04 Apr 2019




TallTed: A PR that is a typo is very trivial.... there are lots of these they should be just fixed.

RubenVerborgh_: It would be good to add labels: major, minor etc....

<bengo> Eh I typed some stuff in the mailing list just now.

Mitzi: To recap we make a label for typos that don't need to go through the normal process. Any objections? no then I will write this up

<bengo> Bummer

<bengo> Zoom from Buenos Aires not so great

<bengo> Something to consider.

<bengo> Nah my mic works fine everywhere else.

Alex_Bourlier: Discuss Nasty ID encoding in URLs

<bengo> I have nothing useful to voice anyway :P I will use the phone line if I do some day.

Alex_Bourlier: how should we address these.... is there a smart way to work around the encoding issues

Mitzi: any comments
... do you have a specific suggestion?

TallTed: It depends, in the general case URIs are not meant for humans...

<RubenVerborgh_> ack

Alex_Bourlier: In traditional applications you would normally have a URL /thing/3, however in solid the ids are URLS therefore you need to be display these URLs in URLs... There are also 404 issues for security reasons.

Mitzi: Alex do you have a specific proposal

Alex_Bourlier: No, what I will do is write it up

Mitzi: I suggest you open up the issues, and we can pick it up again next week

Mitzi goes through the list

topic IANA registration of Link: rel="acl" #21

IANA registration of Link: rel="acl" #21


<bengo> I think link rels are not IANA

<bengo> and the canonical registry is just some wiki page

<bengo> (from memory)

acoburn: needs further development, no actions from others required at this point

RubenVerborgh_: small issues can bring about larger issues, this really demands a bigger investigation

<bengo> https://github.com/link-relations/registry

<acoburn> also https://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xhtml

Ruben lost connection

<bengo> (I'm wrong about just some wiki page)

<bengo> https://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xml

RubenVerborgh_: We should not be afraid to take a step back, we need people to review the specs we already have and raise other issues
... I can followup on 21, however we need people to read through the spec, as possibly there are other issues

<bengo> If the person who raised the issue doesn't care enough to represent it here, we shouldn't be spending time on it.

Mitzi: This goes back to the whole process. We have these 80+ issues... do we just go through them one by one

RubenVerborgh_: We can do both, go through them one by one and also read offline and decide what is important
... who is going to followup

Mitzi: acoburn can you take ownership and followup on this one?

acoburn: sure, I will make a specific suggestion and we can follow up next week

<bengo> acoburn: I registered the activitystreams media type with IANA by just emailing them at some official email address. They have good staff that will help you through the process and review the spec and stuff.

Mitzi goes through the list

<acoburn> bengo: thank you!

Remove globbing #151 https://github.com/solid/solid-spec/pull/151

RubenVerborgh_: there are issues and pull requests for these.... they allow us to combine multiple resources into one

<TallTed> meta -- I hadn't realized today's list was a mix of issues and pull requests... practice in most WGs/CGs/XGs I've been in has been to segregate these, as many PRs are covered by "any objection?" while issues often require more discussion that is then basis of a PR (which *then* case may require some discussion, but usually much less than about the raw issue)

RubenVerborgh_: many people are in favor of globbing, however there are different views of this, there are some supporters e.g. Melvin
... they will probably disappear, however we should leave it there for now...
... if there is justification / a need then we can keep it

TallTed: the challenge is that although it is public, and people might have build against it, and they may not be aware we plan to remove it
... however decisions have to be made, we have to poll the community and if there are no objections things need to go

RubenVerborgh_: It was wrong in the spec for some time
... We should look at modularisation of the spec.... there will be core and optional parts....
... we should think about one core spec and some optional, have things as unstable and stable

<bengo> Ruben also made a good point on GitHub that many use cases of globbing might be better served by a more general querying/filtering spec/extension

Mitzi: Any comments on these proposals?

<bengo> i.e. it might be better for these use cases in the long run to remove globbing now

<bengo> (let it come back organically without baggage of the past)

Phil: Some specs are written so that people know that things are moving, and it is clear what state things are in, which moves things forward

<bengo> I would also point out wrt there being an existing implementation that many W3C specs require at least two implementations, often from non WG-members, often from more than one particular implementor

Phil: we need to find a way of labelling features based on state and have clear guidelines for what these mean

Mitzi: Any thoughts?

<bengo> Can we do a call for consensus (nonbinding) on merging https://github.com/solid/solid-spec/pull/151?

michielbdejong: I would like to add timelines to this.... for instance it will work for at least 6 or 12 months more....

remove "possible future" label from `acl:trustedApp` paragraph #38

<TallTed> https://github.com/solid/web-access-control-spec/issues/38

michielbdejong: It is now being used, therefore this is not something for the future

Mitzi: do you need anything to move forward

michielbdejong: it would be good to have people comment and then we can add it to the spec

TallTed: Once discussed we should create a PR which summarises the discussion and in it goes

Mitzi: exactly, this is open for some time...

michielbdejong: I can create the PR

Corrections and clarifications of REST API Spec #103


TallTed: This is from even further back than the others
... This is basically typos and markup fixes
... there may be some conflicts, therefore I need to double check

Mitzi: ok, just let me know when you are done

Mitzi goes through the list

Circumventing Origin restriction with proxies #34


elf-pavlik: It is about the origin headers could be set by a malicious person..

