This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.

This archived bug list includes all the bugs for the product or component specified, including bugs that have been resolved.

Sat Mar 30 2019 20:54:15 UTC
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99 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Opened Changed
14599 CSS Animatio dino NEW --- Need to be clearer about shorthands and animation (border-style issue) 2011-10-30 2014-05-12
14632 CSS Animatio dino RESO LATE Add animationcancelled event 2011-10-31 2012-03-29
14635 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT animating properties that affect other properties 2011-10-31 2012-08-14
14636 CSS Animatio smfr RESO FIXE Describe how missing properties evaluate in keyframes 2011-10-31 2012-02-02
14658 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Clarify "Duplicate animation names" behavior 2011-11-01 2012-10-30
14659 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE 'animation-iteration' event on last iteration 2011-11-01 2012-04-10
14668 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Animations and transitions need a warning about WCAG SC 2.3.1 2011-11-01 2013-02-22
14713 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Dynamic changes to animation properties or keyframes 2011-11-07 2014-10-22
14714 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Reverse timing function (like alternate, but in other iterations) 2011-11-07 2012-04-03
14718 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Add a way to pause an animation when leaving :hover 2011-11-07 2012-03-12
14719 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Disagreement over KEYFRAMES_RULE 2011-11-07 2012-02-11
14720 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Confusion over shorthands and non-animatable properties 2011-11-07 2014-05-12
14721 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL 'animation-iteration' event on last iteration 2011-11-07 2012-02-26
14722 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Duplicate animation names 2011-11-07 2012-02-26
14772 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Treatment of animation-iteration-count:0 2011-11-11 2011-12-17
14774 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Effect of animation-play-state:paused when animation not yet running 2011-11-11 2014-09-17
14775 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Effect of animation-play-state:paused when animation not yet running 2011-11-11 2011-11-11
14776 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Clarify animation shorthand parsing prose 2011-11-11 2012-10-04
14777 CSS Animatio dino RESO LATE Proposal: animation along a path 2011-11-11 2012-03-29
14778 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Clarify resolution of multiple animations of the same property 2011-11-11 2012-04-10
14779 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Clarify animation application rule 2011-11-11 2013-02-21
14780 CSS Animatio dino RESO LATE Proposal: support even frame distribution mechanism 2011-11-11 2012-03-29
14781 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Clarify when missing 0%/100% keyframes are constructed 2011-11-11 2012-08-16
14782 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Case-sensisitivity of keyframes at-rule 2011-11-11 2011-12-17
14783 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Clarify resolution/handling of animation-* list values 2011-11-11 2012-10-30
14784 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Errors in animation-* value definitions 2011-11-11 2014-05-19
14785 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Effect of display:none on animations 2011-11-11 2012-12-18
14786 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Clarify multi-value support for animation-play-state 2011-11-11 2012-12-17
14787 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Whether the animation shorthand should include animation-play-state 2011-11-11 2013-01-11
14788 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE [om] Can a comma-separated list of keys be passed to deleteRule/findRule? 2011-11-11 2015-01-09
14789 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Clarify the handling of dynamic changes to animation properties or keyframes 2011-11-11 2012-01-30
14790 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Clarify parsing of animation-name subproperty of animation shorthand 2011-11-11 2014-06-16
14791 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Define the handling of 'initial' and 'inherit' in animation-name values 2011-11-11 2013-02-08
14792 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Handling of !important inside @keyframes 2011-11-11 2012-07-12
14794 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Update Applies-To definition to match css3-transitions 2011-11-11 2011-12-17
14795 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Define the resolution of @keyframes selectors outside [0%-100%] 2011-11-11 2012-08-08
14796 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Define the effect of multi-value animation-timing-function inside @keyframes 2011-11-11 2013-02-22
14797 CSS Animatio smfr RESO FIXE Animation events should not be cancelable 2011-11-11 2012-02-08
14798 CSS Animatio dino RESO LATE Complex animations: calc() in animation-delay 2011-11-11 2012-03-29
14799 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Animating the visibility property 2011-11-11 2012-02-26
14800 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE animation-iteration-count and negative values 2011-11-11 2011-12-17
14802 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL CSSKeyframeRule.keyText when rule has multiple keys 2011-11-11 2012-10-04
14803 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Support for complex animations 2011-11-11 2012-07-03
14804 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE animation-delay, onload, and animation-fill-mode 2011-11-11 2014-05-19
14805 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Interaction between animation-timing-function on keyframes and reverse animations 2011-11-11 2014-10-21
14806 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO FIXE Define or reference timing functions 2011-11-11 2012-04-03
14807 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Interaction of animation-delay and animation-iteration-count 2011-11-11 2014-10-02
14986 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Restarting animations through removal/reapply: clarify 2011-11-29 2013-02-20
14989 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Need a method to retrieve list of keyframeKeys 2011-11-29 2012-07-11
