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19 Nov 2009 Next: 8 Dec 2009 (F2F @ MIT)
Agenda of 3 December 2009 TAG Teleconference
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- Convene
- Chair: Noah Scribe: Larry Masinter (not confirmed)
- Roll call -- Regrets: Henry, Tim (probable regrets)
- Note future regrets: Raman will attend the F2F by phone
- Agenda Review - this agenda
- Next Meeting: 8 December 2009 (F2F @ MIT) Chair: Noah Mendelsohn
- Future scribes: Larry -> Henry -> Dan
- Approve minutes of prior meeting(s)
- Administrative items
- Reminder of future F2F meetings:
- HTML 5 / IRIbis coordination
- Background:
- Goals:
- Alert TAG to recent interactions with HTML 5 WG (above)
- Optional: discuss
- Preparation the 8-10 December 2009 F2F
- Background:
- Goals:
- Identify necessary corrections to F2F agenda (if any)
- Ensure participants will be prepared for discussion at F2F
- Pending Review Items:
- Overdue Action Items:
- Any other business
Noah Mendelsohn for TAG
$Revision: 1.1 $ of $Date: 2009/12/02 21:43:40 $