See also: IRC log
NM: probable regrets on the 10th
JT: probable regrets on the 10th from me too
NM: Jeni, can you scribe next week?
JT: yes
f2f minutes
NM: Objections?
HT: I note that there are still a
bunch of editorial red marks in my sections
... people haven't gone back and made the necessary changes —
none of them are serious
... not objecting to approval
RESOLUTION: Minutes from the f2f are approved -> 12/04 minutes
NM: freshly arrived, people can
ask for time
... objections?
RESOLUTION: Minutes from the 12/04 are approved -> 19/04 minutes
NM: look good to me
RESOLUTION: Minutes from the 19/04 are approved
NM: I believe that people need
more discussion on XML-ER, so it's put to you
... and Robin has asked about election procedures
... hearing no changes to the agenda
<noah> ACTION-687?
<trackbot> ACTION-687 -- Noah Mendelsohn to look for opportunities to discuss putting forward something to the AB about the Process and the failed reference from REC drafts to expired RFCs as a side-effect of scope creep etc. -- due 2012-05-01 -- OPEN
<noah> Proposal e-mail:
NM: seemed convoluted, sent email, made a proposal based on responses
<noah> Proposal e-mail:
NM: can send a note to the AB without further discussion
<noah> ACTION-687?
<trackbot> ACTION-687 -- Noah Mendelsohn to look for opportunities to discuss putting forward something to the AB about the Process and the failed reference from REC drafts to expired RFCs as a side-effect of scope creep etc. -- due 2012-05-01 -- OPEN
JAR: believe further iteration is needed. The iteration might lead to a decision to do nothing, that would be ok
NM: would like to handle this in email
NM: some time ago the TAG agreed
that the work on HTML Data had been successfully
... I was tasked with recording that in the product page
<noah> On 18 January:
<noah> <noah> RESOLUTION: The draft product page at is agreed as the basis on which the TAG closes out it's work on Microdata/RDFa coordination
NM: this email points out that on
20120119 we resolved the above
... my view was the TAG passed a resolution, I took an action,
announced it, and propose to close
... but today, LM emailed about it
<noah> Larry asks to take this to Rec:
JT, AM: Robin pushed back
RB: push back was on XML, not HTML Data
YL: I think it would be difficult
for the TAG to have the cycles to move everything to REC
... we know that there's a good start in both cases
... it's fine for the TAG to say it did its share
... without necessarily push to REC
... pushing these documents to REC can be done later, I think
that closing the action and the product is in order
JT: in the HTML Data work there
were two notes produced with the intent that they could be
turned into something more solid
... especially the microdata to RDF conversion
NM: TAG needs to be involved?
JT: not necessarily directly, but W3C needs to find a good home for it
NM: action to check up on whether W3C is doing the right thing there, possibly in a few months?
close ACTION-664
<trackbot> ACTION-664 Announce completion of TAG work on Microdata/RDFa as recorded in and to finalize the product page and associated links closed
<scribe> ACTION: Jeni to check that W3C has found a good home for the output of the HTML Data TF, especially microdata/RDF conversion - due 2012-10-26 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-699 - check that W3C has found a good home for the output of the HTML Data TF, especially microdata/RDF conversion [on Jeni Tennison - due 2012-10-26].
NM: I think that's an appropriate resolution in the particular case of Microdata/RDFa. If Larry (or anyone) wants to ask the TAG to consider whether, in general, more of our work should be REC-track, that would be a separate discussion for them to request.
<trackbot> ACTION-656 -- Noah Mendelsohn to schedule discussion of possibly getting W3C to invest in technologies for liberal XML processing (e.g. XML5) -- due 2012-04-24 -- PENDINGREVIEW
NM: JT framed the proposal
NM: LM specifically asked that
the TAG's work on HTML/XML should go on the Rec track
... would like not to discuss that now, we will see Norm in
June, and can discuss in preparation for that
NM: would like to focus on XML-ER CG, goals, use cases, etc.