15240 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL what happens if the same name occurs 2+ times in animation-name 2011-12-17 2012-02-26
15241 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Define whether the animationiteration event is fired for last iteration 2011-12-17 2012-02-26
15242 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Clarify interaction between transitions and animations 2011-12-17 2014-05-19
15243 CSS Animatio dbaron RESO FIXE Whether to extend animation-direction 2011-12-17 2012-04-03
15245 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Clarify the scope of keyframes 2011-12-17 2012-08-03
15246 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Provide a keyframesRuleList property to enumerate @keyframes rules 2011-12-17 2012-07-11
15247 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Use constructors instead of init methods for Animation Events 2011-12-17 2012-02-08
15249 CSS Animatio dbaron RESO FIXE Where in the cascade do animations go? 2011-12-17 2012-10-30
15250 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Add keyList property to CSSKeyframesRule? 2011-12-17 2012-07-11
15251 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Animation events and empty @keyframes rules 2011-12-17 2013-01-11
15273 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Are @keyframes defined inside @media valid? 2011-12-19 2012-07-09
15338 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Remove the initAnimationEvent method 2011-12-26 2012-10-02
15839 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Should a cancel event fire when the animation is canceled during its delay stage? 2012-02-02 2012-03-09
15840 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE What does animation-fill-mode do when animation-iteration-count is zero? 2012-02-02 2014-08-26
15841 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE animation-fill-mode:fractional iteration counts, new animation-direction values and step() 2012-02-02 2014-10-20
15846 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Define whether/which events fire for animations running on pseudo-elements 2012-02-02 2013-01-28
15848 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Define the start time of an animation 2012-02-02 2014-06-09
15849 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL What if different keyframes have different sets of properties? 2012-02-02 2012-02-02
15850 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Handling of invalid @keyframes 2012-02-02 2012-10-17
16082 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Sandwich model graphic should use 'CSS Animation' 2012-02-22 2012-03-01
16115 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Animation sandwich model does not consider CSS3 Transitions and SMIL Animations 2012-02-24 2012-07-03
16116 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Term 'intrinsic style' not defined 2012-02-24 2014-09-17
16120 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Animations' precedence over transitions 2012-02-25 2012-02-26
16410 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Define the interaction of animation-fill-mode with running/completed animations 2012-03-16 2014-10-02
16545 CSS Animatio dino RESO WONT Clarify the restart of an animation 2012-03-27 2014-09-03
16806 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Should negative animation-duration be a parse error? 2012-04-20 2012-07-12
17550 CSS Animatio sylvaing RESO WONT Interaction of timing functions specified in a keyframe with properties defined in other keyframes 2012-06-20 2013-02-20
17559 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE [om] Clarify what elapsedTime should return when animation-delay is specified 2012-06-20 2014-10-22
17738 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Shorthand should process animation-name last 2012-07-10 2012-07-10
18580 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE CSSKeyframeRule.keyText is wrong 2012-08-15 2012-10-04
18937 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE Ambiguous animation shorthand 2012-09-20 2012-09-20
20092 CSS Animatio dino RESO LATE Ability to have "adjacent" keyframes / "instantaneous" interpolations 2012-11-26 2012-12-17
20454 CSS Animatio galineau RESO LATE [feature-request] steps() timing function sometimes unintuitive 2012-12-20 2014-07-17
20461 CSS Animatio dino RESO LATE keyframe selector unit specifier: implement s,ms,µs 2012-12-20 2013-01-09
20609 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE Multiple occurrences of the same 'animation-name' in animation shorthand 2013-01-08 2014-07-17
21018 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE cascading of keyframes in @keyframes should be per-property rather than per-rule 2013-02-16 2014-05-19
25034 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE [om] Clarify CSSKeyframesRule.deleteRule() effect when multiple rules use the same key 2014-03-12 2014-10-22
25035 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE [om] The side-effects of programmatically duplicating a rule key are undefined 2014-03-12 2014-10-31
25107 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE [om] What is the format of the key argument to CSSKeyframesRule.findRule/deleteRule ? 2014-03-21 2014-05-28
25344 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE [om] 'none' should not be a valid value for 2014-04-14 2014-10-22
25666 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE Clarify what media Animations apply to 2014-05-12 2014-08-20
25667 CSS Animatio dino RESO LATE [feature-request] Animation timing keywords for better bounce animations 2014-05-12 2014-07-17
25670 CSS Animatio galineau RESO WONT [om] Should CSSKeyframesRule inherit from CSSGroupingRule 2014-05-12 2014-10-31
25671 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE Clarify the effect of inserting a new @keyframes rule 2014-05-12 2014-07-17
25673 CSS Animatio dino RESO DUPL Define getter/setter behavior when given values such as 'none' 2014-05-12 2014-05-19
26692 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE Clarify whether zero duration animations fire start/end events 2014-08-28 2014-09-17
27181 CSS Animatio galineau RESO FIXE [Editorial][om] Add examples, and note 2014-10-27 2015-02-25
27525 CSS Animatio dino RESO FIXE CSSKeyframesRule.findRule() return value should be nullable 2014-12-05 2014-12-08
28053 CSS Animatio galineau NEW --- Clarify the parsing of the animation shorthand 2015-02-18 2015-02-18
28936 CSS Animatio dino NEW --- Persistent animation-delay throughout iterations 2015-07-10 2015-07-10
99 bugs found.