TPAC 2011:

W3C Technical Plenary / Advisory Committee Meetings Week

TPAC 2011 SponĀ­sors:

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Santa Clara Marriott, Santa Clara, California, (Silicon Valley) USA31 October to 4 November 2011

TPAC 2011: the Combined Technical Plenary / Advisory Committee Meetings Week brings together W3C Working, Interest, and Incubator Groups, the Advisory Board, the TAG and the Advisory Committee for an exciting week of coordinated work. The highlight of the week is the Plenary Day, Wednesday, 2 November, for all registered participants to attend.

On-site registration

Please pick up your name tag and other items in the California Ballroom Foyer: 08:00 - 16:00. Walk-in registration will be extremely limited as several groups are full.

Registration list by Groups. Please read the meeting participation policies before you pay and register for meetings.

Need Help? Please mail, and someone will assist you.


We invite your feedback via the TPAC 2011 survey.

Week at a glance schedule

Meeting rooms will be available from 08:00 - 18:00 Monday through Friday.

Week at a Glance Schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

08:00 - Coffee Service

Coffee, Tea, and Juice

10:00-11:00 - AM Break

Coffee, Tea Refresh



Plenary Day for AC, Chairs, Group Participants, AB, TAG, Offices Staff, and Team

California Ballroom - Salons 4 and 5


Advisory Committee Meeting for AC, Chairs, AB, TAG, Offices Staff, and Team




12:00-14:00 Lunch

15:00-16:00 PM Break

Coffee/Beverage and Snack


Lunch - Salon 6


Advisory Committee Meeting for AC, Chairs, AB, TAG, Offices Staff, and Team

Lunch: Salon 6 and Sedona Room

California Ballroom Salons 4 and 5

Plenary Day for AC, Chairs, Group Participants, AB, TAG, Offices Staff, and Team

Lunch: Salon 6 through 9

California Ballroom Salons 4 and 5


Lunch - Hall of Cities


Lunch - Hall of Cities


Advisory Committee Dinner for AC, Chairs, AB, TAG, Offices Staff and Team


Plenary Reception for AC, Chairs, Group Participants, AB, TAG, Offices Staff, and Team


Participation Policies and Recommendations

The following participation policies and recommendations are intended to promote participation while ensuring that meeting chairs have the tools necessary to run their meetings effectively.

Plenary Participation

Participation in the Technical Plenary is open to participants in good standing in a W3C Working or Interest Group, Advisory Committee Representatives, the TAG, the Advisory Board, Offices Staff and Team.

Group Meeting Participation

You must be a participant in a W3C Working Group, Interest Group or Incubator Group, the Advisory Committee Representative of a W3C Member organization, a member of the Advisory Board, the TAG, Offices staff or Team or an Invited Guest in order to be eligible to register for and attend these meetings.

Group Meeting Observers

Anyone eligible as described above may request multiple meetings to observe provided there is an attendance checkbox. Observer attendance is at the Chair's discretion. The group Chair will inform you if adminission is granted. Chairs have wide latitude to grant or reject requests based on space considerations, confidentiality, and the ability to conduct the business of the group. Please contact the WG or IG Chair for information about the participation policy (see Member-only Chair contact information). Observer seating will be organized for meetings that permit observers as "secondary seating without power" around the perimeter of the room. Observer seating will be limited.

Suggestion: Secure permission to attend a meeting as an observer before making any travel plans.

Advisory Committee Discussion Session Participation

Participation in the Tuesday and Thursday portions of the Advisory Committee Meeting is open to one Advisory Committee representative from each Member organization. If an Advisory Committee Representative cannot attend the meeting, an alternative may be sent instead. See section of the Process Document for more information about Member participation.

The Advisory Board, the TAG, Chairs, Offices staff and Team members are encouraged to attend the AC discussion sessions.

Advisory Committee Meeting and Dinner Attendance

These events are open only to a limited group: one AC Representative per organization, Group Chairs, Advisory Board, TAG, Offices staff and Team.

Registration and Registration Fees

Online registration is closed. You may register at the meeting.

Registration is a two-step process:

  1. Complete WBS Registration by Friday, 21 October. Chairs, please see Member-visible Registration List by Groups.
  2. Pay your registration fee by Friday 21 October through a payment system.


Registration and Walk-In Fees

A daily fee helps W3C offset the cost of these meetings. The daily fee applies to anyone who is attending meetings, whether as a participant or as an observer, Monday through Friday. However, if you are an AC Rep and on Tuesday, you plan to attend only the dinner (not the afternoon session), you do not need to pay the fee for Tuesday.

