
From Solid Community Group


Membership of the group is open to everybody but all participants must sign the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement by joining the W3C Solid Community Group.


Editorial sessions on the Solid Ecosystem happen at - self-organised, no fixed schedule.


  • Title: Solid team meeting
  • Meeting URL:
  • Description: This is a routine meeting from the people having a named role in the Solid process to discuss admin issues (website/forum maintenance, process suggestions, events...)
  • Meeting minutes


  • Title: Solid team meeting
  • Meeting URL:
  • Description: This is a routine meeting from the people having a named role in the Solid process to discuss admin issues (website/forum maintenance, process suggestions, events...)
  • Meeting minutes


  • Overview
 * Work on the progression of Solid technical reports through the W3C CG (that anyone can join).
 * The CG follows the Solid Code of Conduct and Positive Work Environment at W3C.
 * We acknowledge that every technical decision has ethical implications both for the end user (short-term) as well as society (long-term). To contribute towards a net positive social benefit, we use the W3C Ethical Web Principles to orient ourselves.
 * State of specs, panels, and other work:
  • Solid Protocol:
 * Core components (eg. identity, authentication, authorization) are settling down. New exciting issues, clarification on concepts. Patch and query-based updates. Secure Websockets. Among an ocean of issues.. integrating implementation feedback.
  • Solid OIDC:
 * Draft (roughly equivalent to "W3C First Public Working Draft") published.
  • Web Access Control (WAC):
 * Draft (roughly equivalent to "W3C Working Draft") published. Used by Linked Data systems in the wild (not strictly Solid-based).
  • Authentication Panel:
 * Ongoing work on Solid OIDC, HttpSig.
  • Authorization Panel:
 * Ongoing work on Use Cases, ACP, WAC+.
  • Data Interoperability Panel:
 * Ongoing work on data and application registratation, shape trees.
  • Test Suite Panel:
 * Ongoing work on tests and tooling. More details at future Solid World.
  • Notifications Panel:
 * Call for Reviving the notifications-panel:
  • Specification Terms:
 * WIP. "Anything of significance...". Tests and implementations reports reference the requirements in specifications.

Please join us. All contributions are welcome.


  • Title: Solid team meeting
  • Meeting URL:
  • Description: This is a routine meeting from the people having a named role in the Solid process to discuss admin issues (website/forum maintenance, process suggestions, events...)
  • Meeting minutes


  • Title: Solid team meeting
  • Meeting URL:
  • Description: This is a routine meeting from the people having a named role in the Solid process to discuss admin issues (website/forum maintenance, process suggestions, events...)
  • Meeting minutes


  • Title: Solid team meeting
  • Meeting URL:
  • Description: This is a routine meeting from the people having a named role in the Solid process to discuss admin issues (website/forum maintenance, process suggestions, events...)
  • Meeting minutes


  • Title: Solid team meeting
  • Meeting URL:
  • Description: This is a routine meeting from the people having a named role in the Solid process to discuss admin issues (website/forum maintenance, process suggestions, events...)
  • Meeting minutes


  • Title: Solid team meeting
  • Meeting URL:
  • Description: This is a routine meeting from the people having a named role in the Solid process to discuss admin issues (website/forum maintenance, process suggestions, events...)
  • Meeting minutes


  • Title: Solid team meeting
  • Meeting URL:
  • Description: This is a routine meeting from the people having a named role in the Solid process to discuss admin issues (website/forum maintenance, process suggestions, events...)
  • Meeting minutes


  • Title: Solid team meeting
  • Meeting URL:
  • Description: This is a routine meeting from the people having a named role in the Solid process to discuss admin issues (website/forum maintenance, process suggestions, events...)
  • Meeting minutes



  • Justin B
  • Sarven C
  • Timbl


  • Update spec document to Solid Protocol
  • WAC / Access Control Policies / Authorization Framework
  • Solid-OIDC
  • WebID[+Authentication] (Solid CG / Web Platform Incubator CG)


  • Solid Ecosystem - update aligned with
  • Having a stable vesion of WAC is important, ACP becomes MAY when documented
  • look into clients supporting
  • capabilities/posession goes into research column


  • Update Solid Ecosystem document - Sarven
  • Keep publishing spec at github for now
  • Update WAC document - Sarven (MUST for Solid ecosystem)
  • ACP can be MAY when spec draft is ready
  • Ping Wendy, JeffJ, RalphS re WebID on strategy


  • Title: Solid team meeting
  • Description: This is a routine meeting from the people having a named role in the Solid process to discuss admin issues (website/forum maintenance, process suggestions, events...)
  • Meeting minutes


  • Title: Solid team meeting
  • Description: This is a routine meeting from the people having a named role in the Solid process to discuss admin issues (website/forum maintenance, process suggestions, events...)
  • Minutes: Meeting minutes


  • Title: Solid World
  • Date: 2020-10-01
  • Time: 14:00 Zulu / UTC, 16:00 CEST, 10:00 EST
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Call in Details:
  • Purpose: Present W3C Solid Community Group's activities with the wider Solid community (in ~5 minutes)
  • Presenter: Sarven Capadisli (on behalf of the CG)
  • Agenda:


  • Title: Solid Team meeting
  • Date: 2020-09-23
  • Time: 17:00 CEST
  • Duration: 1 hours*

Present: Mitzi Agenda:

Minutes: Not Applicable


  • Title: Solid Team meeting
  • Date: 2020-09-16
  • Time: 17:00 CEST
  • Duration: 1 hours*


  • Tim, Jackson, Justin, Olivia, Mitzi


  • Administrator update: solid property permissions


  • Administrator update: would be good to continue to ensure that there is a reflection of the latest version of the agreed process in the administration of solid properties


  • Title: Solid Team meeting
  • Date: 2020-09-09
  • Time: 17:00 CEST
  • Duration: 1 hours*


  • Solid Team (Tim, Olivia, Jackson, Nicolas, Mitzi)




  • Title: Editors meeting
  • Time: 14:00 Zulu / UTC, 16:00 CEST, 10:00 EST
  • Duration: 1 hour


  • Justin B
  • Ruben V
  • Sarven C
  • Tim BL



TBL: Access Control and Authorization is the most urgent at the moment. Has been a lot of rapid discussions about access control.

