Philosophy of the Web Community Group - Former Participants
Ashley Andrien
Individual CLA commitment

Renata Avila
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Creative Commons
Marcello Bax
Federal University of Minas Gerais

Shir Ben-Or
Individual CLA commitment

Reuben Binns
University of Southampton
Michael Brunnbauer
netEstate GmbH

Leslie Carr
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Southampton

Ross Cevenst
Individual CLA commitment
Daniel Corvalán
Individual CLA commitment

Simone Crimella
Individual CLA commitment

Damien Dabrowski

Brandt Dainow
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Costi Dumitrescu
Individual CLA commitment
Dean Edridge
Individual CLA commitment
Cooper Francis
Individual CLA commitment
Yosuke Funahashi
Tomo-Digi Corporation

Aldo Gangemi
CNR-ISTI (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "A. Faedo")

Desiree Garcia
Individual CLA commitment

Kristopher Gates
Individual CLA commitment

Didier Gehrer
Individual CLA commitment

Harry Halpin

Patrick Hayes
Individual CLA commitment
Martin Hepp
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Universität der Bundeswehr München
Ken Herold
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Hamilton College
Yuk Hui
Institut de Recherche et d'Innovation
Carlos Iglesias
Individual CLA commitment

Andrew Iliadis
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Temple University

Blaize Kaye
Perceptum Digital Solutions
Serge K. Keller
Individual CLA commitment

Antony Kennedy
Individual CLA commitment
Carlos Laufer
Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio

Richard Littauer
Individual CLA commitment

Paul Matthews
University of the West of England
Tim McMahon
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with American Mathematical Society

Alexandre Monnin
Origens Media Lab

Jaimie Murdock
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Indiana University

Tomislav Novak
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics

Michael Oikonomou
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Mariano Ortega de Mues
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Indra Sistemas S.A.
Stephan Packard
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Freiburg
Nikola Petrović
Morena engineering

Michael Petychakis
National Technical University of Athens

Mando Rachovitsa
Individual CLA commitment
Delfi Ramirez
Segonquart Studio

Jon Richter
Individual CLA commitment

Christopher Robinson
Individual CLA commitment
Emir Roumili
Individual CLA commitment
Individual CLA commitment
Adam Sanchez
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with CONDESAN

Vanessa Sant'André
Individual CLA commitment
Eglantine Schmitt
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Proxem
Luca Severini
Epistematica, Srl.
Grant Simpson
Individual CLA commitment

Karen Stepanyan
University of Warwick

Tim Stutt
University of California, Berkeley

Samuel Tronçon
Resurgences Group
Christian Tzurcanu
Individual CLA commitment

Miroslav Vacura
University of Economics, Prague

Boris Volfson
Individual CLA commitment

Shoshana Wodinsky
Individual CLA commitment