ifcOWL-SAREF-FIEMSER VoCamp — Dublin, Ireland — March 22-23 2016
Posted on:The ifcOWL – SAREF – FIEMSER VoCamp continues the series of VoCamps covering various topics related to the use and development of vocabularies for the implementation of new services in the context of energy efficient buildings. After Adapt4EE and Ready4SmartCities, the SWIMing project has taken over the responsibility for organizing the VoCamps. The event will be organized in cooperation with a number of EU projects, the W3C LBD Community Group and the buildingSMART Linked Data working group. The focus of this VoCamp is to discuss exchange requirements for selected use cases, focusing particularly on the mapping to relevant ontologies like ifcOWL, SAREF, and FIEMSER.
The event will be an excellent opportunity for those involved with the use of the aforementioned ontologies to demonstrate how they apply them, as well as for those planning to use building data in combination with smart appliance data and sensors. Participants will be able to see where and how these ontologies are currently being applied, and how they can be properly linked to their own data in order to meet their own use cases.
Participants are invited to propose, submit, bring and present their own data and ontologies to the VoCamp, especially if there is a clear link with the ifcOWL, SAREF, or FIEMSER ontologies. Throughout the VoCamp, a selected number of these proposals will be presented, together with the targeted use case. Hereafter, a number of ontology engineering sessions will be held, supported by the ReqCap tool, allowing participants to model exchange requirements and mapping definitions into a practically usable result.
First projects that have shown interest in contributing use cases and requirements as well as to share their experiences in using various ontologies are eeEmbedded, Holisteec, Design4Energy (proposed by Dresden University and partners) and the SEAS project (proposed by Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne and partners). Other projects are welcome.
Hello Linked Building Data Community,
I would like both to introduce myself and ask for information about your upcoming workshop in Dublin. I am a graduate student working toward my PhD through the Center for Research Computing (CRC) (https://crc.nd.edu/) at the University of Notre Dame. My advisors are Jarek Nabrzyski and Charles Vardeman; their information can be found on the above mentioned CRC website. I am trying to find out information about participating remotely for the workshop from the US as I probably will not be able to travel to be there in person. Any information you can give me regarding this would be greatly appreciated.
The majority of my research has been done in environmental/building sciences and is culminating in risk and response systems for disaster preparedness. We research a lot of data modelling techniques that work to advance linked data principles, decision support, and general 3D geometry challenges related to building data.
My dissertation in particular will be helping to advance a linked data platform (for the use case of building architecture information) that incorporates my existing work areas and use case studies into a solution enabling the cooperative functionality of multiple intelligence components in the age of big data across distributed infrastructures.
I am currently working on two other papers – one about LD REST APIs and the other about a schema adapter translation possibilities – both to be part of the overall distributed architecture). My work can also be found on my web page (firefox is the preferred browser): http://www3.nd.edu/~hfergus2/
We have participated in other workshops around the DC area related to 3D spatial data aggregation and modelling (http://vocamp.org/wiki/GeoVoCampDC2013) and (http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/meetings/geosp_sem/).
Please let me know how I would proceed if remote workshop participation would be a possibility for either myself or myself and my advisors. (I have registered as a user in this domain as well, if that helps.)
Thank you for your time,
Holly Ferguson
Hi Holly,
Firstly, many thanks for indicating your interest in the workshop. We are now in the process of finalizing the agenda, which you can find here – http://phaedrus.scss.tcd.ie/buildviz/workshop/vocamp/march2016/index.html
The work you are doing is all very relevant to us and it would have been great to have you or someone from your organization represented at the workshop.
We had not considered doing a live stream, but we will explore the possibility now and I will get back to you asap to let you know.
Kindest Regards,
Hi Kris,
Great to hear from you. Please know that I would still be interested to know how I might be of assistance, if any, from where I am at. That is, if doing a live stream is not a good option for logistical reasons, I would understand, but I would still be willing to contribute if possible.
Thanks for you help with this!
Holly Ferguson