JB: Noting that authorization panel has documented use cases that reflect some of the urgent needs that have also been raised around wac inheritance (

SC: Attempting to transition from rough consensus to requirements. Looking to reorganize the outline. Still need to focus the spec on the core interactions (i.e. Solid Protocol ). Want to restructure this to a point that captures the core Solid Protocol. Need to figure out what release of the spec should cover optional integrations. Clients and apps will be a separate spec.

SC: Should WebID spec be updated? Should we clean up the current WebID spec? Authentication panel has dependencies on WebID and contents of profile document.

SC: Do we consider one draft spec for solid ecosystem as a whole, then as we go forward we update it? We could point to loosely coupled specs (i.e. Authentication, Authorization) even though they are in-progress. Do all related spec drafts need to be in place for FPWD?

TBL: Normal to have a high-level spec that involves other specs. Two scenarios (you control all specs, specs that you depend on you don't control)

  • Main spec relies on interface between the specs
  • Reasonable to have modular specs
  • Valuable to roll out the overall spec often (high-level spec plus dependents - core protocol, wac, authn)

SC: Can we have a draft review of the "ecosystem" spec

TBL: Clarity on what the ecosystem spec is. Ecosystem includes everything across solid, more of a vision document. Primary spec is the "Solid Protocol". Solid Ecosystem includes the "Solid Protocol" specification

Specify container listing mechanism -

SC: WAC is resource based access control. Question was raised about whether a use should see resources they don't have read access to in the containment listing. Currently we allow them to see a list if they have read on the collection.

TBL: Current approach is simple, works for caching. Shouldn't overcomplicate.

SC: Minimal design works out well - can do extensions for additional filtering without worry about core wac.

Discuss returning 404 for privacy reasons -


  • Title: Solid Team meeting
  • Date: 2020-09-02
  • Time: 17:00 CEST
  • Duration: 1 hours*


  • Solid Team


  • Status of - Now that we have (and, should we update solid/solid to reflect this? (Either by pointing to the website and perhaps info on how to contribute to it, perhaps archiving solid/solid altogether.)
  • HOW buttons on the solid home page point things which need to be delivered for each promise. Like specs, server implementations and app implementations and the solid OS



  • Title: Solid Team meeting
  • Date: 2020-08-26
  • Time: 17:00 CEST
  • Duration: 1 hours*


  • Solid Team


  • Administrator update
  • Creator update
  • Editor update
  • Director update


  • Creator update: move from experimental pod to pod list
  • reviewed the roadmap: a description of each of the items would be useful, labeling which items have already been taken care of and by who would be handy, some tickets are sub sections of other tickets, some tickets are not for solid team core,
  • Solid World preparation


  • Title: Solid Team meeting
  • Date: 2020-08-19
  • Time: 17:00 CEST
  • Duration: 1 hours*

Present: Dmitri, Justin, Jackson, Nicolas, Mitzi

  • Solid Team


  • Administrator update
  • Creator update
  • Editor update


  • Administrator update: looking at forum terms
  • Creator update: updated events and pod provider listing
  • Editor update: more panel calls


  • Title: Solid Team meeting
  • Date: 2020-08-12
  • Time: 17:00 CEST
  • Duration: 1 hours*


  • Tim, Mitzi, Dmitri, Justin, Ruben, Nicolas, Jeff, Jackson


  • Administrator update
  • Creator update
  • Editor update
  • Director update


  • Administrator update
    • Continuing conversations about the forum hosting and terms of service on the forum
  • Creator update
    • working on updating the libraries and website change requests from the community
  • Editor update
    • panel meetings ongoing
  • Director update
    • operations back up and running


  • Title: Solid Team meeting
  • Date: 2020-08-05
  • Time: 17:00 CEST
  • Duration: 1 hours*

Present: Tim, Justin, Dmitri, Jess, Jackson, Mitzi, Olivia

  • Solid Team


  • Administrator update
  • Creator update
  • Editor update
  • Director update


  • Editor update
    • panel meetings ongoing
  • Administrator update
    • Continuing conversations about the forum hosting and terms of service on the forum
    • Banner update has been pushed
  • Creator update
    • No updates for now
  • Director update
    • operations
    • dogfooding Solid on Solid properties and organisation


  • Title: Solid Team meeting
  • Date: 2020-07-29
  • Time: 17:00 CEST
  • Duration: 1 hours*


  • Solid Team


  • Administrator update
  • Creator update
  • Editor update
  • Director update


  • Administrator update:
    • (Justin) banner on - Nicolas and Mitzi got a pull request up and some back and forth on text. Next action is to deploy that
    • (Justin) forum hosting - Looked at Green Host and Discourse support to see what each one costs and if they are GDPR compliant
    • Use as inspiration
  • Editor update
    • (Dmitri) lots of activity especially by Sarven looking down to nail down the base level read and write LDP corner cases. Engaging in ongoing online conversations and outreach to make sure others are aware of Solid. Looking at integration options from Solid
    • (Justin) 3 active panels are coming along with conversations
    • (Tim) what about synchronising with tests i.e. every issue in the spec should be connected to a test
  • Creator update
    • (Nicolas) Maria from CERN raised some concerns about the rate that issues are being dealt. Going to streamline the process for website edits


