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Agenda of 3 May 2012 TAG Teleconference

Nearby: TAG work plan - Teleconference details - issues list - open actions - pending review actions - www-tag archive - tag archive

  1. Convene
  2. Approve minutes of prior meeting(s)
  3. Administrative items
  4. Close pending Actions without discussion
  5. ISSUE-57 (HttpRedirections-57), ISSUE-63 (metadataArchitecture-63) and ISSUE-14 (HttpRange-14): httpRange-14 — URI Documentation Discovery
  6. ACTION-698: schedule discussion of how to take forward the TAG concerns with respect to managing fragment identifer schemes, inheritance and overlap:
  7. ACTION-680: review of http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-appsawg-media-type-regs-04 (note: should be the -06 version):
  8. Pending Review Items:
  9. Overdue Action Items:
  10. Any other business

Noah Mendelsohn for the TAG
$Revision: 1.5 $ of $Date: 2012/05/03 15:38:43 $

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