left-center-right data type

The left-center-right type is used to define horizontal alignment and text justification.

Base type: token

Allowed values

left Left horizontal alignment or justification.
center Center horizontal alignment or justification.
right Right horizontal alignment or justification.

Where is this type used?

<accidental-text> — "halign" attribute

<accidental-text> — "justify" attribute

<accordion-registration> — "halign" attribute

<coda> — "halign" attribute

<credit-image> — "halign" attribute

<credit-symbol> — "halign" attribute

<credit-symbol> — "justify" attribute

<credit-words> — "halign" attribute

<credit-words> — "justify" attribute

<damp> — "halign" attribute

<damp-all> — "halign" attribute

<display-text> — "halign" attribute

<display-text> — "justify" attribute

<dynamics> — "halign" attribute

<eyeglasses> — "halign" attribute

<figured-bass> — "halign" attribute

<footnote> — "halign" attribute

<footnote> — "justify" attribute

<frame> — "halign" attribute

<group-abbreviation> — "justify" attribute

<group-name> — "justify" attribute

<harp-pedals> — "halign" attribute

<image> — "halign" attribute

<kind> — "halign" attribute

<left-divider> — "halign" attribute

<lyric> — "justify" attribute

<measure-numbering> — "halign" attribute

<metronome> — "halign" attribute

<metronome> — "justify" attribute

<other-direction> — "halign" attribute

<part-abbreviation> — "justify" attribute

<part-name> — "justify" attribute

<percussion> — "halign" attribute

<principal-voice> — "halign" attribute

<rehearsal> — "halign" attribute

<rehearsal> — "justify" attribute

<right-divider> — "halign" attribute

<segno> — "halign" attribute

<staff-divide> — "halign" attribute

<string-mute> — "halign" attribute

<symbol> — "halign" attribute

<symbol> — "justify" attribute

<time> — "halign" attribute

<words> — "halign" attribute

<words> — "justify" attribute