  • Title: Solid Team meeting
  • Date: 2020-07-22
  • Time: 17:00 CEST
  • Duration: 1 hours*


  • Tim BL (Director)
  • Mitzi L (Manager)
  • Justin B (Editors)
  • Jackson M (Administrator)
  • Olivia (TBL CoS)


Action Items:

  • (Solid Team) contribute to the roadmap with particular focus on the tasks in the kanban board
  • (Solid Team) be aware of communications repo and use it to collaborate with others


  • Title: Solid Team meeting
  • Date: 2020-07-15
  • Time: 17:00 CEST
  • Duration: 1 hours*


  • Tim BL (Director)
  • Mitzi L (Manager)
  • Justin B (Editors)
  • Jackson M (Administrator)
  • Nicolas (Creator)
  • Olivia (TBL CoS)



  • Title: Solid Team meeting
  • Date: 2020-07-08
  • Time: 17:00 CEST
  • Duration: 1 hours*


  • Tim BL (Director)
  • Mitzi L (Manager)
  • Justin B (Editors)
  • Jackson M (Administrator)




  • Title: Solid Team meeting
  • Date: 2020-07-01
  • Time: 17:00 CEST
  • Duration: 1 hours*


  • Tim BL (Director)
  • Mitzi L (Manager)
  • Sarven C & Justin B (Editors)
  • Nicolas S & Vincent T (Creator)
  • Jackson M (Administrator)Agenda:
    • review suggestions
    • review repo naming system
    • administration update around forum
    • Final preparation for Solid World
    • Discuss what to make sure to include in next edition fo This Month in Solid
  • Minutes:
    • Agenda Item: Review tagline and copy
      • Action Item: Tim to fold int he feedback on the first draft of copy & everyone to submit pull requests and issues to kanban board
      • Action Item: Creators and anyone else who would like to join spend a day next week on implementing suggestions make on the kanban board
    • Agenda Item: Review repo organisation and discuss Solid Labs
      • Action Item: incorporate Labs and roadmap into the review next week
    • Agenda Item: Update on Solid World, This Month in Solid, and Forum administration



  • Tim BL (Director)
  • Mitzi L (Manager)
  • Sarven C & Justin B (Editors)
  • Nicolas S (Creator)
  • Davi O, Oz O, Kelly O (Inrupt representatives)

Minutes & Action Items

  • (Mitzi) Opened the meeting by listing attendees and their roles and the agenda
  • (Tim) Added thoughts on how to prioritise the agenda items
  • Agenda Item: improving the tagline
  • Agenda Item = repo organisation





Issues with information organization

Site should be citeable and referenceable by others writing about solid, and those references should help ensure solid is discussed accurately.

Panel work in flight

Authorization Panel Resurrected
Use Cases and Requirements
Interoperable Ecosystem Proposal

Need to be able to find out what access a given agent has

Ability for an agent to query the access that they have on a given resource without control access.

Documenting Minutes

List panel meetings in the wiki
Create space per panel into the wiki
Recommending to have active panel members sign up to w3c community group
Justin to submit pull request to solid/process

Solid World

Sarven to present an editorial update
Get inputs from editorial team ahead of that for sharing





Justin - - Planning to suggest action items for rough consensus in the issue this weekend - Will then create process change following that

Justin - Work in progress on the interoperability panel to address Progressing in the interoperability panel on branch. Application registration will start being reviewed by panel next week.

Justin - Work progressing on shapetrees at Helps to inform shape validation and shape tree validation proposals that'll be made to the core spec.

Sarven - Discussion around

Much more detail provided in the comment
Functional requirements and conformance criteria added in the comment





Solid Process

Justin - Wasn't a negative response to issues raised with panels in, so will proceed to a pull request. Will submit pull on process to propose that panels have a bit more structure (i.e. chairs)

Community Engagement

Justin - Based on feedback, it seems that should provide a better perspective on what solid actually is, what is happening in solid, and how to engage in the work that's proceeding. Coming across too much like a marketing site, not tactical enough.
Sarven - Forum shouldn't be a replacement for anything, should be in addition to. Need to figure out the proper licensing.
Justin - Also a lot of feedback about it being hard to navigate all of the github repositories to know which to follow, which issues to chime in on, etc.
Sarven - Can we get people in the community to help provide and/or summarize updates for sharing (i.e. in the forum). Can we get volunteers? Can we get people to also help raise issues back to us from an editorial standpoint?
Justin - We need to raise an issue about any shortcomings on that keep people from understanding what's happening and how to participate.

Heuristics Pull Request

Sarven - Heuristics Pull Request - WIP:
Spotted some issues/unclarity. Will propose an update.

