Meeting minutes 24042015

From Linked Building Data Community Group


  • Pieter Pauwels
  • Maria Poveda
  • Kris McGlinn
  • Stefan Dietze
  • Gonçal Costa
  • Matthias Weise

Date and time

  • 24/04/2015
  • 11:00 CET




  • Use cases in the W3C LBD Wiki: follow-up
  • Preparation of sensor scenario for LBD Wiki: follow-up
  • Collecting results of questionnaires: follow-up

BuildingSMART LBD Working Group update

  • technical space set up at and

Meeting and Events

  • Upcoming technical sessions around ifcOWL
  • Call for Papers for 3rd LDAC event

Action items

  • <Clean use cases>, <ALL>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Circulate Google Forms Questionnaire>, <Stefan>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Digest questionnaire results obtained from BuildingSMART event in Wiki>, <Kris>, <STATUS: 50%>
  • <Prepare LDAC CFP>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Set up one virtual ifcOWL discussion event>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Develop sensor scenario>, <Kris>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Develop sensor/energy model scenario>, <Kris>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Get access to buildingSMART-tech web space>, <Jakob>, <STATUS: ONGOING>


  • DuraArk - collecting data and use cases for different use cases
  • Pieter - introduces everyone to the Wiki, and talks about how we are developing use cases and scenarios.
  • Pieter - use case is being developed by Maria, which was discussed in the last VoCamp: sensor data + building data + geographical location
  • Maria - session about use cases, the focus was in buildings. So, fits with the working group. We extracted some use cases. Use cases - modules in a pipeline.
  • Pieter - what was good in the VoCamp, different domains covered. Data combined from different sources.
  • Matthias - I have developed use cases around occupancy, energy consumption, this data is not typically included in an IFC file.

Data needed - simple geometry, door information (access), some info from GIS domain, good basis to building a showcase.

  • Pieter - VoCamp also covered whiteboard, what domains overlap. Linking these for the particular scenarios. Do this for indoor navigation.
  • Matthias - identify a specific room in a building, give directions. How to link position of a building to GIS? Where do we host the links?
  • Pieter - Sound a lot like the guidelines proposed by UPM.
  • Stefan - also use cases around <digital reconstruction>, reconstructing 3d models of buildings that do not exist any more -
  • Pieter - I had put this into the questionnaire. Must be careful to not extend the scope to large.
  • Discussion - about questionnaire. Please use online or printed version.
  • Stefan - will share online version.
  • Kris - CSV Tabular data for capturing energy simulation outputs and sensor data, using JSON -
  • Pieter - buildingSMART now has a working group and will have a dedicated site - (technical documents) - (news)


Action Items of Previous Meeting

  • <Clean use cases>, <ALL>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Circulate Google Forms Questionnaire>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Digest questionnaire results obtained from BuildingSMART event in Wiki>, <Kris>, <STATUS: 50%>
  • <Prepare LDAC CFP>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Add LDAC to Wiki>, <Kris>, <STATUS: 100%>
  • <Set up one virtual ifcOWL discussion event>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Develop sensor scenario>, <Kris>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Get access to buildingSMART-tech web space>, <Jakob>, <STATUS: NEW>

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