both industrial and governmental organisations who use data from building information modelling applications and other data related to the building life cycle (sensor data, GIS data, material data, geographical data, and so forth) to achieve their business processes and whom will benefit from greater integration of data and interoperability between their data sets and the wider linked data communities. For example, benefit may be obtained by publishing and combining localised data on new cheaper building materials, energy efficient building devices and systems, along with real time data on weather patterns, energy prices and geodata. By making this data available to applications, they will be better able to support decision makers during the whole of the building life cycle, which includes design, construction, commissioning, operation, retrofitting/refurbishment/reconfiguration, demolition, and recycling of buildings.

The group will engage with these beneficiaries through surveys and events organised in conjunction with the affiliated workshop series on Linked Data for Architecture and Construction (LDAC).

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Chairs, when logged in, may publish draft and final reports. Please see report requirements.

ifcOWL-SAREF-FIEMSER VoCamp — Dublin, Ireland — March 22-23 2016

The ifcOWL – SAREF – FIEMSER VoCamp continues the series of VoCamps covering various topics related to the use and development of vocabularies for the implementation of new services in the context of energy efficient buildings. After Adapt4EE and Ready4SmartCities, the SWIMing project has taken over the responsibility for organizing the VoCamps. The event will be organized in cooperation with a number of EU projects, the W3C LBD Community Group and the buildingSMART Linked Data working group. The focus of this VoCamp is to discuss exchange requirements for selected use cases, focusing particularly on the mapping to relevant ontologies like ifcOWL, SAREF, and FIEMSER.

The event will be an excellent opportunity for those involved with the use of the aforementioned ontologies to demonstrate how they apply them, as well as for those planning to use building data in combination with smart appliance data and sensors. Participants will be able to see where and how these ontologies are currently being applied, and how they can be properly linked to their own data in order to meet their own use cases.


Participants are invited to propose, submit, bring and present their own data and ontologies to the VoCamp, especially if there is a clear link with the ifcOWL, SAREF, or FIEMSER ontologies. Throughout the VoCamp, a selected number of these proposals will be presented, together with the targeted use case. Hereafter, a number of ontology engineering sessions will be held, supported by the ReqCap tool, allowing participants to model exchange requirements and mapping definitions into a practically usable result.

First projects that have shown interest in contributing use cases and requirements as well as to share their experiences in using various ontologies are eeEmbedded, Holisteec, Design4Energy (proposed by Dresden University and partners) and the SEAS project (proposed by Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne and partners). Other projects are welcome.

Click here for Working Draft Agenda 

LBD meeting minutes 06th November 2015

The minutes of the last Skype W3C Linked Building Data meeting (06 November) are available online:

The next online meeting will be aligned with the Linked Data Work Group and further details will be sent on when a date is decided for this call.

Meetings are open to everyone who is interested to contribute. If you want to take part, please send a message to or to

VoCamp on Smart Grids and Smart Buildings — Paris Dec. 15-17 2015

The ITEA2 SEAS project is organizing a workshop at the Engie headquarters in Paris, in December 2015.
The goals of this workshop are to:

  • Capture requirements for a few well identified use cases
  • Boost the development of the SEAS ontologies
  • Help partners in charge of pilots to start working on their implementations

If you are interested in attending the workshop and have interest in the SEAS project then please contact either Maxime Lefrancois ( or Kris McGlinn ( who will be happy to provide you with further details.

Other animators include Matthias Weise and Bruno Fies. Emmanuel Olivier from the Smart Building Alliance will also be giving a key note presentation.

For more information please click here: WORKSHOP AGENDA

LBD meeting minutes 2nd October 2015

The minutes of the last Skype W3C LinkedBuildingData meeting (02 October) are available online:

The next online meeting takes place on 16th Oct 2015 – 12:00 CET. Please put this into your agenda if you want to take part. The meeting takes place over Skype or if we require screen sharing, gotomeeting.

Meetings are open to everyone who is interested to contribute. If you want to take part, please send a message to or to

Workshop on ICT & open data for building life cycle energy management @ Sustainable Places

This workshop will explore how ICT and open data solutions can benefit building life cycle energy management, in particular which business use cases can best benefit from open, decentralized publication of building and related data and what are the major challenges and barriers to making these types of data open and available.