Use Cases

Justin - Sharing elf Pavlik's pull at
Sarven - Consider approach for this as solid-wide
Justin - Propose putting this document in solid/specification (still as an individual document)
Justin - Should also go through the editorial process



JB: Justin Bingham SC: Sarven Capadisli RV: Ruben Verborgh DZ: Dmitri Zagidulin TBL: Tim Berners-Lee


  1. Status update on work in progress
License ( (using MIT license, licensor W3C Solid CG)
WebID-TLS (postponned to spec restructuring)
Effective request URI for POST (near merge)
  1. Server managed metadata
  2. Panels and contribution


JB: Auxiliary resource received approval, merged into the editor’s draft -
SC: Resource access submission related to containment, shared slash, and URI persistence went through -
SC: Heuristic to determine resource type on post -
TBL: Issues with Slug
DZ: We should focus more on creating resource with PUT
TBL: Phase using Slug out
SC: Agree we shouldn't have to rely on Slug
Related to issue:
TBL: Propose that we should favor deterministic language, as opposed to making support for Slug behavior confusing to clients
SC: Revision currently in the works is in line with editorial feedback
SC: License ( (using MIT license, licensor W3C Solid CG)
TBL: MIT License is important - check with W3C for specifics
JB - Server Managed metadata - Proposal for basic information, extended information
TBL: Basic provenance, Extended history may be flagged for future work. Consider an overlap with git.
DZ: Third type - Access logs - who viewed/accessed - TIMBL +1, JB +1
JB: We'll make use cases in interop panel and propose text
SC: Put a condition on this - don't bundle all discovery into one server managed resource. Look at PROV-O. JB +1
Panels and Contribution
TBL: Panels should be moving through things crisply and get them better defined. Chair could move things along. Chair represents the group, and is responsible for process, focus, action items.
RV: Initial mistake was to launch too many of them. Too much parallelization
RV: Important issue - text not evolving enough. Positive change is that we're seeing more text getting generated.
TBL: Reason is for us to make a more quality spec.




JB: Justin Bingham
SC: Sarven Capadisli
RV: Ruben Verborgh
DZ: Dmitri Zagidulin
TBL: Tim Berners-Lee


Separating ecosystem document
Auxiliary Resources -
Rough consensus items:
  • Approach for WAC
  • Websockets / Notifications


Status of PRs:

SC: Commits in reflect criteria that had rough consensus on it. Text may not be perfect but it covers what we've agreed on already.
JB: We are okay to merge things into master as long as issues are identified inline
RV: +1
DZ: +1


SC: Where should WAC live long-term? How should it evolve?
DZ: Pull it into the main solid repository. Solid-specific flavor of WAC.
TBL: Most important is that we have something up to date, works with tests. Should be only one WAC spec. Community does not need fragmentation.
RV: Which one are we talking about? There is a document in w3c space and people have complained.
DZ: There are three - original task for community note and [wiki page](, our github repo, [OpenLink Software's](
SC: Can the core vocab be carried with the solid project? Key point is that we only have one core WAC. Look for common terms shared across these versions. Have consensus on how we bring these together into ACL vocab.
SC: Can we create WAC document to solid/specification repo and then have pointers to the one in solid/specification?
TBL +1
JB +1
DZ +1
SC: We should go through issues and PRs in WAC first and close them out or transfer them into document
TBL: We have Basic WAC for conformance and Extended WAC with more advanced features
JB +1
SC: We need to consolidate as much as possible


SC: Have categorized issues in the project board -
SC: Is the focus to get a stable version out, and then deal with the extended version later, with the exception of authentication?
JB: Stable vs. Extended?
SC: Stable: All new features but authentication should be put off for later
RV: Now that we have a version number included it will help with backward compatibility
TBL: Need to have more explanation of what is implied by version numbering scheme
RV: Don't want people to misinterpret insecure version as intent::
TBL: Explain that in the specification, not the protocol
RV: Use 0.1 as current state, and go to major version with secure protocol.
SC: Alternative approaches for Notifications
SC: WebSocket, Websub, Push Notifications, LDN, etc - people are raising them for different use cases
JB: Websockets are a medium for delivering notifications, but we should also eventually support others, and should have a way that we determine what notifications are delivered.
TBL: Need to get the standard websocket support prioritized and working. Notifications are a different cycle. If I @mention you (for example), that should then be able to use another notification system to send you a ping.
JB: If we ultimately focus on two categories - what kind of things are of interest and how to notify people when things of interest happen

Definition of Terms

DZ: Should we have an overall definition of terms used for Solid. Example - authentication spec explains terms for clients. Example - data owner vs. data controller.
SC: In ecosystem spec we have a definition section. Can we use that?
JB: +1
SC: +1
DZ: +1

Outstanding pull requests on spec repo - Rename WebID-OIDC to Solid-OIDC
RV: Felt that Solid was too narrow, but open to an approach that encompasses other things like DID
JB: Can we agree that in writing the Solid Protocol spec we ensure that we don't forbid other identity systems that satisfy base requirements (i.e. DID)
SC: +1 - Update
JB: Who should we put for the copyright? Can we attribute to W3C community group
TBL: Look into attributing to W3C
SC: Will follow-up with someone at W3C to determine
SC: Consider CC0
JB: Can we create an issue and track this

Secure data storage working group has started up - Joint W3C / DIF

Effects some of the standard work we're doing
Specifically deals with encrypted data storage
Specification specifically says authn and authz should be configurable and pluggable
We can make a good case that updated WAC approaches is valid as a supported mechanism
Solid is specifically mentioned in the charter of the working group



SC: Sarven Capadisli
JB: Justin Bingham
RV: Ruben Verborgh
TBL: Tim Berners-Lee
EP: Eric Prud'hommeaux


  1. Status update on work in progress eg.
  2. Some rough consensus items:
  3. Auxiliary Resources:
  4. Straw poll for WebSocket support (authn/z, format..)


