This is an old issue, and people are tired of it. --Sandro Hawke, 2003
The chronology of a permathread.
Not going to list the thousands of messages on the subject, but here are some highlights.
- 2002-03-18 Discussion on TAG telcon
- 2002-03-19 TimBL "The range of the HTTP dereference function" (look at the whole thread)
- 2002-03-25 TAG decides to accept the issue
- 2002-03-25 Issue 14 entry in old TAG issues list
- 2002-07-26 Tim Berners-Lee, "What do HTTP URIs Identify?"
- 2002-09-24 TAG F2F discussion
- 2003-01-12 Sandro Hawke, "Disambiguating RDF Identifiers"
- 2003-02-06 TAG F2F, vote to reopen issue 14 (with whiteboard photos)
- 2003-07-24 Summary by Norman Walsh
- 2004-04-20 Curing the Web's Identity Crisis: Subject Indicators for RDF
- 2004-05-13 TimBL proposal, origin of "information resource"
- 2004-10-07 Dan C on IRs and copyright
- 2004-10-14 Sandro Hawke, "Referendum on httpRange-14"
- 2004-10-25 TimBL in "referendum" thread
- 2005-05-31 Telcon discussion
- 2005-06-09 Tim Berners-Lee, "What do HTTP URIs Identify?"
- 2005-06-14 TAG F2F discussion
- 2005-06-18 Roy Fielding, "httpRange-14 Resolved"
- 2006-01-16 TimBL, "Reaching out onto the Web"
- 2006-05-23 Dan Connolly, "A Pragmatic Theory of Reference for the Web"
- 2007-02-18 Norm Walsh, "Hacking httpRange-14"
- 2007-07-12 Giovanni Tumarello on performance of 303
- 2007-08-27 "ISSUE-57: The use of HTTP Redirection"
- 2007-08-28 TAG switches to use of tracker; Issue 14 page
- 2007-08-28 Issue 57 page in tracker
- 2007-10-04 Rhys Lewis draft finding on the issue (withdrawn)
- 2007-10-19 Bill de hÓra, "Fragged"
- 2007-11-24 Pat Hayes, "Conforming is such sweet sorrow"
- 2007-11-25 Information resources (www-tag thread)
- 2007-12-04 Sean Palmer, "httpRange-14 Two Years On"
- 2007-12-15 What is an Information Resource? (40 messages)
- 2008-04-29 David Booth, definition of information resource as function
- 2008-12-03 Cool URIs for the Semantic Web
- 2009-01-29 Lisa Dusseault dissents; TimBL in same thread
- 2009-08-01 Proposed IETF/W3C task force: "Resource meaning: Review of new HTTPbis text for 303 See Other"
- 2009-06-25 Pat Hayes ".htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption"
- 2010-04-06 Metadata subjects + 200 - a poll (thread)
- 2010-06-28 Richard Cyganiak and Stéphane Corlosquet 'RDF information resources indirections'
- 2010-07-01 Tom Scott, "Linked things"
- 2010-07-06 J Rees, New opportunities for linked data nose-following
- 2010-07-07 Ed Summers, Linking things and common sense
- 2010-11-03 Ian Davis, Is 303 Really Necessary?
- 2010-11-07 John Sheridan, "200 OK with Content-Location might work" caution part of long public-lod thread
- 2010-11-09 David Wood, "A(nother) Guide to Publishing Linked Data Without Redirects"
- 2010-11-10 Tom Heath, Arguments about HTTP 303 Considered Harmful
- 2010-11-10 Sandro Hawke 'Simplified RDF'
- 2011-01-20 Larry Masinter, "The 'tdb' and 'duri' URI schemes"
- 2011-01-16 Manu Sporny on # and 303
- 2011-01-20 Harry Halpin on # and 303
- 2011-02-01 AWWSW status report (xhtml:license interop problem)
- 2011-02-09 JAR's slides for TAG F2F (what you write with and without the httpRange-14 rule)
- 2011-03-03 TAG ISSUE-57 redescribed as "Mechanisms for obtaining information about the meaning of a given URI"
- 2011-06-12 Email thread "Squaring the HTTP-range-14 circle" 95 messages and counting...
- 2011-06-25 JAR, Generic resources and Web metadata (latest)
- 2011-06-25 JAR, Providing and discovering URI documentation (latest)
- 2011-08-22 JAR, Interoperability of referential uses of absolute URIs
- 2012-02-17 JAR, Understanding URI Hosting Practice as Support for Documentation Discovery (latest)
- 2012-04-05 Responses to ISSUE-57 call for change proposals
- 2012-04-04 Use case matrix started at TAG F2F
See also
- 1989-03-xx Information Management: A Proposal see section "The problem with keywords"
- 1996-11-13 Describing and Linking Web Resources
- 1997-01-06 Metadata architecture design note
- 1997-05-14 PICS-NG Metadata Model and Label Syntax
- 1997-10-02 An early RDF draft "RDF is a foundation for processing metadata"
- 1998-10-08 Another early RDF draft
- 2000-xx-xx Generic Resources design note first published
- 2003-05-21 History of RDF (Tim Bray blog post on