See also: IRC log
pi: we're going to talk about the jQuery Standards Group
<npdoty> scribenick: darobin
pi: how we're going to help
improve specifications
... things that developers want in the platform that we don't
see being actively developed
... how to get better involvement from authors
yk: I don't like the fact that we
use "author", most people are really developers
... it's a pet peeve but I won't fight too much on it
... bunch of us were complaining about the standards process at
the jq meetup
... why don't we formalise that?
... should sollicit from webdevs what they feel should
... mostly the higher tier, who have a sense of the failures of
the platform
... know how we can make sites 10x faster if we fix document
... people engaged in papering over issues
... process designed for browser vendors
... we wanted to create a forum for that
pi: we want to represent the
... help them get engaged
... help vendors prioritise properly
... match the pain points from devs
... keen to see jq adopt the new standards
yk: eg RAF, we can really help make half the websites adopt it
pi: feature detection
... current BP in defensive xbrowser dev
... we need robust feature detection
... they can be slow though
... sometimes it can be hard to do, unclear
... e.g. fixed has a different behaviour on mobile
... when it fails people have to resort to UA sniffing
yk shows some of the stuff that jq does
scribe: some of the tests can be
quite complex
... we want the spec making process to take feature detect into
... would make startup a lot faster
pi: false positives are a
... FX half-implemented transforms, and broke feat detect
... Chrome has done similar stuff
... then you have the issue of exceptions on common feat detect
... FD has a good reputation
... but when done poorly it's as bad as UA sniffing
yk: historical note, hasFeature
... we should learn something about the past ten years
<krisk> can someone place a url to the slide deck in IRC?
<vhardy> robin: what we can do in specs is that have a checklist. There is a limit over what the browsers do.
<vhardy> yk: the spec. could say that an implementation should not claim it implements something unless...
<vhardy> robin: what has an effect is if we design an API in a way that people do not get it wrong.
<vhardy> yk: I think that browsers should not expose a property if they do not implement it.
kris: how many browsers do you think there are?
yk: there are many but only few
that people care about
... opera is the bottom line
... there's no one who can address below opera
... a lot of people try to make browsers, few succeed
pi: being able to define what
feat detect strategy in the spec would be ideal
... so that it won't false positive
<npdoty> robin: could we collaborate on a best practices document for specification writers? (on things like feature detection in specs)
heycam: webidl could do
... don't know if we need to do that in the spec
... not sure if editors are more informed
yk: it should be a spec failure to do it wrong
[scribe lost in fast discussion]
yk: I think that browsers are responsive to bugs
js: I think I'm with you
... for functions it's easy, for events it's harder
<npdoty> ... and that browser vendors think that a violation of the spec is a bug
yk: yes, we need something for events
nm: there are certain things
where you need total buy-in, but in this case even partial
buy-in is already a win
... if it becomes part of the folklore it will become
james: one problem with things like hasFeature is that there's an incentive for vendors to do it wrong
yk: but the disincentive is that you break a lot of sites
js: it is a real problem, we've
seen browsers implement new features by just passing feat
... since it's new, not breaking the web doesn't apply
yk: the solution to that is using modernizr deep testing
js: so html5test doesn't do that
james: feel bad about using a real example
yk: we're all on the same
... the competitors to the web platform don't have this
problem, can we agree to fix this?
js: I think we had
the problem is partial implementation
ds: in d3ev we tried to go to fine grained feat detect but it wasn't very popular
js: I think that putting this
stuff in the spec will take us already far
... I do really like that idea
pi: specs don't capture enough of
the rationale
... devs are reverse engineering what a feature affords
... because they don't read the standards lists
<jrossi2> It's not perfect, but this was somewhat on that idea of sub feature / behavioral detection:
pi: leaving out the UCs means
that devs miss great features
... more complex examples help a lot
... written UCs would help
... (shows F:D&S)
robin: we should get devs to send us UCs so that we can paste them into the specs
yk: the discussion over the hidden attribute should be summarised in the spec because it makes sense to understand what it's good for
ds: if only so taht people stop asking the same question
pi: we asked on twitter what bugs
people wanted fixed
... got 300 devs, some terrible, some really good
yk: (list on screen)
yk: a lot of big features like
... get into the spec and implemented before devs have had a
chance to figure out that it's broken
... that feedback should happen earlier and better
kris: you seem like that prime candidates for test writing, we're trying to do more and more tests
js: I'm not actually sure that this solution is fixing the problem
yk: if there's no adoption, if
people have events to discuss the issues, it should be
considered feedback
... also, there's often a lot of pushback when the feature has
already been implemented
... it would be great if there were a W3C forum for developers
to say when something is broken
... don't specs need multiple implementations
js: yes, but if the implementation has shipped too long ago, it's hard or impossible to ship
yk: if would be good if devs could play with the feature before it goes to W3C
james: being in a spec isn't
... what's fatal is when people depend on that feature
... we could maybe change appcache because no one is using
yk: qSA is a great example of something that's broken
js: I agree, we need input from
implementers and authors
... maybe we're trying in the wrong way
ds: we need to move on, great discussion we should cover more ground
tobie: the problem boils down to
the fact that devs want to use stuff before they go mainstream,
but once they use it vendors can't change it
... we need to find a way to fix this
nm: my point is similar, hard to
hit sweet spot
... seems like appcache might be okay there
... in Geo that wasn't the case, when the spec went out for
comments there were already too many sites using the
... I wasn't wrong tecnically, but they couldn't change
yk: same with qSA
ds: the tail is wagging the dog here, content is easier to change
nm: I think it would be good if the community would push us to a better situation
yk: I think that we should use vendor prefixes properly, make a better contract
js: we need devs involved earlier, how to do it is a harder problem
<Suresh> Would having JQuery submit test cases help?