JB: where are we going with ~FPWD? who is roughly doing what? how should we approach delivering ~FPWD?
JB: going through (based on master branch as of 2020-04-08)
TBL: Make sure to keep server-client and client/app specific sections separate
RV: Agreed; that was the intention of the current sectioning
SC: There won't be a section on LDP, only borrow some requirements.
RV: Problem already might be shapes, given that there is now discussion about server-side validation as well
JB: Shall we split the document completely in two documents? (client–server , client–client)
SC: server-server was discussed in the past (not ruled out but not focused to date)
TBL: Refer to Client-Server as Solid Protocol
RV: I'm all for splitting, with the following caveats:
there might also be server–server interactions
split between server–client and client–client might evolve, as some client–client features start exhibiting server-side behavior as well (Justin +1)
JB: priority is getting Solid Protocol out
SC : Can we focus on requirements agreed on for the FPWD? Omit sections without discussion, implementations..
TBL: Propose to separate out client/server (protocol) and client/client. Maintain ecosystem document pointing to them.
SC: naming, and paths.... solid/ /TR/... Issue:
TBL: Provisional decision - keep on for now and then move to
SC: Can we live without Bikeshed (and just worship the goodness of plain HTML?)
JB: Propose several more sessions over the coming weeks focused on cementing key elements for Solid Protocol
SC: WebSocket something something..
JB: Let's include websockets / notifications on next agenda

20200403_1300CET - Editorial - Weekly Session

  • Recording Editorial Summary - Record summary on W3CG wiki. Mention on the Solid Gitter chat. Mention on CG Mailing List.
  • Discussion on Weekly Community Group Meetings - Propose monthlies more like Solid World session yesterday which seemed really successful. Emphasis on having agenda items.
  • Specification Working Sessions
    • Announce first time slot via W3C Solid CG mailing list - Wednesday (April 8th) - 9:30 – 11 EST / 2:30 – 4PM UK / 3:30 – 5PM CEST, with Rough Agenda. New agenda items are welcome.
    • Publishing minutes afterward
    • Will use gotomeeting web-conference for audio/video
    • Will use solid/specification gitter for chat
    • Agenda
      • Status Update on Work in Progress
      • Pull Request for Rough Consensus Items
      • Pull Request for Auxiliary Resources


20200327_1300CET - Editorial - Weekly Session

Organizing the Specification Work

Resource Metadata

  • Relating to
  • Determine appropriate way to refer to section as a whole
  • Metadata considered too broad of a term
  • Consider renaming to Auxillary Resources
  • Move specific metadata types into their own sections







  • Date: 5th March 2020 (see [international holidays] for geographic participation)
  • Time: 10:00 CET (see your local time)
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Call in Details: [this line]
  • Moderator: Mitzi
  • Scribe:
  • Agenda:
    • How to collect and share the results for categorisation of "Solid community".
  • Attendees:
    • Mitzi, csarven, Alice Paca
  • Minutes:


  • Date: 27th February 2020 (see [international holidays] for geographic participation)
  • Time: 16:00 CET (see your local time)
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Call in Details: [this line]
  • Moderator: csarven
  • Scribe:
  • Agenda:
  • Attendees:
    • csarven, Dirk Roeleveld, Kevin Poulsen
  • Minutes:
    • Introductions, specifications, process, panels, data formats, state of LD Signatures and Solid scope





  • Date: 6th February 2020 (see [international holidays] for geographic participation)
  • Time: 10:00 CET (see your local time)
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Call in Details: [this line]
  • Moderator: csarven
  • Scribe: nicoalsS
  • Agenda:
    • Round table: who are the Solid event organizers?
    • Solid events: feedback from the past, and planning for the future
  • Attendees: csarven, KjetilK, nicolasS, Sherry, David, Ewingson, Travis, Mitzi, Ali, Plop, Yungxin
  • Minutes: file:///Users/Laszlo/Downloads/2020-02-13/Solid%20Community%20Group%20Weekly%20update%20--%2013%20Feb%202020.html
  • Action Items:
    • There will be an attempt to coordinate as much as possible, potentially on the first Thursday of every month.
    • Mitzi will share the dial-in links for sync up of Solid Events on first Thursday of each month







  • Date: 2nd January 2020 (see [international holidays] for geographic participation)
  • Time: 1600 CET (see your local time)
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Call in Details: [this line]
  • Moderator: Mitzi L
  • Scribe: Mitzi L
  • Agenda:
  • Attendees: Sarven C, Kjetil K, Michiel dJ, Elf Pavlik, Matthias E
  • Minutes:
    • (Elf P & Michiel dJ) keen to have a place with the most current version of Solid with the items that are being worked on as issues and pull requests that are referenced to inline.
    • (Kjetil & Sarven) hesitant to have a most current version of Solid with items being worked on because it is not ready for implementation and don't want to be misleading and need a place for detailed conversation
    • (Elf P)due to there being small number of active contributors to the spec a single repo is unlikely to get crowded
    • (Elf P) when there is a single repo we could. use the teams to assign code
    • (Sarven C) would be helpful to have a forth milestone (action item) and align the issues to milestones to demonstrate the maturity and urgency
    • website draft has been submitted for review and will be published once that review is complete








  • Update from each of the panels

Action Items



  • Update from each of the panels

Action Items

  • none



  • Update from each of the panels

Action Items

  • reach out to data transfer project to be aware of developments and their relation to Solid conversations



  • Update from each of the panels

Action Items



  • none

Action Items

  • none


- (James Schoening) have posted some comments on the forum thread and wondering how to get more feedback and in depth discussion. - (JK Reynolds) Explained what the US army group have been working on in relation to Solid, in particular the interoperable weather and calendar app using card x - (Mitzi) Wondering how best to raise the conversation about analysing if users can move between the listed Pods and apps and bring data along and if not identify the reasons


  • none

Action Items

  • (Mitzi) schedule a call for the data interoperability panel aiming for next Tuesday
  • (Michiel & Mitzi) look into starting a panel conversation around making it possible for users to switch in between Pods


- Do expert panels now have authority to merge spec changes that are within their area of expertise, or what is the process for that? In summary the panels put forward proposals in the form of pull requests for the editors to review. The details process is described on - When do we kick off the data interoperability panel? Anyone on the panel can start the conversation anywhere as long as it’s public - Where do we want to publish the specification? Entry Panel (Ruben & Sarven) should try and concentrate all the information in the Specification repo and if there are other orthogonal repos that they be linked to - Where do we want to publish the ontologies? Data interoperability panel could propose first where to work i.e. which repo? namespace and vocab? - could they be merged? - Has there been a mash lib deletion? There might just be a glitch for the clean clone or a problem with that specific library? Jackson to have a look into this? - Should the databrowser conventions document have a parallel or link from in solid/vocab or are the schemas in that document a superset of those already listed in vocab? - parallel link? If I were to come across some RDF what’s a good starting point? Databrowser work hasn’t trickled down into the vocab, something the data interoperability panel could make a proposal for?