The per person, per day fees are as follows:

Please pay when you register. To simplify the collections procedure, we encourage you to complete payment by the registration close date (14 October). We are likely to charge more for any payment made after the close of registration.
Walk-ins. We will accept walk-ins, space-permitting. We reserve the right to refuse walk-ins if we believe it will have a negative impact on meeting space or meals. We strongly advise people against making flight arrangements if they have not already registered.

Payment System

Payments will be processed through a payment system. You will receive a receipt if payment was successful.

We use PayPal for collecting registration payments, but you do not need a PayPal account to use the payment system. PayPal accepts major credit cards.

If you experience problems with the registration page, please contact

Cancellation and Refund Policy

  1. Cancellations and requests for refunds must be received by17:00 ET on 22 October 2011. Refund requests will not be honored after that time.
  2. Refunds will be subject to a 15 USD service charge.
  3. Contact to cancel your registration and request a refund.


Group Meetings will be held all day Monday and Tuesday, 31 October - 1 November, and all day Thursday and Friday, 3-4 November. The Technical Plenary Day will be held Wednesday 2 November, and the AC Executive Session will start on the afternoon of Tuesday 1 November and will continue on the morning of Thursday 3 November.

Schedule at a glance
In order to avoid groups having to meet on Saturday, the Advisory Committee meeting will take place in parallel with group meetings on Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning. We recognize that there may be a scheduling conflict between a Group meeting and the Tuesday and Thursday AC sessions. We apologize for any inconvenience, and encourage people to favor the AC session. Please consider arranging the agenda of your Working/Interest/Incubator Group meeting accordingly.

Group Meetings - Finalized Schedule

Unless the Chairs notes otherwise, most Group meetings will begin at 09:00. Meeting rooms will be available from 08:00 - 18:00 Monday through Friday.

Monday/Tuesday Group Meetings: 31 October - 1 November 2011
Meeting Room Group Est.
Actual Group/
No Overlap Meet w/ Member
Observers Comments
Sequoia Audio WG
(Monday only)
6 3/10 No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Grand Ballroom A&B CSS WG 25 33/29 HTML No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Guestroom Suite 1435 Declarative 3D Community Group 8-10 No Yes
Portland Education & Outreach WG 13 8/9 None No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Santa Barbara eGov IG 25 5/10 No Yes w/ pror agreement from Group Chair
Newport Federated Social Web XG
(Tuesday only)
30 9/8 No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Sierra Geolocation WG 10 3/15 None No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Guestroom Suite
I18N Core WG 6 2/5 None No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Guestroom Suite

Multimodal Interaction (MMI) WG 12 6/3 DAP Yes Yes, Members Only
Ponderosa Protocols & Formats WG 10 8/8 HTML No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair

(Monday only)

8 10/7 Yes Yes, Members only
CA Ballroom, Salons 1-3 Tracking Protection WG 20-30 20/9 No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Grand Ballroom, C-E Web Applications WG
20 41/50 HTML No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Grand Ballroom, C-E Web Applications WG
(same group - one large room)
20 HTML No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
CA Ballroom, Salons 7-9 Web Application Security WG 15-20 M: 9/14
T: 15/17
No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Seattle Web Events (Tuesday only) 10 7/25 SVG No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Sequoia Web Performance WG
(Tuesday only)
12 5/10 No Yes w/ prior agreement for Group Chair
Prospctor Suites A&B Web Real-Time Communications WG 30~ 29/40 No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Monterey XML Processing Model WG 6 6/4 XML Core No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair.
Guestroom Suite 1234 XML Query WG 15 7/3 XML Schema Yes Yes, Members Only
Authoring Tools & Accessibility Guidelines WG (Cancelled) 7 User Agent No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Media Analysis XG (Cancelled) 4 N one No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Patents & Standards IG (Cancelled) 25 AB Yes Yes, Members Only
XSLT (Cancelled) 10 XML Core Yes NO
Thursday/Friday Group Meetings: 3-4 November 2011
Meeting Room Group Est.
Actual Group/Observer No Overlap Meet w/ Member
Observers Comments
Guest Room Suite 1 Advisory Board 12 13/0 AC Meeting Yes NO
Grand Ballroom, Salons D&E Device API and Policy 35 45/49 HTML No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Monterey Efficient XML Interchange 10 6/5 SVG No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Grand Ballroom, Salons B&C HTML
(one large room)
25 51/66 CSS, Web Apps,
No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Grand Ballroom, Salons B&C HTML
(one large room)
25 CSS, Web Apps,
No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Prospector Suite A HTML Speech XG 10-15 10/13 Voice Browser HTML No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Prospector Suite B Media Annotations 10 6/15 Media Fragments No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Ponderosa RDB2RDF (Thurs. only) 5 5/5 RDF Yes NO
Grand Ballroom, Salon A SVG WG 8-10 10/22 Web Fonts, Web Apps No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Ponderosa TAG
(Friday only)
8 8/7 Yes Yes, Members only
Sierra User Agent Accessibility 5 8/11 None HTML No Yes w/ prior agreement from Group Chair
Sequoia XML Core 5/0 1/4 XML Processing Model Yes NO
Voice Browser (Cancelled) 10 MMI Yes Yes, Members only