JT: HT asked me to go through the
minutes from f2f and pull out areas that we had raised as
... put those in email
... I think that we should engage positively with the XML-ER
JT: looking perhaps to drop them an email suggesting changes in their charter
JT: focusing on what we would say
if we spoke to them
... concern from the minutes are listed in my email, refer to
<noah> Concerns raised by TAG members during the F2F discussion included:
<noah> * restricting XML-ER processing to non-safety-critical applications
<noah> * ensuring that any error recovery is reported noisily
<noah> * error recovery causing a race to the bottom and evolutionary drift
<noah> * potential security problems with the same file being interpreted in different ways by different processors
<noah> * interactions with media-type sniffing
JT: if I were to communicate with them, I would need help to provide more detail on some of the concerns
NM: some question in my mind as to what the level of interest the TAG has in dealing with this
<jar> XML-ER if it exists should have its own media type
NM: fine for me to dive in, but
want to make sure that people are really interested
... we don't owe it to anybody to do more
<noah> RB: Would it be simpler if people would bring concerns directly to the community group?
<JeniT> +1
YL: some concerns in JT's email are already in the charter
<jar> "Backwards compatible with XML 1.0." requires error reporting
YL: critical apps would simply reject ER, backwards compat is taken into account
YL: I agree with RB that if there are specific issues they can be taken directly to the CG
HT: I think that this is close
enough to a number of essential architectural issues that I
don't want to leave it to just CG discussiojn
... we should discuss this as the TAG
<noah> Henry, can you give an example of something the tag >might< want to say?
HT: I'm sufficiently concerned
about this at the architectural level that I want to keep it on
our agenda
... I'm not saying that we should be tossing bombs over the
parapet to them
<noah> To motivate your "outlier" view that we keep it on the table
JAR: I agree with that, it seems that we've been talking about extension points and the such for years and we're closer to that now
NM: some in the group seem to
think we can just interact with the CG
... henry would like to keep it
... JAR thinks it's useful to discuss
NM: HT do you have examples of TAG level concern
HT: several points in the
discussion where JT|RB said "we agree, I expect it will turn
out that way"
... but if it doesn't, we have a problem
... I would like to capture and ensure those
NM: YL asserted that processing
critical applications is covered by the charter
... I don't think that's the only way of looking at it
... the scope is set, but if software is confused it will have
a flag
<JeniT> it's w community group, not a working group
<noah> NM: Yves makes the case that, because the charter mandates a warning on fixed up output, we're OK on the "critical apps" front. Not necessarily. There's still reason to question whether the charter should have mandated a style of fixup that would have been suitable for a broader range of applications...
<noah> NM: Of course, Anne's done a wonderful service by moving ahead to meet what he (and others) see as the goals, and we'd lose that if the goals changed a lot.
YL: first I wanted to reply to HT
that having people contributing to the CG directly is not
incompatible with finding issues and working on those
... I think it will be faster if people comment directly to the
... 2nd point is that it's a CG, it's not tasked to produce a
Rec, I wouldn't worry too much about small details
<jar> wiki has no pointer to mailing list
<JeniT> jar, the home page for the CG has the link on the left
<noah> I'm not saying what the WG is doing is wrong or bad. I'm saying that the goals weren't debated as broadly as we do for some other work.
YL: in the charter and such — I think the fact they added that errors are surfaced at the application level is a sign that they want to tackle applications possibly rejecting content
<noah> In practice, going down this path is probably the right thing for now.
YL: taking into account
security-critical applications
... but I thikn it's a good indication, and we can trust the
process of the CG
... and monitor it
<noah> Right Robin...but the point you're not addressing is that the fixups themselves are designed for interactive browser applications.
<noah> RB: I think it will be faster to bring concerns to the CG directly. It's a CG, not a WG. Doesn't formally need a charter. That was done to be a helpful point of reference.
<noah> RB: It's not aimed at "error recovery" it's designed to take any input and produce a parse. Not sure the concerns about critical apps apply
<noah> I note that the group is titled XML-ER
<noah> RB: XML-ER naming is the result of my bad joke, now regretted.
