Publishing WG Telco, 2018-11-19: Use cases, Minimal Viable Product

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See minutes online for a more detailed record of the discussions.

UCR and "Minimal Viable Product"

The UCR has been reorganized: an explicit UC for TOC has been added, and the list of requirements contains now “classes of conformance” (the term is not final) to categorize possible implementations.

The “minimal” category is in line with what the group referred to as “Minimal Viable Product” or “Minimal Viable WPUB” at the F2F meeting in Lyon, ie, to define what is the minimal set of feature that a WPUB User Agent is expected to do. The group spent therefore the time going through the “minimal” table to see whether the list does (does not) correspond to an MVP. (Actually, the list discussed at the call was an earlier version, the editor‘s draft already reflects some of the changes.) This discussion was the first step towards such an MVP specification, to be done in the coming weeks.

F2F dates

A proposal for a F2F meeting was made for the 6-7 May, 2019, in Cambridge, MA, USA, hosted in the Kendall Square offices of Google.

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