  • do expert panels now have authority to merge spec changes that are within their area of expertise, or what is the process for that?

Action Items

  • Entry Panel to organise the specification repositories to be able to submit proposals to the specification more easily
  • Data Interoperability Panel to decide where they would prefer to work and how to combine the content of various repo



Action Items

  • (Max and Sarven) share tools to build website that is with a clean design and linked to a GitHub repo
  • (Mitzi) incorporate feedback into this week in solid edition 2
  • (Mitzi) think further about how to set up a workshop
  • (Mitzi) work through the repos and archive inactive ones



Action Items

  • Start the following panels:
- App Authorisation Panel - Michiel
- Data Interoperability Panel - Jim, Justin, Max
- Query Panel - Ruben? 
- Identity Panel - Dmitri, Justin 
- Cryptography Panel - Dmitri, Justin
- Explaining the Vision Panel - Mitzi, Dan? 



Action Items



Action Items





Action Items

  • (Jackson) Write the aim, end result, and scope of the project and circulate to recruit project volunteers
  • (Benoit) expand on the issue and raise again next week for further conversation
  • (Mitzi) set up a independent Happy Solid call and Solid repo to apply ethical web standards to Solid



Action Items

  • (Mitzi) update decision making process with suggestions



Action Items

  • update Solid font to non Google font and move away from the blues
  • change 'will' to 'typically may' in the code of conduct
  • Mitzi and Jeff to connect around the user testing to come up with a proposal



Action Items

  • (Mitzi László) try out loomio
  • (Jackson Morgan) document the conversation around the pull requests, in particular the possible routes forward and pros and cons to consider with each route



  • (elf Pavlik) i18n - we discussed a11y on one of the previous calls, we could quickly see who currently puts efforts into i18n
  • (Michiel de Jong) websocket access tickets in the `Updates-Via` header - see
  • (Michiel de Jong) JSON-LD ACL

Action Items

  • (Mitzi László) set up a team with a task force for accessibility and internationalisation and collect information in a .md including links [recorded in ]
  • (Michiel de Jong) will try making it work with websocket access tickets
  • (Elf Pavlik) send over low hanging fruit issue from 2015 to try the process on
  • (Mitzi László) get a more complete update from Fabian Cook on HTTP Signatures & possible deprecation of WebID + TLS and DDI vs HTTP URI for WebID to share with the other hemisphere call to make sure we're in sync



Action Items

  • (Mitzi László) include a link from the W3C Solid Wiki to and remove doubled up info and encourage others to review the roadmap

