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Community & Business Groups

Web Payments Meeting Minutes for 2014-08-27

Agenda Topics IGF 2014 – The Payments, Policing, Privacy Paradox Workshop Australian Internet Governance Forum Credentials CG Use Cases: Initiating Payments Action Items Tim Holborn to contact Stephane Boyera about Credentials CG being added to Web Payments IG Charter. … Continue reading

First Draft of Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC [2014/08/19] published by ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) Community Group

On 2014-08-19 the ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) Community Group published the first draft of the following specification: Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC [2014/08/19]. Participants contribute material to this specification under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA). If you … Continue reading

Call for Participation in Character Description Language Community Group

The Character Description Language Community Group has been launched: This group will develop Character Description Language (CDL), an XML application for stroke-based representation of any CJK character. For more information about this technology, see: * Character Description Language (CDL) draft … Continue reading

W3C发布HTML5图片描述扩展(longdesc)的候选推荐标准 征集参考实现

2014年8月12日,W3C的HTML工作组发布了HTML5图片描述扩展(HTML5 Image Description Extension)的候选推荐标准。该规范定义了”longdesc”属性,允许Web的开发者为复杂图片提供更长的文本描述,这是W3C确保开放web平台更好服务残障人士的一项工作。该标准草案由HTML无障碍任务组(HTML Accessibility Task Force)与HTML工作组及WAI协议与格式工作组(PFWG)联合制定。详情请关于HTML5图片描述扩展征集参考实现的相关邮件。欢迎您于2014年8月26日前提交相关的参考实现。 W3C has published a Candidate Recommendation of the HTML5 Image Description Extension, which defines the “longdesc” attribute that enables web authors to provide longer textual descriptions for complex images. This specification is part of … Continue reading