The <credit-words> element

Parent element: <credit>

The <credit-words> element is similar to the <words> element for a <direction>. However, since the <credit> is not part of a measure, the default-x and default-y attributes adjust the origin relative to the bottom left-hand corner of the page. The enclosure is none if not specified.

By default, a series of <credit-words> and <credit-symbol> elements within a single <credit> element follow one another in sequence visually. Non-positional formatting attributes are carried over from the previous element by default.




Name Type Required? Description
color color No Indicates the color of an element.
default-x tenths No Changes the computation of the default horizontal position. The origin is changed relative to the bottom left-hand corner of the specified page. Positive x is right and negative x is left.
default-y tenths No Changes the computation of the default vertical position. The origin is changed relative to the bottom left-hand corner of the specified page. Positive y is up and negative y is down.
dir text-direction No The text-direction attribute is used to adjust and override the Unicode bidirectional text algorithm, similar to the Directionality data category in the W3C Internationalization Tag Set recommendation. The default value is ltr. This attribute is typically used by applications that store text in left-to-right visual order rather than logical order. Such applications can use the lro value to better communicate with other applications that more fully support bidirectional text.
enclosure enclosure-shape No Formatting of an enclosure around text or symbols.
font-family font-family No A comma-separated list of font names.
font-size font-size No One of the CSS sizes or a numeric point size.
font-style font-style No Normal or italic style.
font-weight font-weight No Normal or bold weight.
halign left-center-right No In cases where text extends over more than one line, horizontal alignment and justify values can be different. The most typical case is for credits, such as:

Words and music by
Pat Songwriter

Typically this type of credit is aligned to the right, so that the position information refers to the right-most part of the text. But in this example, the text is center-justified, not right-justified.

The halign attribute is used in these situations. If it is not present, its value is the same as for the justify attribute. For elements where a justify attribute is not allowed, the default is implementation-dependent.
id ID No Specifies an ID that is unique to the entire document.
justify left-center-right No Indicates left, center, or right justification. The default value varies for different elements. For elements where the justify attribute is present but the halign attribute is not, the justify attribute indicates horizontal alignment as well as justification.
letter-spacing number-or-normal No Specifies text tracking. Values are either normal, which allows flexibility of letter-spacing for purposes of text justification. or a number representing the number of ems to add between each letter. The number may be negative in order to subtract space. The value is normal if not specified.
line-height number-or-normal No Specifies text leading. Values are either normal or a number representing the percentage of the current font height to use for leading. It is normal if not specified. The exact normal value is implementation-dependent, but values between 100 and 120 are recommended.
line-through number-of-lines No Number of lines to use when striking through text.
overline number-of-lines No Number of lines to use when overlining text.
relative-x tenths No Changes the horizontal position relative to the default position, either as computed by the individual program, or as overridden by the default-x attribute. Positive x is right and negative x is left.
relative-y tenths No Changes the vertical position relative to the default position, either as computed by the individual program, or as overridden by the default-y attribute. Positive y is up and negative y is down.
rotation rotation-degrees No Used to rotate text around the alignment point specified by the halign and valign attributes. Positive values are clockwise rotations, while negative values are counter-clockwise rotations.
underline number-of-lines No Number of lines to use when underlining text.
valign valign No Indicates vertical alignment to the top, middle, bottom, or baseline of the text. The default is implementation-dependent.
xml:lang xml:lang No Specifies the language used in the element content. It is Italian ("it") if not specified.
xml:space xml:space No Indicates whether white space should be preserved by applications.


This element is used in the following examples:

<concert-score> and <for-part>, <credit-symbol>, <credit>