Multi-screen Web

From W3C Wiki


soon, it'll be posted here ... maybe :)


Discussion about multi-screen architecture in web and tv. One example is that A guy is watching video with text description and form-based controller in single screen(browser). This man can flick video into TV screen, then smartphone is displaying text data and controller function. In the proposal model, this service is done with single dom tree. It means tree is split into 2 devices. Based on the communication each devices, sharing events, DOM and script moved into each devices dynamically. Under those architecture model, user can use multiple device adequately. And single dom tree model enables easy developing for those multi-screen services.


Topic: Multi Screen Web
Moderator:: aizu
Minutes::   ken

aizu: propose multi-screen web
... single screen shows each contents in single screen (e.g. video, text, etc.)
... in multi screen, each components are divided into each devices.
... ex. button is on smartphone, video is on tv.
... document is single but, UA is multiple.
... proposal architecture model.
john: event sharing is interesting.
... each UA shows activity.
igarashi: event is starndarized in W3C. it requires user-dependent event tech.
... each apps send message and collaborate.
... (above is discussed in web and tv)
jean same dom tree make each UA.
... sends video and destroy local video.
... (uPnP cases)
... widget communication style in each 2 UAs.
aizu: for developer's view, this proposal'll be convinient.
jean: document'll be seen on each side.
... architecture is similar to uPnP.
john: each document must know each states.
hiroki has joined (h_yamada@
jean: technology is available... manually.
... whole widgets ... spread into 2, depends on situation.
john: extend figure required detailed UA's status etc.
... roles'll be caracterized ...
john: both UA has active tag.
albert: UA needs to know context ... device capability.
sergey: need brainstorming about use-cases or so.
aizu: yes.
john: one device will be controller.
... has diagram discussed previously in W3C ... fundamental
magnus: must be secure frameworks.
jean: svg UA is capable to two screen.
john: svg and uPnP's discovery process ...
igarashi: this senario'll be complicated for multiple developing.
magnus: considering each device'll be required. for example, tv doesn't have input capability but smartphone has.
aizu: need more discussion.
... create TF in web and tv, what do you think about it?
igarashi: depends on scope.
... relation of each apps migration
... more extend specific way required. eventing and messaging haven't discussed in HNTF.
jean: map services(documents) to each devices.
magnus: extension of media-query will be considered.
jean: service management ... map to each UA, discover each other. requirement is already exist.
igarashi: how to extend browser to support multiple screen.
sergey: usecases?
john: ... multiple usecases, we'll find requirement.
... how useragent interact? to share the one document.
sergey: living room has paticular usecases.
john: this model requires device discovery ( including each roles )
igarashi: other model 'll be ... each document is independent.
sergey: uPnP stack has similar model.
aizu: where is best place to discuss?
jean: create new TF in web and tv, or create community group.
... previously discussed similar model named 'AGENS?'
... one usecase is already shown in proposal docs.
... first, video is presented in smartphone then migrate to tv (including dom and script)
magnus: synchronizing state is required.
john: share subtitle, synchronize state...
... different view point ....