Thanks for attending TPAC 2011. Please feel free to provide TPAC2011/feedback!
And help develop the wiki page for TPAC2012!
TPAC 2011 (a W3C event) takes place 31 Oct to 4 Nov 2011 in Santa Clara, California. The Plenary Day is 2 November.
This year the TPAC2011 Program Committee has adopted a plenary day structure that encourages meeting participants to drive the agenda. Most of the day will consist of sessions chosen and led by participants. We encourage people to share their ideas in this wiki. This wiki also provides more operational information about the day.
Plenary Day Structure
The TPAC2011 Program Committee is using a TPAC2011-Planning workspace to further develop the details.
Time | Activity | Notes |
08:30-09:00 | Jeff Jaffe on Successes and Challenges (slides in PDF) | |
09:00-09:30 | Plenary topic #1: Web and Television | Mark Vickers (combined slides with Clarke), Chair; Giuseppe Pascale, Opera (slides); Clarke Stevens (CableLabs) |
09:30-10:00 | Plenary topic #2: Web Content Interoperability | Bryan Sullivan, Chair; Wilhelm Joys Andersen (Opera), Claudio Venezia (TIM), Soonho Lee (SK Telecom), Kai-Dietrich Scheppe (Deutsche Telekom) |
10:00-11:15 | Agenda building | 10 min explanation of BarCamp-style intros, session proposing, participant-driven schedule grid. |
11:15-12:00 | Breakout 1 | 8 Rooms available for the day. |
12:00-13:30 | Lunch | |
13:30-14:30 | Breakout 2 | (8 rooms - see below for breakout grid details) |
14:30-15:30 | Breakout 3 | (8 rooms) |
15:30-16:30 | Breakout 4 | (8 rooms) |
16:30-17:15 | Sharing and advocacy plenary | Allow 15 more minutes? |
17:15-17:30 | Tim Berners-Lee Wrap-up plenary |
Plenary Day Agenda Ideas
The program committee has pre-selected the cross-group plenary topics and a small handful of breakout session proposals:
- TPAC2011/PlenaryBreakouts has the list of selected breakouts
Attendees were encouraged to brainstorm session ideas in advance of the meeting, both for cross-group plenary topics and for the breakout sessions:
- TPAC2011/SessionIdeas has the full list of proposals
We invite you to leave comments in the wiki in support of sessions or suggesting modifications. For the most part, actual breakout sessions will be determined by those present the day of the event, who will be free to propose sessions they've developed or new ideas. Please see the session page for more information about schedule and selection.
Session Grid
[30 sessions]
BarCamp/BreakOut Session Grid
This is a copy of the physical grid in the Plenary Room. Proposals are posted/managed on the physical grid. Please update this table only to reflect the actual physical grid.
- Note: (*) means pre-selected.
- Chairs, please identify a scribe and take notes in a new wiki page for your session. We encourage you to present that summary at the end of the day in the sharing plenary session.
Overflow sessions
time | Other rooms | Bar 104 | Lobby | Poolside |
11:15-12:00 | ||||
13:30-14:30 | Web Component Model. #webapps in Room 1234 | Swim! | ||
14:30-15:30 | Web communication. Kepend Li. #webcomm | HTML5 UI mapping to platform accessibility APIs [1]. #aapi. Cynthia | Converge address book ... Web TV. #cab | Measuring the Web. Steve Bratt. #windex |
15:30-16:30 | Web first. Downsize the W3C, spin out sem web. Alex Russell. #webfirst | Multi-screen Web. Hiroyuki Aizu. #multiscreen | Registries. Debbie Dahl. #registries. |
- Grand Ballrooms hold ~40
- California Ballrooms hold ~35
See Also
- — archived copy of the TPAC live Web application that was used as a companion to TPAC 2011
- TPAC - list of past TPACs