Meeting minutes 10042015

From Linked Building Data Community Group


  • Pieter Pauwels
  • Maria Poveda
  • Kris McGlinn
  • Jakob Beetz

Date and time

  • 10/04/2015
  • 11:00 CET


  1. Use cases in the W3C LBD Wiki: follow-up
  2. Preparation of sensor scenario for LBD Wiki: follow-up
  3. Collecting results of questionnaires: follow-up
  4. Preparation and program of 3rd LDAC event
  5. Note on an upcoming technical session around ifcOWL
  6. BuildingSMART LBD Working Group update

Action items

  • <Clean use cases>, <ALL>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Circulate Google Forms Questionnaire>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Digest questionnaire results obtained from BuildingSMART event in Wiki>, <Kris>, <STATUS: 50%>
  • <Prepare LDAC CFP>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Add LDAC to Wiki>, <Kris>, <STATUS: 100%>
  • <Set up one virtual ifcOWL discussion event>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Develop sensor scenario>, <Kris>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Get access to buildingSMART-tech web space>, <Jakob>, <STATUS: NEW>


  • Many of the use cases developed in the Wiki use case page are still empty. We need to continue all.
  • Kris is working on a sample scenario with sensors, FM, and calibration of models aiming at improved energy efficiency in buildings
  • In total, eight use case questionnaires have been returned in the BuildingSMART event. Kris is processing them so that they can be displayed in the wiki.
  • Pieter will send around an email inviting to fill in the Google Forms questionnaire.
  • 3rd LDAC event:
Program (see :
15 July: plenary track, in overlap with the final sessions of EG-ICE
16 July: parallel work group sessions (use cases + technical room progress) + plenary track
17 July: tutorial sessions on various invited topics
Call for presentations :
In preparation by Pieter. Pieter sends out the invitation. We invite mainly use case presentations for presentation in various occasions during the workshop. No full academic reviewing process, but rather technical 2-pager position statements.
Tutorial track (see Program in :
We target a number of tutorials towards the end of the conference, with the following topics: IFC2RDF HelloWorld, Vocabulary alignment, Sensors & JSONLD, Geometry, bsDD, Preservation & Versioning
  • Virtual ifcOWL recommendation meeting: A virtual meeting is still to be organised in "petit commité" to start preparing a formal buildingSMART recommendation of ifcOWL.
  • Jakob indicates how BuildingSMART's procedures typically take place, so that the BuildingSMART LBD working group can start. Jakob asks access to the webspace. In the meanwhile, the serves as a landing page for the working group.


Action Items of Previous Meeting

  • <Clean use cases>, <ALL>, <STATUS: ONGOING>
  • <Circulate Google Forms Questionnaire>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: NEW>
  • <Digest questionnaire results obtained from BuildingSMART event in Wiki>, <Kris>, <STATUS: NEW>
  • <Prepare LDAC CFP>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: NEW>
  • <Add LDAC to Wiki>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: NEW>
  • <Set up one virtual ifcOWL discussion event>, <Pieter>, <STATUS: NEW>
  • <Develop sensor scenario>, <Kris>, <STATUS: NEW>

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