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Community & Business Groups

Semantic Web Interfaces Community Group

Although Interface and Interaction design typically pertain to the disciplinary domain of HCI, which can be considered a neighboring discipline to the semantic web, with this proposal we aim to bring the relevant aspects of HCI to address core technological, socio-technical and fundamental challenges for Semantic Web (and Web Science) research. Read more:

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Drafts / licensing info

Date Name
Preliminary Report

First Draft of Preliminary Report published by Semantic Web Interfaces Community Group

On 2014-07-17 the Semantic Web Interfaces Community Group published the first draft of the following specification:

Participants contribute material to this specification under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

If you have any questions, please contact the group on their public list: Learn more about the Semantic Web Interfaces Community Group.

Web visualization of a simple ontology

Hi all,

to get more frequent updates for the group dashboard and thus for the community I invite everybody to share links to interesting projects, papers, blog post, … in the field of our community. I think we had enough to show!

At first, I want to share a link posted to this list last night. Jean-Claude explains in a tutorial like manner how to transform an OWL ontology to JSON-LD and then how to visualize it with D3.js. Maybe, it is a good starting point for everyone who has to create a JavaScript-based InfoVis of an ontology. And here we go! The demo is linked at the bottom of his post and here.

Vision, Mission and Charter

Greetings, all

Thanks a lot for joining this community

With reference to notes in our preliminary report (currently being drafted)

Please help to shape the vision and mission for the group by taking a very quick  questionnaire.(less than 10 questions).  This will help us with stakeholder profiling

This is only or internal use – Anonymized answers will be shared with participants

In addition to the usual norms for participatory governance and ethical conduct for online commnities,  as of February 2014 we have established two participatory governance rules:

1. Taking the stakeholder survey is a necessary requirement to join this group.  Members who joined before, should take the survey to maintain their membership. This is to ensure we have enough well intentioned and constructive contributors on board.

2. Members must commit to a minimum of one  activity  each semester of their choice in support of the group mission, and inform the group via a post to the list so that others can participate, and provide enough information. This is to ensure a minimum level of participation of all members and facilitate the record keeping of all activities.

Members who do not comply with the charter will be considered silent lurkers and their membership to the group may  be  reevaluated accordingly at some point.

Welcome to discuss on list any suggestion you may have in relation to vision, mission and charter.

The Chairs

Getting on, and a virtual Meeting

Hope those of you who attended ISWC2012 had a fun and productive week.

Here is how I suggest we kick this off:

1.  If you like, introduce yourself to others! and say a few words about what you’d like to do here

2. Please take a look at our draft agenda so far, and help edit items


2. Let’s have a first virtual meeting to very briefly say hi and chat informally around the agenda items. People who cannot attend the virtual meeting, will be fully briefed and possibly access a recording of the same (if we manage)> Please express your preference of timeslot:  when should we have our first virtual meeting?

Have chosen some random times/days the first week of December, if you want to suggest alternate slots let me know

and your preference of platform if you have any google hangouts? skype?

2. Pleaste take a look at this online form if you would like to suggest edits to the form please email me and I can invite you to co-edit, otherwise just fill it out before the virtual meeting takes place s that we have some basis for some discussion/decision making

Anything else? Please ping

Thank you, best!!


Thanks for Joining, and Household

Thanks for Joining this Community!

RE. EDITING POSTS If you (like me) are logging in Chrome, you may have to click the grey shield icon at the right hand side of the browser box (where the url goes) then click ‘load anyway’ to view the text in this text editor (otherwise the text may not show)

RE. GOVERNANCE OF THIS COMMMUNITY We shall soon find a synchronous/asynchronous way of convening and organising ourselves

such as electing a chair, we may go for a rotating chair if people agree

(that means, EACH group member will be a chair fo a 2 months period or so (tba), unless
they have a very good reason to opt out) would that work?

The chair would just make sure the community agenda is followed up

All members would contribute to shaping the agenda and take on tasks

would that work?

Note: Til then, I am nominating myself temp chair to deal with list admin


Tba, soon

Can everyone edit this page?  please test!

Look forward