HT: maybe RB did just say so, but
thanks for reminding us that this is not a WG which changes the
... the charter is just a convenience and isn't binding
... but it's an indication of direction
... we may be headed towards a situation in which apps can
opt-out of ER
... but I'm not sure I want it that way, I think I want it
... nobody is ever going to see fixed up output unless they
take steps to
... it shouldn't be the default
NM: isn't that somethign that
different processors e.g. browsers might default
... ?
HT: I don't think so, but we'll have to see how it develops
AM: really any inpuyt?
<jar> This is very interesting… very similar to sniffing
RB: yes
HT: he did, which is reasonable so long as it's deterministic
NM: this is similar to HTML5
where it does that
... this can include some complex parsers for HTML
... but I don't think that this is reasonable for e.g.
importing to a DB
... but you can imagine that some fixups are low-risk
... e.g. upper/lowercase
JAR: that doesn't sound good for XML
NM: right
JAR: XML assigns errors to some
... this is incompatible with XML
NM: this will operate
successfully with a lot of apps that expect XML
... we're talking about when this is appropriate
... do I ever want to import broken XML to XML tooling?
JAR: this is exactly the same question about authoritative metadata and sniffing
NM: there's a move in teh
community that XML is not successful on the Web because it is
too strict
... XML-ER builds a tree for "broken" content
JAR: not arguing the merits, the
TAG has been here several times
... why would we say something different?
NM: the community is asserting
that XML, which is important to W3C, is having far more limited
impact than we wanted
... trying to be helpful to a broader range of things that
people are doing
... without crashing airplanes
JAR: just saying that we shouldn't take this in isolation, should use the context of authoritative metadata
HT: JAR's question made me
realise that I'd like to hear how this sits with the notion of
media type
... as JAR pointed out, the XML spec says that a string of
characters which doesn't satisfy the condition for WF
... is not XML, it's just characters
... it's not XML with errors
... delicate but relevant point
... people would be comfortable with saying "this is Fortran
with a bug", but people don't say that about XML
NM: what usually happens is that for programming languages, the spec is strict but they can resync
HT: I deny that — they define
sync points so that the compiler can give errors
... main point is where does this fit in the space that we know
about in terms of media types
... content type but also accept headers
... unlike text/html which is being redefined, the jury's still
out on what they say
... but they might say that any content might legitimately be
served as text/html
... several people have made clear that they hope the goal of
the XML-ER is not to redefine the application/xml media
<noah> I hope they don't say that any content is validly served as text/html. I hope/expect they will make a massive application of Postel's law, and say legally served content MUST validate, but clients may be liberal in what they process.
<noah> RB: I think the media type question is very much open in the CG.
<noah> I think Henry was talking about the likely registration of text/html
<noah> Not anything to do with the CG
<noah> RB: The question was how to make XML usable in various situations without breaking things.
<noah> RB: Nobody has yet looked in detail at whether to recommend use of application/xml, which would be a significant change the registrarion
NM: also a question about whether text/html will sets a precedent
HT: we're still waiting on that one, but we'll have to look at it
JAR: regardless of what the CG
decides to do, this is a very interesting question, I see
parallels with other issues
... we should keep this going
<ht> We need a Postel's Law issue
JAR: maybe we should wait until
someone has something to say about it
... but shouldn't close
+1 on a Postel issue
<jar> +1
<noah> ACTION-696?
<trackbot> ACTION-696 -- Jeni Tennison to frame discussion of XML-ER goals and use cases -- due 2012-04-24 -- PENDINGREVIEW
<noah> ACTION-656?
<trackbot> ACTION-656 -- Noah Mendelsohn to schedule discussion of possibly getting W3C to invest in technologies for liberal XML processing (e.g. XML5) -- due 2012-04-24 -- PENDINGREVIEW
NM: this action dates from before
the CG, my work is done
... close both?
... to keep this on the table, what's the next step?
JAR: someone to think about
... I see big parallels with httpRange-14
NM: I was hoping you wouldn't say that
HT: I agree with JAR, and agree it's going to be hard to find something to say about this
<jar> issue-20?
