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W3C I18N News: translations

News exclusively about new and updated translations of material on the W3C Internationalization site. This information will not usually appear on other lists. Useful for non-English speakers.

See also the list of W3C specifications.

If you are interested in translating, see the translation instructions.

Items are in chronological order, with the newest at the top. See the sidebar for other specialized lists and related RSS feeds.

Time to change your RSS feed

28 June 2006
Richard Ishida
Closing this RSS Feed

The W3C Internationalization Activity home page was converted to a blog format in April of this year. The blog supersedes these news filter pages, although similar categories will be used to group blog posts. The old pages will remain available as a historical record. The new blog approach also makes it possible to easily host short articles with a comment facility, such as requests for public feedback.

If you are subscribed to this RSS feed, you should now subscribe to this new feed.

Wed, 28 Jun 2006 00:00:01 GMT

Lokalisierung vs. Internationalisierung

22 February 2006
Jens Meiert
Updated translation

Thanks to Jens Meiert the translation of the FAQ-based article "Localization vs. Internationalization" has now been updated in German (language negotiated). [search key: qa-i18n]

Wed, 22 Feb 2006 17:20:00 GMT

מה שאתם צריכים לדעת לגבי האלגוריתם הדו-כיווני וסימון פנימי

23 November 2005
WTB Language Group
Updated translation

Thanks to Oleg Gaivoronsky the translation of the article "What you need to know about the bidi algorithm and inline markup" has now been updated in Hebrew (language negotiated). [search key: inline-bidi-markup]

Wed, 23 Nov 2005 14:20:00 GMT

أسئلة شائعة: استخدام <select> للربط بمحتوى مترجم

18 November 2005
WTB Language Group
New translation

Thanks to the Arabic Translation team, WTB Language Group, the FAQ article "Using <select> to Link to Localized Content" has now been translated into Arabic (language negotiated). [search key: qa-navigation-select]

Mon, 18 Nov 2005 14:40:00 GMT


20 October 2005
WTB Language Group
New translation

Thanks to the Chinese Translation team, WTB Language Group, the FAQ article "Using <select> to Link to Localized Content" has now been translated into Simplified Chinese (language negotiated). [search key: qa-navigation-select]

Mon, 20 Oct 2005 14:40:00 GMT

FAQ: Tags em outros idiomas

22 August 2005
Joildo Santos
New translation

Thanks to Joildo Santos, the FAQ article "Non-English tags" has now been translated into Brazilian Portuguese (language negotiated). [search key: qa-non-eng-tags]

Mon, 22 Aug 2005 14:40:00 GMT

FAQ: Vérifier les en-têtes HTTP

22 August 2005
Steve Frécinaux
New translation

Thanks to Steve Frécinaux, the FAQ article "Checking HTTP Headers" has now been translated into French (language negotiated). [search key: qa-headers-charset]

Mon, 22 Aug 2005 14:10:00 GMT

FAQ: Verificando o cabeçalho HTTP

16 August 2005
Maurício Samy Silva
New translation

Thanks to Maurício Samy Silva, the FAQ article "Checking HTTP Headers" has now been translated into Brazilian Portuguese (language negotiated). [search key: qa-headers-charset]

Tue, 16 Aug 2005 16:10:00 GMT

FAQ: Quem usa Unicode?

16 August 2005
Maurício Samy Silva
New translation

Thanks to Maurício Samy Silva, the FAQ article "Who uses Unicode?" has now been translated into Brazilian Portuguese (language negotiated). [search key: qa-who-uses-unicode]

Tue, 16Aug 2005 16:15:00 GMT

Tutorial: l'uso dell'informazione sulla lingua in XHTML, HTML e CSS

5 August 2005
Translator: Pasquale Popolizio
Updated translation

Thanks to Pasquale Popolizio, Italian slide text has been added to the language-negotiated Italian translation of the tutorial "Using language information in XHTML, HTML and CSS". [search key: tutorial-lang]

Fri, 05 Aug 2005 10:00:00 GMT

Codificar idiomas com duas ou três letras

5 August 2005
Translator: Maurício Samy Silva
New translation

Thanks to Maurício Samy Silva, the FAQ article "Two-letter or three-letter language codes" has now been translated into Brazilian Portuguese (language negotiated). [search key: qa-lang-2or3]

