color data type

The color type indicates the color of an element. Color may be represented as hexadecimal RGB triples, as in HTML, or as hexadecimal ARGB tuples, with the A indicating alpha of transparency. An alpha value of 00 is totally transparent; FF is totally opaque. If RGB is used, the A value is assumed to be FF.

For instance, the RGB value "#800080" represents purple. An ARGB value of "#40800080" would be a transparent purple.

As in SVG 1.1, colors are defined in terms of the sRGB color space (IEC 61966).

Base type: token

Regex pattern: #[\dA-F]{6}([\dA-F][\dA-F])?

Where is this type used?

<accent> — "color" attribute

<accidental> — "color" attribute

<accidental-mark> — "color" attribute

<accidental-text> — "color" attribute

<accordion-registration> — "color" attribute

<arpeggiate> — "color" attribute

<arrow> — "color" attribute

<bar-style> — "color" attribute

<barre> — "color" attribute

<bass-alter> — "color" attribute

<bass-separator> — "color" attribute

<bass-step> — "color" attribute

<beam> — "color" attribute

<bend> — "color" attribute

<bracket> — "color" attribute

<brass-bend> — "color" attribute

<breath-mark> — "color" attribute

<caesura> — "color" attribute

<clef> — "color" attribute

<coda> — "color" attribute

<credit-symbol> — "color" attribute

<credit-words> — "color" attribute

<damp> — "color" attribute

<damp-all> — "color" attribute

<dashes> — "color" attribute

<degree-alter> — "color" attribute

<degree-type> — "color" attribute

<degree-value> — "color" attribute

<delayed-inverted-turn> — "color" attribute

<delayed-turn> — "color" attribute

<detached-legato> — "color" attribute

<directive> — "color" attribute

<display-text> — "color" attribute

<doit> — "color" attribute

<dot> — "color" attribute

<double-tongue> — "color" attribute

<down-bow> — "color" attribute

<dynamics> — "color" attribute

<elision> — "color" attribute

<ending> — "color" attribute

<extend> — "color" attribute

<eyeglasses> — "color" attribute

<falloff> — "color" attribute

<fermata> — "color" attribute

<figure-number> — "color" attribute

<figured-bass> — "color" attribute

<fingering> — "color" attribute

<fingernails> — "color" attribute

<flip> — "color" attribute

<footnote> — "color" attribute

<frame> — "color" attribute

<fret> — "color" attribute

<function> — "color" attribute

<glissando> — "color" attribute

<golpe> — "color" attribute

<group-abbreviation> — "color" attribute

<group-barline> — "color" attribute

<group-name> — "color" attribute

<group-symbol> — "color" attribute

<half-muted> — "color" attribute

<hammer-on> — "color" attribute

<handbell> — "color" attribute

<harmon-mute> — "color" attribute

<harmonic> — "color" attribute

<harmony> — "color" attribute

<harp-pedals> — "color" attribute

<haydn> — "color" attribute

<heel> — "color" attribute

<hole> — "color" attribute

<inversion> — "color" attribute

<inverted-mordent> — "color" attribute

<inverted-turn> — "color" attribute

<inverted-vertical-turn> — "color" attribute

<key> — "color" attribute

<kind> — "color" attribute

<left-divider> — "color" attribute

<line-detail> — "color" attribute

<lyric> — "color" attribute

<measure-numbering> — "color" attribute

<measure-style> — "color" attribute

<metronome> — "color" attribute

<mordent> — "color" attribute

<non-arpeggiate> — "color" attribute

<note> — "color" attribute

<notehead> — "color" attribute

<numeral-alter> — "color" attribute

<numeral-root> — "color" attribute

<octave-shift> — "color" attribute

<open> — "color" attribute

<open-string> — "color" attribute

<other-articulation> — "color" attribute

<other-direction> — "color" attribute

<other-notation> — "color" attribute

<other-ornament> — "color" attribute

<other-technical> — "color" attribute

<part-abbreviation> — "color" attribute

<part-name> — "color" attribute

<part-symbol> — "color" attribute

<pedal> — "color" attribute

<percussion> — "color" attribute

<plop> — "color" attribute

<pluck> — "color" attribute

<prefix> — "color" attribute

<principal-voice> — "color" attribute

<pull-off> — "color" attribute

<rehearsal> — "color" attribute

<right-divider> — "color" attribute

<root-alter> — "color" attribute

<root-step> — "color" attribute

<schleifer> — "color" attribute

<scoop> — "color" attribute

<segno> — "color" attribute

<shake> — "color" attribute

<slide> — "color" attribute

<slur> — "color" attribute

<smear> — "color" attribute

<snap-pizzicato> — "color" attribute

<soft-accent> — "color" attribute

<spiccato> — "color" attribute

<staccatissimo> — "color" attribute

<staccato> — "color" attribute

<staff-divide> — "color" attribute

<stem> — "color" attribute

<stopped> — "color" attribute

<stress> — "color" attribute

<string> — "color" attribute

<string-mute> — "color" attribute

<strong-accent> — "color" attribute

<suffix> — "color" attribute

<symbol> — "color" attribute

<tap> — "color" attribute

<tenuto> — "color" attribute

<text> — "color" attribute

<thumb-position> — "color" attribute

<tied> — "color" attribute

<time> — "color" attribute

<toe> — "color" attribute

<tremolo> — "color" attribute

<trill-mark> — "color" attribute

<triple-tongue> — "color" attribute

<tuplet-dot> — "color" attribute

<tuplet-number> — "color" attribute

<tuplet-type> — "color" attribute

<turn> — "color" attribute

<unstress> — "color" attribute

<up-bow> — "color" attribute

<vertical-turn> — "color" attribute

<wavy-line> — "color" attribute

<wedge> — "color" attribute

<with-bar> — "color" attribute

<words> — "color" attribute