<trackbot> ISSUE-20 -- What should specifications say about error handling? -- open
HT: we have an issue similar to
hr14 which keeps coming up: is Postel's Law of any use?
... if not, should we write an obit?
... if it is, can we state so?
... if we have something different what's the delta?
NM: I'm not sure that's as fraught as hr14
Scribe notes famous last words
NM: seems close to authoritative
metadata indeed
... Postel's law is out there to advocate in favour of
robustness over safety
... trying to get to the ongoing effort about HTML/XML
... tempting for me to say that the bits that are specifically
about XML should go to that TF, and anyone is welcome to do
... HT is saying that we could invest in the deeper quesiotn of
Postel's Law and its relationship with authoritative
... anyone want to do the work?
HT: want to yes, but can is a different question
<jar> ditto
NM: this is significant if done well, but we need commitment
<noah> close ACTION-696
<trackbot> ACTION-696 frame discussion of XML-ER goals and use cases closed
<noah> close ACTION-656
<trackbot> ACTION-656 Schedule discussion of possibly getting W3C to invest in technologies for liberal XML processing (e.g. XML5) closed
NM: if someone wants to bring this up again, I'll be sympathetic so long as they can point out what's changed
<noah> NM: To sum up, the XML-specific part of this may come up again in the context of the HTML/XML unification effort, which is ongoing.
<noah> NM: Otherwise, asking to reopen focus on XML-ER is in order >if< someone steps up to move it forward and do real useful work on it.
<jar> error handling and extension points are very closely related
<noah> NM: Likewise, starting a major effort on the tension between authoritative metadata and Postel's law sounds very cool ( to the chair anyway ), but only if someone is ready to do months of work on it.
and versioning!
NM: framing from the chair
... number of emails flying in various quarters about changing
the TAG and all that
... before Sophia I asked if we wanted to talk about that, but
it was rejected
HT: for discussion at the f2f
NM: it may be better to talk of
this f2f though, can have lunch discussions and the such
... first of all, it's been noted several times that changes to
the process are not things that we drive
... but we can ask for them
... received objections to having this discussion at all
... so for this afternoon, the scope is strictly about election
... if people have other suggestions, please send them in
... these are time-consuming so please set the bar high
... I get nervous when we get too far in proposals for change
without being clear about what we are trying to change
<noah> RB: I sent some feedback to the member list, felt encouraged by the response, so wanted to bring it forward for wider discussion. Two of these are just to practice, vote counting is a change to process.
<noah> RB: E.g. to vote counting
<noah> (Hmm...I thought the counting procedure was at least implicitly part of the process)
<noah> RB: Ideas:
<noah> RB: 1) Make nominee list public (don't think it is)
<noah> RB: 2) Avoid tactical voting, probably as embodied in WBS (to avoid tactical voting...perceive that members avoid casting second vote when first choice is at risk)
<noah> RB: 3) Have a public mailing list on which people can discuss the election with the candidates, get answers from the candidates.
<Ashok> I think the recommendation is to use preferential voting -- i.e. first, second, etc.