IRC log

[09:43] == Mitzi [~Mitzi@public.cloak] has joined #Solid
[09:49] == jonas1 [~jonas@public.cloak] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
[09:54] <Fabian> Can we have "HTTP Signatures & possible deprecation of WebID + TLS" to the agenda please
[09:55] <Mitzi> can do yes, will add to the agenda
[09:55] <Fabian> As well as DDI vs HTTP URI for WebID
[09:56] <Fabian> Reference
[09:57] <Mitzi> sorted, yes
[09:58] <Fabian> ty
[10:01] == Jackson [~Jackson@public.cloak] has joined #solid
[10:02] == daphne [~daphne@public.cloak] has joined #solid
[10:03] == aveltens [~aveltens@public.cloak] has joined #solid
[10:03] <aveltens> present+
[10:04] <Fabian> I have no idea how to scribe
[10:05] <aveltens> Scribe: aveltens
[10:06] <Fabian> q+
[10:06] <aveltens> Fabian: the proposal of the PR is to make the clientID the acutal redirect URL, to prevent spoofing
[10:06] <Jackson>
[10:06] <aveltens> ... there is ongoing discussion
[10:07] <Jackson>
[10:08] <aveltens> ... there are some problems that need to be rectified
[10:08] <aveltens> ... we could talk about some of it here
[10:08] <aveltens> ... I want to get in contact with Michael about it
[10:09] <aveltens> Sorry, above was from Jackson
[10:10] <Fabian> q+
[10:12] == jonas [~jonas@public.cloak] has joined #solid
[10:12] <aveltens> Jackson: Currently we are using the Origin header, but that is easy to spoof
[10:13] == jonas1 [~jonas@public.cloak] has joined #solid
[10:13] <aveltens> Fabian: We are talking about proof of (?)
[10:13] <aveltens> Jackson: explaining details...
[10:13] <Fabian> proof of possession
[10:14] <Fabian>
[10:14] <aveltens> Mitzi: Jackson, how do you want to proceed with this?
[10:14] <aveltens> Jackson: Get in touch with Michael and talk about it
[10:14] <aveltens> ... I have a technical implementation, I finished it for the current proposal
[10:15] <aveltens> ... talk to Michael and modifiy the implementation with his proposals
[10:15] <aveltens>
[10:18] <aveltens> Topic: Place for solid infomration
[10:18] <Fabian> q+
[10:18] <aveltens> aveltens: Information e.g. about apps is split up between wiki and github
[10:19] == jonas [~jonas@public.cloak] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
[10:19] <aveltens> Proposal: Put everything on github and remove redundant information from wiki
[10:20] == ewingson [~ewingson@public.cloak] has joined #solid
[10:20] == timbl [timbl@public.cloak] has joined #solid
[10:23] <Fabian> q+
[10:23] <Mitzi>
[10:23] == timbl [timbl@public.cloak] has quit ["My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…"]
[10:23] <aveltens> Mitzi: Shingyeung is not present to talk about the self-hosting instruction, but it's good to have it
[10:24] <ewingson> yes thats very detailed for raspberry pi
[10:24] <aveltens> ... it would be great if others could review it and give feedback, tips, tricks
[10:24] <aveltens> Fabian: I will be happy to write some as well
[10:25] <aveltens> Mitzi: There is a lot of work on this front, this would be amazing
[10:26] <aveltens> Topic: Solid Roadmap
[10:26] == timbl [timbl@public.cloak] has joined #solid
[10:26] <Mitzi> want to encourage people to add what they are up to on the list
[10:26] <Mitzi> for example what Jackson mentioned earlier
[10:27] <Mitzi> could go through the topics to make sure they are up to date
[10:27] <Mitzi> Daphne - working on the ui/ux
[10:27] <Jackson> q+1
[10:28] <Jackson> q+
[10:30] <ewingson> has the server running and is finetuning
[10:30] <Mitzi> need to ensure that the roadmap is up to date and that is something everyone will need to engage with
[10:31] <Mitzi> need to reflect our actions in the roadmap and remove inactive items to make it valuable
[10:32] <Mitzi> link to Solid projects
[10:33] <Mitzi> Jackson - inrupt list needs updating
[10:33] <Mitzi> what about ideal scenario items?
[10:33] <Mitzi> angelo - yes, especially if it's in the short term (not next decade)
[10:34] <aveltens> Topic: HTTP Signatures & possible deprecation of WebID + TLS
[10:34] <Mitzi>
[10:34] <aveltens> Fabian: WebID+TLS is not working anymore since NSS 5
[10:35] <Mitzi> Fabian: do we use the transport layer? or should we use the strategy of http signatures?
[10:36] <aveltens> Jackson: nothing is official until it's pulled into the spec, but there are discussions and it is currently broken in the server
[10:36] <aveltens> ... discussions are to remove WebID+TLS in favor of OIdC
[10:36] <Mitzi> Jackson: current version in server is not compliant to the spec, there have been conversations around this although need to write them down more formally
[10:37] <Fabian> q+
[10:39] <Mitzi> Fabian: what we are trying to do with Solid is allow individuals to pick how to store their data
[10:39] <Mitzi> Fabian: an identity provider is an additional component
[10:40] <Mitzi> Fabian: if we decentralise and then centralise them again, seems the wrong way around
[10:40] <csarven> Is there a meeting going on right now or are you folks just chatting?
[10:41] <Mitzi> Hi Sarven, yes, come join via
[10:41] <Fabian> q+
[10:41] <csarven> Thanks, I can't.. but just some things in the chat here caught my eye..
[10:42] <csarven> Just want to raise the point that whether some mechanism in a *particular* implementation is "broken" is not grounds for removal to be removed from the spec.
[10:42] <Mitzi> Fabian: I think we can achieve this without a centralised provider
[10:43] <csarven> What may be grounds for removal is.. taking backwards compatibility into account, checking whether it is at all supported out there etc..
[10:43] <csarven> We don't just rip off sections of a spec because some part of a specific tool is not maintained.
[10:45] <Mitzi> Jackson: we assume we trust idp
[10:45] <Mitzi> Jackson: there are questions in terms of supporting multiple ways to login
[10:45] <Fabian> q+
[10:47] <Mitzi> Fabian: Using web credentials is still a draft. The ideal solution would be to key peer on my machine and signed it and sent it off
[10:47] <Mitzi> Fabian: if that could be the authentication that would be the ideal solution because I could dictate how my apps are working
[10:48] <csarven> And before even talking about alternative identifiers... well, show that the alternative works - multiple implementation independently developed.
[10:48] <csarven> Without that.. there is not hing on the table. Hypothetical discussion that is not particularly good use of time (IMHO)
[10:52] <Fabian> q+ after this topic
[10:53] <Mitzi> Mitzi: will set up a .md file where we can collect ideas for an agenda for the December face-to-face
[10:54] <Mitzi> Jackson: would be satisfactory to support DID
[10:54] <Fabian> q+
[10:57] <Mitzi> Fabian: faced with similar problems with chat moderation
[10:57] <daphne> q
[10:58] <Mitzi> Fabian: need to just say something rather than blocking
[11:00] <Fabian> I wont be there this time! Catch ya all in a couple weeks
[11:01] == daphne [~daphne@public.cloak] has quit ["Page closed"]
[11:01] <Mitzi> Thanks everyone, see you next time, will make sure there are minutes so we can stay in sync
[11:01] <ewingson> thanks cya soon
[11:02] == ewingson [~ewingson@public.cloak] has quit ["Page closed"]