Venue - Santa Clara Marriott

TPAC 2011, W3C's Combined Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee Meeting, will be held on the US west coast at the Santa Clara Marriott Hotel. The Santa Clara Marriott, located in California's famous Silicon Valley, and is conveniently located just 4 miles from the San Jose International Airport and 30 miles south of the San Francisco International Airport.

Local organizers:
Meeting location:
Santa Clara Marriott
2700 Mission College Boulevard
Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA
Tel: +1 408 988 1500 (main line)
Fax: +1 408 352 4353 (front desk)

Hotel - Santa Clara Marriott

Santa Clara Marriott (Fact Sheet)
2700 Mission College Boulevard
Santa Clara, CA 95054
+1 408 988 1500

Note: The Santa Clara Marriott hotel is sold out on 1-2 November 2011. An overflow hotel has been arranged - Avatar Hotel.

Guest Room Rate: 169 USD plus applicable taxes (currently 9.6% plus 1.00USD TID tax). The group rate will be available from 29 October - 6 November. If you arrive earlier or stay later, the group reservation link will not work. We suggest making a separate reservation through the main hotel reservation link. For those calling to make reservations, the group code is: wacwaca.

The Santa Clara Marriott offers wireless internet in guest rooms for a daily fee of 12.95 USD.

Deadline to book your room: 10 October 2011 by 17:00 pacific time.
After 10 October, reservations will be accepted on a space-available basis only at current market rates.

Please do your best to stay at the Meeting Hotel. We have done our best to offer a competitive guest room rate. In order to meet guest room quotas, avoid steep charges for meeting rooms, and maintain all the meeting space we require for a successful meeting, we kindly ask that you book your room at the Santa Clara Marriott.

Overflow Hotel - Avatar Hotel

Avatar Hotel (a Joie de Vivre hotel)
4200 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054
+1 408 235 8900 (main telephone number)
+ 1 800 586 5691 Reservations - Ask for W3C Rate

A limited number of guest rooms have been reserved at the Avatar Hotel for W3C TPAC meeting attendees. Mention W3C to get the special rate. The Avatar Hotel has agreed to add more rooms if the block fills up. That said, it is the weekend, and additional rooms may not be added until Monday. Folks could still book their room, and we will settle any issues next week. Send mail with the specifics to

The Avatar Hotel is just across the street from the Santa Clara Marriott Hotel. It is about a 10 minute walk across a small highway. The Avatar will run shuttles from their hotel to the Santa Clara Marriott for TPAC meeting attendees.


Mineta San Jose International Airport is the closest International airport to the meeting site. The Santa Clara Marriott is located just 4 miles from the San Jose International Airport and 30 miles south of the San Francisco International Airport. The travel time between the airport and the hotel (meeting site) will vary between 15-30 minutes depending on traffic conditions. Taxi are plentiful and fares vary.

The Hotel Fact Sheet provides driving directions from the San Jose, San Francisco, and Oakland airports.

Ground Transportation:

for possible ride sharing see and add your information to the W3C Taxi wiki

San Jose International Airport - Rental Car Information
San Francisco International Airport - Rental Car Information

Useful Information

Internet Access: Wireless Internet access only will be available during the week.

IRC: There will be an IRC channel used for both taking meeting minutes and for submission of questions from AC Members who are unable to attend the meeting in person. Details will be supplied in an email message to the AC.

Power: 110 V, 60Hz, US standard outlets. Power outlets will be provided at all seats in the meeting room.

Currency: US Dollar. (You may use OANDA Currency Converter.)

Weather: You may refer to for Santa Clara, CA weather..

Getting Around