Fri, 05 Aug 2005 09:10:00 GMT

Configurando as preferências de idioma no navegador

4 August 2005
Maurício Samy Silva
New translation

Thanks to Maurício Samy Silva, the FAQ article "Setting language preferences in a browser" has now been translated into Brazilian Portuguese (language negotiated). [search key: qa-lang-priorities]

Thu, 04 Aug 2005 09:10:00 GMT

HTML, XHTML, XML e os códigos de controle

3 August 2005
Maurício Samy Silva
New translation

Thanks to Maurício Samy Silva, the FAQ article "HTML, XHTML, XML and Control Codes" has now been translated into Brazilian Portuguese (language negotiated). [search key: qa-controls]

Wed, 03 Aug 2005 09:33:00 GMT

Usando select para lincar à um conteúdo específico

28 July 2005
Maurício Samy Silva
New translation

Thanks to Maurício Samy Silva, the article "Using select to Link to Localized Content" has now been translated into Brazilian Portuguese (language negotiated). [search key: qa-navigation-select]

Thu, 28 Jul 2005 16:30:00 GMT

FAQ: Declaração de codificação de caracteres em arquivo CSS

26 July 2005
Maurício Samy Silva
New translation

Thanks to Maurício Samy Silva, the article "CSS character encoding declarations" has now been translated into Brazilian Portuguese (language negotiated). [search key: qa-css-charset]

Tues, 26 Jul 2005 10:18:00 GMT

Codificação de caracteres

19 July 2005
Maurício Samy Silva
New translation

Thanks to Maurício Samy Silva, the article "Character encodings" has now been translated into Brazilian Portuguese (language negotiated). [search key: O-charset]

Tues, 19 Jul 2005 19:47:00 GMT

FAQ: déclaration du codage de caractères utilisé dans un fichier CSS

19 July 2005
Pierre Goiffon
New translation

Thanks to Pierre Goiffon, the article "CSS character encoding declarations" has now been translated into French (language negotiated). [search key: qa-css-charset]

Tues, 19 Jul 2005 12:53:00 GMT

Le paramètre HTTP Charset

14 July 2005
Pierre Goiffon
New translation

Thanks to Pierre Goiffon, the article "The HTTP charset parameter" has now been translated into French (language negotiated). [search key: O-HTTP-charset]

Mon, 14 Jul 2005 15:25:00 GMT

Servindo XHTML 1.0

14 July 2005
Maurício Samy Silva
New translation

Thanks to Maurício Samy Silva, the article "Serving XHTML 1.0" has now been translated into Brazilian Portuguese (language negotiated). [search key: serving-xhtml]

Mon, 14 Jul 2005 06:08:00 GMT

Servir du XHTML 1.0

4 July 2005
Andrei Stanescu
New translation

Thanks to Sébastien Guillon, the article "Serving XHTML 1.0" has now been translated into French (language negotiated). [search key: serving-xhtml]

Mon, 04 Jul 2005 00:11:10 GMT

Servirea Documentelor XHTML 1.0

15 April 2005
Andrei Stanescu
New translation

Thanks to Andrei Stanescu, the article "Serving XHTML 1.0" has now been translated into Romanian (language negotiated). [search key: serving-xhtml]

Fri, 15 Apr 2005 00:11:17 GMT

Ce que vous devez savoir au sujet du bidi et du balisage au sein des blocs

25 February 2005
Patrick Andries
New translation

Thanks to Patrick Andries, the article "What you need to know about the bidi algorithm and inline markup" has now been translated into French (language negotiated).

(There is also a French PDF version for those who cannot see the Arabic and Hebrew examples correctly.) [search key: inline-bidi-markup]

Fri, 25 Feb 2005 00:18:45 GMT

FAQ: Establecimiento de las preferencias de idioma en un navegador

20 January 2005
Carlos Iglesias
New translation

Thanks to Carlos Iglesias, the FAQ "Setting language preferences in a browser" has now been translated into Spanish (language negotiated).

Some of the examples used were converted for the Spanish audience. [search key: qa-lang-priorities]

Thu, 20 Jan 2005 00:18:45 GMT

Translation process

05 January 2005
Richard Ishida
Updated page

Significant change to 'Version information' section. Instructions now say to put the following note near the top of the page, rather than at the bottom:

<p id="disclaimer">This document is a translation. In the case of any discrepancy or errors, the <a href="/International/XXX/YYY.en.html">latest English original</a> should be considered authoritative. <a href="#copyright">Original copyright</a> belongs to W3C, as shown below.</p>

The text has also changed.