Format: Public workshop

When: 17 September, 14h30 – 16h30

Where: Room n°5

Organisers: EEBERS and Swimming

Chair: Isabel Pinto Seppä, Ready4SCities


14h30 – Welcome – Isabel Pinto Seppä, VTT

14h40 – SWIMing project – Linked Data for Building Life Cycle Energy Management – Kris McGlinn, ADAPT-TCD

15h00 – Applications of linked data – Finnish experiences – Mirkka Rekola, VTT

15h15 – Advances in ifcOWL standardisation: technical overview – Walter Terkaj, Italian National Research Council

15h30 – Brainstorming Session on drivers and barriers Facing the implementation Open Accessible BIM – Kris McGlinn, ADAPT-TCD

16h20 – Main outcome and conclusions


For more info see – Sustainable Places 2015

and Sustainable Places Agenda

LDAC2015 workshop report

LDAC2015 - Group picture

The LDAC2015 workshop report is out. It can be found at This report summarizes the presentations and discussions held during the 3rd International Workshop on Linked Data in Architecture and Construction (LDAC), which took place at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, from July 15 to July 17, 2015 ( The event was organised by Jakob Beetz at the TU/e. The LDAC workshop typically gathers researchers with diverse ideas about ways in which linked data and semantic web technologies can enhance information exchange in the AEC domain. This third edition did not only host a number of excellent presentations of new work, it also included an excellent technical session and use case session.

VoCamp – interoperability for efficient energy systems in smart cities

The Ready4SmartCities (R4SC) project is organising another VoCamp.

Monday 14 September and Tuesday 15 September
Where: in D’Appolonia premises in Genoa (map:
More information:
Register via:
bruno.fies AT
andrea.cavallaro AT

The wide umbrella under which the VoCamp will take place is at the cross of the SmartCity domain and the ICT domain which encompasses also the Building sector, Software, Hardware and Data issues for the ICT domains, the Grid, the urban mobility, etc… This VoCamp will concentrate on the alignments of sectorial ontologies to a specific ontology which is also candidate for standardisation (The SAREF ontology – Smart Appliance Reference ontology – that is now in the hands of the ETSI to become THE standard for smart appliances).

Such alignments will be searched/established  within the frame of the predefined scenarios proposed in the Roadmap established by R4SC and they can be (or should be) also related to selected use cases already formalised/described under the W3C Linked Building Data Community Group Activities.

The principle of a VoCamp remain the same. It is an open workshop gathering experts to discuss towards an  agreement. Therefore it is totally free of charge and based on a voluntary basis.

Registration is simple as an email sent to address:


Day one (Afternoon 2pm -> 5:30pm)

  • Introduction (90 minutes)
    • Welcome & Objectives of the VoCAmp (DAPP/UPM)
    • R4SC outcomes – Roadmap  / Linked Data / Methodology (DAPP/UPM)
    • SWIMing activities & objectives and link with the W3C working group (Kris)
    • Presentation of the selected use cases ( AEC3 from D2.3)
  • Presentation of the alignment server (45 minutes) INRIA
  • Presentation of SAREF (45 minutes)
    • The ETSI initiative (OneM2M) (CSTB)
    • The main concepts of the ontology (CERTH)
    • Some already available studies / feedback on SAREF (i.e. work done with FANFPAI or INERTIA) (CERTH)

Day Two (Morning)

  • Parallel sessions  (90 minutes)
    • Identification & selection of specific Use Cases among the ones presented the day before
    • Work in smaller groups on the core set of concepts to be aligned with SAREF
  • Parallel sessions  (90 minutes)
    • Use of the alignment server to find alignments and to suggest “curated alignments”

Day Two (Afternoon)

  • Presentation of results group by group  (90 minutes)
    • Validation / endorsement  of some alignments
    • Contribution to the W3C Linked Building Data Community Group (new Use Cases, enrichment of existing ones, …)
    • Feedback to ETSI standard (results, suggestion for improvements, etc.)
  • Conclusion & Future work (45 minutes)
    • Next VoCamp preparation
    • Collaboration with ETSI
    • Presentation of the VoCAmp Outcomes to the SP2015

LBD meeting minutes 19 June 2015

The minutes of the last Skype W3C LinkedBuildingData meeting (19 June) are available online:

The next online meeting takes place on 3 July 2015 – 11:00 CET. Please put this into your agenda if you want to take part. The meeting takes place over Skype, as always.

Meetings are open to everyone who is interested to contribute. If you want to take part, please send a message to or to

LBD meeting 22 May 2015

Apologies for being late with this message. The minutes of the last Skype W3C LinkedBuildingData meeting (8 May) are available online:

The next online meeting takes place tomorrow, on 22 May 2015 – 11:00 CET.

Agenda 22 May 2015:

  • Introduction
  • Wiki and Use case collection
    • Use cases in the W3C LBD Wiki: follow-up
    • Preparation of scenario’s for LBD Wiki: follow-up on sensor scenario and indoor navigation scenario
    • Move towards collection of datasets and ontologies in support of use cases
  • News from the BuildingSMART Linked Data Group
  • Meeting and Events
    • 1st Summer School on Smart Cities and Linked Open Data (LD4SC-15)
    • LDAC event

The meetings are open to everyone who is interested to contribute. If you want to take part, please send a message to or to, or simply be available via Skype at meeting start (Skype ID ‘pipauwel’).