From Linked Building Data Community Group
- Kris McGlinn
- Pieter Pauwels
- Matthias Weise
- Jakob Beetz
- Nick Kaklanis
- Odilo Schoch
- Walter Terkaj
- Gonçal Costa
- Hendro Wicaksono
- Maxime Lefrancois
Date and time
- Plan for the further exploration of use cases
- Here we will briefly discuss our steps for exploring a select set of use cases in more detail.
- Introduction to ReqCap tool
- Matthias Weise will introduce the ReqCap tool which we will be making use of to capture data requirements for the selected use cases.
- Discussion of selected use cases for further exploration
- Here we will identify a set of use cases, based on our classification, for further exploration using the ReqCap tool.
- Currently we intend to explore one from each of the following, if you wish to explore others, please let us know on the call (or before hand)
- Optimized Building Design for Energy Efficient Operation
- Intelligent and Integrated Control Based on Building Behavior (of devices)
- Intelligent and Integrated Control Based on Building Behavior (occupancy)
- Intelligent and Integrated Control Based on Predictive Energy Simulation
- Visualization and Monitoring of Building Data (e.g. Energy Consumption) for Decision Support
Action items
- <Explore use case data requirements using ReqCap tool>, <Kris, Nick, Hendro, Matthias, Willie>, <STATUS: NEW>
- All: Introduction and background
- Kris: Discusses Genoa VoCamp, alignment server, and steps to align SAREF ontology and ifcOWL. Mentions future VoCamps and involvement of SWIMing
- Maxime: We are planning a VoCamp in December 16th/17th around SAREF, ifcOWL and SEAS knowledge model.
- Kris: Discusses the selection of use cases and the use of ReqCap tool for capturing exchange requirements.
- Matthias: Presents tool
- Jakob – Any publications regarding tool?
- Matthias - still prototype stage, but based on several years of experience and follows a similar pattern to IDM methodology.
- Kris - I think Odilo's simulation use case would be a good starting point for this also.
- Odilo - Yes, I was going to say.
- Maxime – Would have been good at beginning of our project <SEAS>, but perhaps a bit late now.
- Maxime - Could we create a new instance easily so we can try it on a new project? So first inputs, list of use cases…and list of ontologies that are related.
- Matthias – Yes, if you already have an ontology or data structure.
- Matthias – The tool is flexible.
- Maxime – A VoCamp with SEAS experts to work with this tool. Ok, that could be an idea.
- Kris - Discusses candidate use cases for further exploration using ReqCap tool, five categories to begin (based around analysis of EeB projects).
- Kris - Next call, two weeks same time.
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