  • (Angelo V) Pick a location for Solid wiki information
  • (Shingyeung) Present self hosting instructions on for feedback and invitation to collaborate
  • (elf Pavlik) Decide on location for feedback channel from all the pioneers already running NSS and what to include in simple surveys e.g. Where do you terminate TLS? Do you keep WebID-TLS available? etc. Later it would also make it easier to create directory like
  • (Mitzi Laszlo) Decide on criteria to be included as a Solid specifications contributor and and
  • (Angelo V) Review roadmap
  • (Sina Bahram) Discuss how to ensure accessibility of Solid across the community e.g. where to post information on this topic
  • (Fabian Cook) Discuss conformance testing on a solid compatible implementation. This could also be ran on NSS itself to ensure no breaking changes over time. This could also extend to user interfaces to only include apps with a specific accessibility level to have them approved as conformed to the specification. AKA solid defines that all information should be accessible to all whether it be a human knowing specific communication mediums (visual, audio, touch [e.g. braille]), or machines knowing specific communication medums (https, wss, turtle, json+ld) etc
  • (Jackson Morgan) Present

Action Items



note: potential to connect with Solid Spec Pull Request milestones and and Spring Cleaning of Issues from 2015 milestone with plan to work in reverse chronological order

  • (Mitzi László) Housekeeping: Are there any objections to switching calls to two hours later seeing as the European daylight savings is making these calls very early for participants in the Americas?

Action Items

  • (Mitzi) List at the start of the spec editor & contributors (per spec) at the start.
  • (Elf-Pavlik to lead) adding notes in the spec on trusted apps and delegation



There are 85 open issues and pull requests on the Solid specifications. The agenda is to work through them one by one and decide on a route forward. The person who opened the pull request or issue will be responsible for presenting the pending items that need to be decided together. If there is a difference of opinion the Solid Specifications Repository Manager will decide on the route forward. Please prepare for the meeting by making a summary of the decisions that need to be made including the routes forward and pros and cons of each of those routes.

Action Items

  • (Mitzi László) make sure there is a label for typos which do not need to go through the official process
  • (Mitzi László) pass the issues and pull requests that were presented to the Solid Specification Repository Manager to review
  • (Alex Bourlier) to open a pull request on URL encoding



  • Data collections, trusted apps UX, server ideas (Michiel)
  • Housekeeping: - proposal to move specs to github/w3c-solid - proposal to review email purpose of,, and suggestion to include solid-spec@ pod-provider@ solid-app@ developer-tools@? - conversation about how to reach the current chairs to be able to update the links - Invitation to review of Solid Solutions on the w3c wiki - invitation for user testing interviews - invitation to write a report (Mitzi)
  • Proposal to draw up a Solid roadmap for the next few weeks/ months (Angelo)
  • Proposed an addition to the Web Access Control specification to assist systems that cache authorisations, and possibly other uses (Kjetil)
  • Proposal to add a test suite repo (Kjetil)

Action Items

  • Define a place to follow up the conversation on trusted apps (Michiel)

- Set out the roadmap on the w3c wiki (Angelo) - Lead the development of the test suite (Kjetil)



  • ShEx potential in Solid spec (Eric)
  • Shapes potential in Solid spec (Ruben)
  • DID potential in Solid spec (Dmitri)
  • Discuss possibility of Solid Design Requirements Specification in particular the potential for defining the default data sharing settings in such a way that the user is protected while able to engage at a minimum level. (Mitzi)

Action Items

  • New spec repository to detail interoperability between DID and WebID (Dmitri)
  • New spec repository to detail the default setting point (Mitzi)
  • Meetings to happen weekly rather than biweekly (Mitzi)
  • Start the Solid World podcast to communicate the W3C Solid Community Group conversations externally (Mitzi)



  • Review agenda and invitation to suggest additional items to the agenda as well as explaining to use q+ via for ordering
  • Introductions by new people joining
  • Define the goal of the Solid
- Testing and reaching consensus about proposed changes to Solid
- Sharing best practices regarding Solid standards implementation
- Mutualising open-source code helping to implement Solid standards
- Sharing business opportunities
- Finding Solid knowledgeable teammates, maybe via a directory of skills based on Solid
- Organizing online and IRL meetings of Solid community
  • Decide on frequency of recurring calls
  • Decide on preferred chat channels and purpose of each e.g. mailing list and gitter
  • Decide is we would like to work towards drafting a charter to become a working group
  • List initiatives that we love and why we love them and begin to place them into how could fit into the Solid specs
- Web components: Solid enables the happening of a world where monopolistic web applications are replaced by a myriad of federated applications. That implies that many companies will end up creating their own tool instead of using centralized ones.
- Mutualization of open-source code to build those apps becomes a priority so that the financial cost of shifting to a decentralized world doesn’t stand in the way. Web components are the best mean of reusing code between applications in a technical agnostic way. With Solid, web components can be assembled into our web applications, in a simple plugin system requiring no technical skills.
  • List suggestions for sub specs or areas of the spec to work on
- App registration (Dmitri) 
- ShEx potential in solid (Eric)
- App based permission 
- How to give third-party app less than full root permissions, how to use SHACL shapes to improve interoperability, growing the Solid users community (so not just enthusiasts and developers, but actual user base of the platform)
- Social graphing
- Cross-server tests project 
 -  Group uris spec and chat prototype I made some years ago for solid (Melvin)
- Solid Proxy How are decentralised assets currently being handled?  Therein consideration of search & discovery, in addition perhaps to some sort of underlying solid-proxy (Timo) 
- Smart Agent. There have been a few issues highlighted about ontologies; a. how to find them b. how to make them c. how to map between them. Secondly, i think that there will be more inputs to a 'smart agent' than is defined more simply as 'ontology'. Perhaps a 'smart agent' is the AI equivalent to a web-browser for humans.  question moreover is, how does it work; what are the prevailing considerations about how it should work (and what it shouldn't be able to do if it 'conforms to spec'.) (Timo)
- Client side OIDC registration
- LDP multiple resources posting
- Business ontologies standardisation
- PATCH syntax