W3C Consortium and Financial Management RFP

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As W3C moves toward a stand-alone Legal Entity we owe it to ourselves, our Members and our Community to explore the best way to run the organization and deliver the high-quality experiences that our community has come to expect. One of these areas is how we manage most of the back-office functions of the Legal Entity. To that extent, we are soliciting proposals for Consortium Management and Financial Management services. You can find the RFP here. If your organization provides these services, or you know a great organization that does, we would like to have you send the responses to W3CLEadmin@w3.org. If you have any questions, you can send them to that same e-mail or directly to Alan Bird, W3C Business Development Lead, alan.bird@w3.org. Interested parties must respond by 26 June 2020, and we expect making a selection by 31 August 2020. We look forward to getting some great responses for W3C's future!

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