HT: I strongly endorse the change
to Process to avoid tactical voting
... I'm conscious that it's awkward to say so
... but I will say that in every election I have stood in I
have voted only for myself
... and I think that's broken
s/but I will say that in every election I have voted in I have voted only for myself/but I will say that in every election in which I stood I have voted only for myself
JAR: I think that we need to look
at the broader problem and wonder if election reform will solve
... the problem is that we want abilities we don't have
... I don't think that this solves that
<ht> Oh yes, and I meant to say contra LM in email that it's precisely when the number of candidates is just larger than the number of seats that tactical voting is most tempting
NM: I don't want to pull in the entire scope of changing the TAG
<jar> the problem is getting constituencies represented, and getting expertise in areas where we're weak
<JeniT> RB: I've spoken to people who have wanted to run, but didn't bother because they didn't feel they had a chance of winning
<noah> RB: Don't focus just on counting. Right now, people who aren't well known in the AC don't run, because they perceive that without name recognition in the AC they can't win
NM: two or three separate things
that may be in contradiction
... one is that I think that RB is making good points in
... tactical voting bad, people telling their story good
... two, be careful. If you look at who's running, there are
some issues that aren't being discussed here
... as chair I feel tension between what we need to deliver and
the notion that people put themselves to run
... but ACs don't ask if people can write
... but writing skills are really important for the TAG
... three, the TAG is a funny group
... I have an opinion about it, but others see it
... see its goal as making people happy
... but it seems that if you're going to do more than very
small fixes to the process then you're going to have to look at
broader questions
... one point of view is lets at least fix the small things,
put the bigger things on the table later
... but there's the risk that people will perceive that we're
fixing the bigger issues
... one thing I will fight against is backing into revisiting
what the TAG is about
... it's important, but it's something that needs to be done
with care
... to some degree the TAG was chartered in part to be
... and look at inconvenient things
... it's really hard for me as chair to know when we're doing
our job and when we're just being stupid
<jar> RB, do you agree with what I said (that process changes are a means to an end), do you agree with what I said the end was, and how far do you think the process changes go toward achieving that end, 10%, 50% 90%?
<noah> NM: You mean the particular 3 changes you proposed.
<noah> JAR: Yes.
<noah> RB: What means to what ends?
<noah> JAR: The one I said.
<noah> JAR: Bringing better constituency representation and more expertise.
<noah> RB: That's what I meant by better candidates
<noah> RB: Chances of success are hard to judge. One "better" person out of 5 might be good.
NM: there are TAG members who in
retrospect turn out to be stronger and that's great
... but at times we need several, it may be better to have
several people on one topic at times
... no corporation would appoint us in the way we are
... I think Tim's appointees are often the strongest
<jar> RB ventured 40%, I think… I'm satisfied with that kind of answer, but note that in future we need to talk about the other 60%
NM: and I think that he uses his
vision for that
... I'm not convinced that the AC takes that into account
... the time investment is pretty significant
... it's good that independents are willing to stretch
... but it's hard without deep corporate pockets
... if you're willing the grant that there were problems
implicitly solved in RB's proposal
... I think there's agreement that these are small steps in the
right direction
... but should the TAG do something with this?
... individuals can go to the AB directly
... TAG aware of issues, point out sympathy on the TAG for
solving this
... point the AB to these minutes
<Yves> if the TAG says "yes it should be fixed in a way" it would be a good indication that individual claims are valid
JAR: I see LM's point that the
TAG doesn't do process
... but that's not the end of the story
... in order for the TAG to address its charter the TAG needs
specific people
... RB's proposal is about helping with that
NM: it would take weeks and
months for the TAG to discuss the broader issues
... but it would take months and we haven't done it yet
... trying to suggest that people here approach Team and AB
pointing to these minutes
... it does not the question about are we staffing the TAG
<jar> if it did 40% that would be huge
NM: if it's the only change we
make in ten years, I don't want it to happen
... but if it's a small tweak we can do without any presumption
that no further changes and debate will happen, then it could
be taken to the AB/Team
RB: happy to go to the AB and point to these minutes
NM: if you want, draft a note,
send it to the member list, and give us a chance to
... and let me as chair draft another note giving context and
larger issues
... capture informal feeling that there are
<scribe> ACTION: Robin to send note to tag@ that he will send later to the AB (as himself) proposing the changes to electoral proceedings [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-700 - Send note to tag@ that he will send later to the AB (as himself) proposing the changes to electoral proceedings [on Robin Berjon - due 2012-05-03].
<scribe> ACTION: Noah to follow up with Robin on election reform [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-701 - Follow up with Robin on election reform [on Noah Mendelsohn - due 2012-05-03].
<noah> ACTION: Noah to follow up with Robin on election reform proposals [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-702 - Follow up with Robin on election reform proposals [on Noah Mendelsohn - due 2012-05-03].
action-702 closed
<trackbot> ACTION-702 Follow up with Robin on election reform proposals closed
NM: remind me of what you'd like discussed
trackbot, end meeting