<scribe> ACTION: Robin to coordinate with pi and yk to get a BP document about feature detection [recorded in]
yk: try to get a group together around this
kris: write tests
tobie: this can't just be about devs, but also vendors and many others
yk: I would be submitting test for things that we can't do but should
<scribe> ACTION: Robin to look into creating a CG for library developers, browsers, editors to communicate [recorded in]
pi: we're coordinating with other
libraries to move forward
... we have a mailing list
... we have GH issue tracker
<noah> My particular point was: yes, having good implementations ahead of frozen specs is very important, but conversely it is very desirable to publish reasonably good drafts of specifications\ for community comment >before< the code is de facto frozen by too widespread adoption of the early implementations.
(showing examples from the issue tracker)
<wycats> darobin: +1
pi: scaling the group, need to identify champions for specific features
<scribe> ACTION: Robin to look into using GH for spec development [recorded in]
yk: the ML has evolved into a safer place for devs to make feature proposals
<shepazu> Please support this group… need 4 others
<noah> Dumb question: which ML?
yk: people find it hard to go to public-webapps because they're afraid to look stupid there
pi: we want to show the voice of
the devs
... reviewing and submitting test cases
pi: I don't think devs realise that tests are written in the language of web devs, when specs aren't
yk: getting specs to link to tests
js: implementing a feature is 50% writing tests — if the tests are already there we get there faster
rn: how do we get the feedback
from non-English speakers
... but some features like bidi needs to be from native devs of
those languages
ds: having them write tests would already help a lot
james: very much in favour of
... they should be in the w3c framework
(global agreement to move in that direction)
<noah> Tnx (oooh...#! URI!)
<krisk> has all the info you need to submit tests to the HTML WG
pi: one of the things that's kind of blocked devs is that lists are overwhelming
js: too many emails, or too high requirements?
all: both
<shepazu> (we need to make it clear that tests are welcome from everyone, and have a review process)
yk: it's easy to bring up ideas but then it devolves into implementation discussions, devs lose track/interest
pi: call for ideas
ds: I have a proposal
... having advocates who can go out there in the community and
help drive the ideas they get there
[so more like ambassadors]
scribe: it may seem silly but I see no other way
rn: the vendors already have dev events where they get feedback
<wycats> something like Chrome DevRel for W3C
rn: can't we have that for W3C?
ds: W3C Conf!
... first year we're doing it we're still learning
<npdoty>, discount code "tpac"
ds: next year will be more about
... we can also have smaller things
kris: there's a lot of devs
... millions!
... I'd love to say that I listen to all bugs from devs
... I thikn that participating in the w3c public lists is good
because it gets back to it
yk: I thikn that devs of popular libs have super useful information
henri: it could be useful to organise money for great demos, would help everyone
<wycats> awwwwwwww
<krisk> is the URL :)
<npdoty> Meeting: jQuery Standards breakout session
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/forum/W3C forum/ Succeeded: s/??/rn/ Succeeded: s/??/henri/ Succeeded: s/chris/kris/g Found ScribeNick: darobin Inferring Scribes: darobin WARNING: No "Topic:" lines found. WARNING: No "Present: ... " found! Possibly Present: Suresh all darobin dowan dowan_ ds ernesto_jimenez henri heycam hober https james joined jquery jrossi2 js kris krisk lgombos myakura nm noah npdoty pi rn robin scribenick shepazu tobie vhardy wycats yk You can indicate people for the Present list like this: <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary <dbooth> Present+ amy Got date from IRC log name: 02 Nov 2011 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: robin WARNING: No "Topic: ..." lines found! Resulting HTML may have an empty (invalid) <ol>...</ol>. Explanation: "Topic: ..." lines are used to indicate the start of new discussion topics or agenda items, such as: <dbooth> Topic: Review of Amy's report[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]