Standards for Web Applications on Mobile: current state and roadmap

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Thumbnail of application platform diagram that appears in the report

W3C has published the May 2015 edition of Standards for Web Applications on Mobile, an overview of the various technologies developed in W3C that increase the capabilities of Web applications, and how they apply more specifically to the mobile context.

A deliverable of the HTML5Apps project, this edition includes changes and additions since January 2015, notably First Public Working Drafts such as the audio output devices API which lets orient audio streams to different output devices; the Presentation API, a critical component in enabling second-screen experiences; the credential management API that lets Web applications interact with browser-stored user credentials; the Permissions API which exposes what permissions the user has or has not granted to the Web app; as well as the mapping of accessibility guidelines to mobile released by the WAI WCAG and UAAG Working Groups; and lastly the payment use cases published by the Web Payments Interest Group. Learn more about the Web and Mobile Interest Group.

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