Meeting minutes 08052015
- Pieter Pauwels
- Maria Poveda
- Kris McGlinn
- Stefan Dietze
- Gonçal Costa
- Jakob Beetz
Date and time
- 08/05/2015
- 11:00 CET
- Use cases in the W3C LBD Wiki: follow-up
- Preparation of sensor scenario and indoor navigation for LBD Wiki: follow-up
- Collecting results of questionnaires: follow-up
BuildingSMART LBD Working Group update
- technical space set up at and
Meeting and Events
- Upcoming technical sessions around ifcOWL
- Call for Papers for 3rd LDAC event
Action items
- <Clean use cases>, <ALL>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
- <Circulate Google Forms Questionnaire>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: DONE>
- <Digest questionnaire results obtained from BuildingSMART event in Wiki>, <Kris>, <STATUS: 50%>
- <Prepare LDAC CFP>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: 50%>
- <Set up one virtual ifcOWL discussion event>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
- <Develop sensor scenario>, <Kris>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
- <Develop sensor/energy model scenario>, <Kris>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
- <Develop indoor navigation scenario>, <Kris>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
- <Get access to buildingSMART-tech web space>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
- Pieter - little time has been available to go through the use cases page and edit them
- Maria - did some work regarding the use case collection, but a clean-up / reordering is needed
- Jakob - the question has gone round in the DuraArk project to submit and contribute use cases
- Stefan - the deliverables of the DuraArk project list a number of use cases. These deliverables can be used to fill the use cases page
- Stefan - the deliverables of the DuraArk project are provided in the use cases page (bottom of page)
- Kris - planning to include use cases in the EeB domain at district level (not limited to singular buildings)
- Kris - CSV Tabular data for capturing energy simulation outputs and sensor data, using JSON -
- Discussion - integrate CSV tabular data (Kris) coming from sensors in the building (VoCamp Maria) with a regular building model to compare simulation and actual performance
- Pieter - do we need an ontology, or can we rely on JSON for describing the schema of RDF data? JSON describes the structure of data so that it can be rapidly exported and imported. But it is not OWL.
- Pieter - the use case discussion should move forward towards a discussion about what data is available and necessary to realise the actual use cases
- Maria - possibility to include a line with 'data used' in the description of each use case
- Pieter - ok. there is some sort of need to make a visual diagram similar to the LOD cloud diagram for the AEC domain, with pointers to actual datasets and ontologies. Subsets of this diagram can be used to indicate which use cases combine which data sets.
- Maria - the portal at is mainly useful as a list of ontologies. This can be used. It is less useful as a list of datasets.
- Maria - we can also refer to a CKAN entry ( that lists a number of resources
- Pieter - technical space set up at and now it needs to be filled and events need to be started.
- Jakob - the CFP for the LDAC event is ready and available at
Action Items of Previous Meeting
- <Clean use cases>, <ALL>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
- <Circulate Google Forms Questionnaire>, <Stefan>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
- <Digest questionnaire results obtained from BuildingSMART event in Wiki>, <Kris>, <STATUS: 50%>
- <Prepare LDAC CFP>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
- <Set up one virtual ifcOWL discussion event>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
- <Develop sensor scenario>, <Kris>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
- <Develop sensor/energy model scenario>, <Kris>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
- <Get access to buildingSMART-tech web space>, <Jakob>, <STATUS: ONGOING>