Meetings/2020-11-11 solid-team

From Solid Community Group

Solid Team Meeting

November 11th, 2020

Meeting URL:


  • Jeff Z
  • Timbl
  • Dmitri Z
  • Nicolas AS
  • Marrelle B
  • Jackson M
  • Sarven
  • Vincent (partly)


  • Editor / Panel Updates
    • Recap of recent work updates
    • What's next / work to be done
    • Recap of what's been done since the migration
  • SolidOS operating system
  • Any other things

Action Items

  • Setup Gitter chat for Solid Team
  • URI Persistence policy for for spec documents.
    • Sarven proposes to make a draft PR to get the discussion started.
  • Integrate to netlify -> an account already exists for other solid org repos
  • PR for - Sarven
  • Map task breakdown to GH issues to update the website.

Editor/Panel update

Technical discussion around the spec document

  • Sarven: **Ecosystem spec** brought to shape, by removing things that are unclear, or too far off in the future to be part of the current spec. The spec includes:
    • A protocol (client/server)
  • The spec should be hosted under ``
  • Pipeline to produce the actual spec document:
    • Travis (quite slow, maybe should be replaced using GH actions)
    • bikeshed
    • respec
    • Netlify could be use for previews
    • Justin - Question: Should the source text be directly in HTML, or is MD easier to edit/discuss ?
    • Dmitri - personal experience: changed from bikeshed to plain ol HTML authoring
  • The `` website should be hosted on a Solid server.
    • The GH repo could host "plain" HTML, and it should be pushed from there to the Solid server hosting ``.
    • That would be a strong message to the outside world that the Solid spec can be used in the "real" world.
    • Each document would be directly editable, access right could be managed at fine granularity...


  • The spec draft has matured, there are just some discussions around the access token.

Auth panel

  • Proposition of the ACP mechanism by Emmet T. (Inrupt)

Interop panel

  • App interoperability draft iterated on
    • Shape tree spec and primer, work with Ghent university to have PoC/implementation. update

  • The update was focused on
    • making it clear to a new visitor what Solid is at a first glance
    • Updating the tutorials
  • A second round of updates is going to be required for secondary content
    • interop, data model, security model, additional tutorials, user section, app listing, newsletter...
  • Clarifying the Solid roadmap
    • Published on, but documented in RDF and being a standalone project.
  • App listing update
    • Many apps no longer work, so we should reach out to the authors.
    • The utilities from the library list should move to the app listing

  • Creation of a role in the process, "System operator", to manage the server. This allows to set expectations, and to have active maintenance of the server.
    • Eric P.
    • Michiel D.
    • Alain B.
  • Creation of the "Acceptable use policy" for the service - Published at and
  • Sarven - Question: Should we document the "intent" of Solid, and reference it ? In order to say basically we want to avoid sharing misinformation, harmful things...