Jackson: it might be a problem with some claims under openid connect

elf-pavlik: I think we need to doublecheck that this is not a problem

Mitzi: I will push it forward to Dimitri

object of statements with acl:default predicate #18


elf-pavlik: I need to look this one up as there was a related change, however should I proceed

Mitzi: wrap it up in such a way that it can be merged and send it to Kjetil

<bengo> https://github.com/solid/web-access-control-spec/pull/31

<bengo> There's been a lot of talk about process today. I'm curious what commitments 'repo managers' etc will make to reviewing PRs in a certain amount of time.

remove acl:GroupListing #31

<bengo> (if they are the only ones who can merge them anyway)

elf-pavlik: discussion on pointing to the document versus the group

Mitzi: any comments
... I think the best way forward is to send it to Kjetil

elf-pavlik: there is already agreement that this should be corrected

Delegated Requests #9


elf-pavlik: this is a conversation from 2016
... I have no idea how delegates would work with OpenID Connect... or other agents making requests on my behalf

<Zakim> RubenVerborgh_, you wanted to discuss acl

Mitzi: it seems like this is open and there is no know solution

<bengo> otherwise we can phrase this as a PR that removes https://github.com/solid/solid/blob/auth-webid-delegation/proposals/auth-webid-delegation.md?

<bengo> if it doesn't make sense and hasn't been touched in 3 years

elf-pavlik: Dimitri is the most emerged in this, it would be great if he could provide feedback on how this should work

Mitzi: I will speak to Dimitri

remove .ttl from RDFSource URIs #92


elf-pavlik: if there is no extension it will map to .ttl, no idea what is delaying this one

Mitzi: I will pass this over to Kjetil

role of server side clients #9


elf-pavlik: this one is related to the delegated requests and therefore it needs input from Dimitri
... mobiles should receive push notifications, and often this is integrated with the app, e.g. progressive web app. I don't see how we do authentication in this scenario...
... I think I seen somewhere that delegation should be used here
... but perhaps there is another way e.g., and app shares a toke

jackson: I would have to look into it more, however I agree there is a lack of clarity

Mitzi: is this resolvable or is there deeper exploration needed

break a leg Ruben :)

elf-pavlik: it would be good if people who have experience we webid delegation, however this would work

Jackson: I am going to be working on this, therefore I can assign this issue to myself

elf-pavlik: Perfect, if we can discuss offline

Mitzi: Amazingly we managed to get through everything in under an hour
... it looks like there is a lot of administrative stuff
... before we wrap up there is some housekeeping
... I managed to connect to one of the Phil who is one of the official chairs
... he would prefer not to run the community group as he is doing other stuff....
... I didn't manage to get hold of the other chair, and have reached out to Dave Regett on this one
... it would be good if I had a formal chair role
... others that would like roles should say so also

<bengo> what is the solid team PR link ?

<bengo> Mitzi:

Mitzi: any objections to me taking on the formal co-chair role.....
... if anyone has anything that they would like to discuss, please reach out....

<bengo> Mitzi: The wiki is misleading. It should say 1400CEST not CET

Dmitri: looks like I missed the call due to the time change

Mitzi: you were mentioned a few times, therefore I will forward the info to you

elf-pavlik: if we have time it would be great to discuss.....

<TallTed> helpful to ensure that times are clear and correct for all -- https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html

<elf-pavlik> https://github.com/solid/web-access-control-spec/issues/34

trackbot generate minutes

<trackbot> Sorry, sabrina, I don't understand 'trackbot generate minutes'. Please refer to <http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc> for help.

<bengo> This could be a PR that removed the 'MUST' language of allowing those requests

<bengo> (that could be spoofed)

<TallTed> trackbot, draft minutes

<trackbot> Sorry, TallTed, I don't understand 'trackbot, draft minutes'. Please refer to <http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc> for help.

thanks TallTed

<bengo> At least put in a 'WARNING: this isn't actually secure'

<bengo> "When an Origin header is present then BOTH the authenticated agent AND the origin MUST be allowed access"

<bengo> (and maybe a link to the issue where a better alternative is being developed)

<bengo> (like we did for globbing)

<bengo> Link to proposal?

<elf-pavlik> https://github.com/solid/webid-oidc-spec/issues/9

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/04/04 13:13:46 $

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Present: RubenVerborgh_

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<dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting

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<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

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[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]