Wed, 05 Jan 2005 14:23:01 GMT

Translation process

05 January 2005
Richard Ishida
Updated page

Improved clarity in several places. Susbtantially changed section 'Changes to the text' to say that translators should send information, rather than add details to the document. Added to section 'Notification of new or updated translations' information about news and RSS feeds, and Ivan's list of translations.

Wed, 05 Jan 2005 00:00:01 GMT

FAQ: Att granska HTTP-headers

26 November 2004
Olle Olsson
New translation

Thanks to Olle Olsson, the FAQ "Checking HTTP Headers" has now been translated into Swedish (language negotiated). [search key: qa-headers-charset]

Mon, 26 Nov 2004 00:00:01 GMT

FAQ: Att deklarera teckenkodning i CSS

23 November 2004
Olle Olsson
New translation

Thanks to Olle Olsson, the FAQ "CSS character encoding declarations" has now been translated into Swedish (language negotiated). [search key: qa-css-charset]

Mon, 23 Nov 2004 00:00:04 GMT

FAQ: Enspråkiga resp. flerspråkiga webbplatser

23 November 2004
Olle Olsson
New translation

Thanks to Olle Olsson, the FAQ "Monolingual vs. multilingual Web sites" has now been translated into Swedish (language negotiated). [search key: qa-mono-multilingual]

Mon, 23 Nov 2004 00:00:03 GMT

FAQ: Internationella & flerspråkiga webbplatser

22 November 2004
Olle Olsson
New translation

Thanks to Olle Olsson, the FAQ "International & multilingual web sites" has now been translated into Swedish (language negotiated). [search key: qa-international-multilingual]

Mon, 22 Nov 2004 00:00:03 GMT

FAQ: Att ange 'charset'-information i .htaccess

22 November 2004
Olle Olsson
New translation

Thanks to Olle Olsson, the FAQ "Setting 'charset' information in .htaccess" has now been translated into Swedish (language negotiated). [search key: qa-htaccess-charset]

Mon, 22 Nov 2004 00:00:02 GMT

FAQ: Dokuments teckenuppsättning

22 November 2004
Olle Olsson
New translation

Thanks to Olle Olsson, the FAQ "Document character set" has now been translated into Swedish (language negotiated). [search key: qa-doc-charset]

Mon, 22 Nov 2004 00:00:01 GMT


11 November 2004
Olle Olsson
New translation

Thanks to Olle Olsson, there is now a language-negotiated Swedish translation available of the article "Character encodings". [search key: O-charset]

Thu, 11 Nov 2004 00:00:00 GMT

Tutorial: l'uso dell'informazione sulla lingua in XHTML, HTML e CSS

1 September 2004
Pasquale Popolizio
New translation

Thanks to Pasquale Popolizio, there is now a language-negotiated Italian translation available of the tutorial "Using language information in XHTML, HTML and CSS". [search key: tutorial-lang]

Wed, 01 Sep 2004 00:00:00 GMT

FAQ: 文書文字集合

2 July 2004
石川 雅康 (Masayasu ISHIKAWA)
New translation

Thanks to Masayasu Ishikawa, the FAQ 'Document character set' is now available in Japanese. [search key: qa-doc-charset]

Fri, 02 Jul 2004 00:03:00 GMT


25 June 2004
石川 雅康 (Masayasu ISHIKAWA)
New translation

Thanks to Masayasu Ishikawa, the article 'Character Encodings' is now available in Japanese. [search key: O-charset]

Fri, 25 Jun 2004 00:00:00 GMT

Att leverera XHTML 1.0

20 April 2004
Olle Olsson, SICS
New translation

Thanks to Olle Olsson, the article 'Serving XHTML 1.0' is now available in Swedish. [search key: serving-xhtml]

Tue, 20 Apr 2004 00:00:00 GMT

Further information

See the list of previous news.

Participate in the Internationalization Activity!

The Internationalization Activity welcomes the participation of individuals and organizations around the world to help improve the appropriateness of the Web for multiple cultures, scripts and languages.

How to participate:

More information about the Internationalization Activity.

Contact: Richard Ishida (

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Content last changed 2005-03-14 11:31 GMT