DPUB IG Telco, 2015-09-28: Glossary, Portable Web Publications FPWD

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See minutes online for a more detailed record of the discussions.


Development of the Digital Publishing Glossary has been ongoing for a while now, and the IG discussed remaining outstanding issues. There was full agreement that we need to be very clear that the terms included should be used and understood only within the scope of DPUG IG publications and discourse; this since there is a considerable overlap between terms used here and the same terms in other domains (e.g. "document", "resource"). To reduce the risk of cross-domain confusion, it was agreed as a first step to rename one of the core terms, "portable web document", to "portable web publication" (PWP). It was also agreed to highlight the need for single-URI identifiability of the set of resources that make up a publication as one of the differentating factors between a PWP and an ordinary website. Regarding states of portable web publications, it was agreed to use protocol vs file system API access instead of the online/offline distinction.

Some further work on the glossary remains, but in general the IG believes we can soon call it done (as a first version) and consequently move on with our lives and other IG activities.

Towards FPWD of Portable Web Publications (formerly EPUB-WEB)

The EPUB-WEB whitepaper has been renamed and revised with the intent of using the terminology of the glossary and through that achieve a lesser dependence on EPUB-specific terminology and technology. The new version is currently being reviewed by the IG, and after another week or two of additional edits we hope to publish it as a FPWD. The IG will discuss the document's status and outstanding issues on the coming week's call.

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