Extensible Web Community Group - Former Participants
Shawn Allen
Stamen Design
John Allsopp
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Web Directions Pty Ltd
Yasushi Ando
Individual CLA commitment

R Baxter
Individual CLA commitment

Kris Borchers
OpenJS Foundation

Herbert Braun
Individual CLA commitment

Daniel Buchner
Mozilla Corporation

Razvan Caliman

Gary Clarke
Go IT Services

Brendan Eich
Mozilla Foundation

David Fisco
Individual CLA commitment
Didier Gehrer
Individual CLA commitment

Andrea Giammarchi
Individual CLA commitment

Marcos Gonzales
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Gannett
Matt Griffin

David Herman
Mozilla Foundation

Clint Hill
Individual CLA commitment

Andris Jegorov
Credo Inc.

Alexey Kartashev
Individual CLA commitment

Daniel Krejci
Individual CLA commitment
Philip Laszkowicz

Ambrose Little
Infragistics, Inc.

Jorge Lopez
Individual CLA commitment

Vikash Madhow
Individual CLA commitment
Timofey Marinin
Individual CLA commitment
Steve Mayszak
Individual CLA commitment
Greg McLeod
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Isobar
Matt Morris
Individual CLA commitment

David Newton
Individual CLA commitment

Handrus Nogueira
Individual CLA commitment

Raphael Rougeron
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Viareport

Sebastian Samaruga
Individual CLA commitment

Simon Sapin
Mozilla Foundation
Satyam Satyam
Individual CLA commitment
Doug Schepers

Teketkom Shalimov

Luis Speciale
Individual CLA commitment

Simon St.Laurent
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Tim Stutt
University of California, Berkeley

Andrea Susi
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Dojo

Dionysios Synodinos
Individual CLA commitment

Matthew Turvey
Individual CLA commitment

Mohamed Zergaoui

Сергей - Sergey Константинов - Konstantinov