From Linked Building Data Community Group
- Kris McGlinn
- Pieter Pauwels
- Matthias Weise
- Seppo Törmä
- Nam Vu Hoang
- Walter Terkaj
- Gonçal Costa
Date and time
- Discuss Use case session at LDAC
- Definition of key use cases in greater detail
- Identifying appropriate ontologies and open data sets
Action items
- <Identify one use case from each category and begin to develop in greater detail (with help of use case contributor)>, <Kris>, <STATUS: NEW>
- Kris: Describes the event at LDAC, giving some example use case descriptions which will be explored as a result.
- Kris: Describes changes made to LBD wiki.
- Kris: Discusses methodology for defining in more detail the identified use cases. Use of IDM, BPMN models, exchange requirement definitions, idenitficiation of candidate models.
- Kris: Presents some open questions, which will be discussed in upcoming use case workshop @ sustainable places
- What are the current levels of awareness when it comes to BIM, IFC (and ifcOWL) and Linked Data technologies?
- What projects/participants have looked at BIM/IFC and decided it does not meet their requirements?
- What projects/participants have looked at BIM/IFC and decided they need more information before committing?
- What projects/participants have looked at BIM/IFC, understand it, but need some persuasion of its benefits?
- What project/participants use cases are currently met with the IFC standard or a subset of the IFC standard?
- What is the value add of using IFC for their project? (improves Interoperability, etc.)
- If IFC does not meet a projects data requirements, or if it is deemed to add no value to the project, can these requirements be met by other existing ontologies, or linked data sets?
- Would a set of guidelines and simple examples for using IFC or other Linked Data sets be of use?
- Pieter: Will there be a web page developed for helping with the addition and tagging of use cases?
- Kris: Would be nice to have, but dependant on resources.
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