Solid CG

09 May 2019

See also: IRC log


Matthias_Evering, elf-pavlik, KjetilK, michielbdejong, mpigott, michiel, Mitzi, megoth, Hyuryu, Michael_Thornburgh, dmitriz, TallTed



<megoth> i18n = internationalization

i18n - we discussed a11y on one of the previous calls, we could quickly see who currently puts efforts into i18n

<TallTed> i18n is generally pronounced eye-eighteen-enn or internationalization

<Mitzi> list of apps review

<Mitzi> wondering who is taking responsibility for i18n

<scribe> scribe: elf-pavlik

<michielbdejong> what was the command again to see the queue?

<Mitzi> Would like to keep best practices recorded and defined people to ensure that the practices are implemented

megoth: SDK has support for multiple languages

<megoth> seems the bot is missing?

<Mitzi> great, thank you

<michielbdejong> i just did '/invite Zakim #solid'

KjetilK: tests I focus on works on HTTP layer

<michielbdejong> present?

<Mitzi> would be good to have a task force dedicated to putting attention to that

<Michael_Thornburgh> <-- "zenomt" on github

websocket access tickets in the `Updates-Via` header - see https://github.com/solid/web-access-control-spec/issues/44

michielbdejong: if you open websockets from browser you can't add Authorization header
... one could include it in URL as query parameter

<michielbdejong> https://github.com/solid/web-access-control-spec/issues/44

<Mitzi> ACTION: set up a team with a taskforce for accessibility and internationalisation and collect information in a .md including links [recorded in https://www.w3.org/2019/05/09-solid-irc]

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

michielbdejong: I hope we can do it without adding breaking changes to the spec

elf-pavlik: maybe we can use Server-Sent Events

KjetilK: I read the spec but didn't like it
... I don't know websockets protocol, just skimmed the spec, it has some opening handshake, how does that relate to what we need

michielbdejong: if you open ws from commandline you can send Authorizatio header, but you can't do it from the browser
... using a cookie, or token in URL would work in a browser
... i could try to make it work and it might answer some questions if this would work

<KjetilK> +1 to experiments by implementation :-)

<megoth> Kjetil: please mute ;)

<megoth> +1 on experiments from me as well ^_^


<Matthias_Evering> experiments with rdflib from here

michielbdejong: when you share document you ad .acl file and usually you do that using Turtle syntax
... issue 45 in web-access-control repo

megoth: I think creators of the vocab assumed that RDF processors will speak all standard formats
... some JSON-LD processors don't


<mpigott> Apache Jena (Java) can translate between all of the major formats

<mpigott> https://jena.apache.org/documentation/io/

<megoth> rdflib does allow for translating between JSON-LD and TTL

<megoth> (realize I'm not 100% sure about that actually... but I`m quite certain it does...)

<megoth> (realize I'm not 100% sure about that actually... but I'm quite certain it does...)

<TallTed> rdflib *says* it "Reads and writes RDF/XML, Turtle and N3; Reads RDFa and JSON-LD" -- https://github.com/linkeddata/rdflib.js/

<megoth> thx

michielbdejong: it's hard to write RDF apps in JS, some things work in rdf-ext, some in rdflib.js

elf-pavlik: http://rdf.js.org/

Mitzi: I see a lot of open issues on spec, some weeks ago we went through all of them
... it was helpful to get up to speed and see what needs to be decided
... we setup some milestones with solid team
... some issues are from 2015

<Mitzi> https://github.com/solid/information/blob/master/decision-making-processes.md

Mitzi: we need to decide how we decide

<TallTed> PS rdflib does apparently have work toward JSON-LD output -- see https://github.com/linkeddata/rdflib.js/issues/303

Mitzi, I think for each of the issues we need to know the problem

scribe: each one needs to be able to propose solution with prons and cons
... we need to decide who needs to be able to vote
... to avoid blocking by someone who might not have stake in the project

Mitzi, just a proposal to discuss it, not a final decision

<Matthias_Evering> ... feels like a visitor and would like to be tolerated as beginner

Mitzi, I think that issues from 2015 should get resolved at some point soon

Mike: how would votes take place?

Mitzi: suggestions welcome


<Mitzi> w3c process document might have some guidance

Mitzi: i did read it, it has some examples how other people go about it

<mpigott> (For the future readers of this transcript, I’m Mike!)

megoth: Really good that you try tackling this challenge, i wonder how this could work in practice
... maybe we can find more sources of inspiration

<megoth> +1 on starting with a non-controversial issue

dmitriz: I think we need some kind of process
... W3C is heavy weight and it doesn't say how to decide

<TallTed> W3 process starts with "build consensus" and typically has a fallback to "vote, with majority rule"

dmitriz, Soshana is a scholar of open source technologies, she studies how various open source projects decide how to decide, how to do practical things

<michielbdejong> have to run, sorry! present-

elf-pavlik: sharing how we do it in RDFJS CG

<TallTed> ( present± is meeting-long; there's no overall tracking of mid-meeting arrivals/departures. but that will be seen in the log and/or minutes. )

Mitzi: do you agree that people who can vote can be MIT team and Solid CG participants?
... any objections to add people to this list?

dmitriz: no objections, everyone can join CG

<TallTed> https://github.com/solid/solid-spec/issues

<KjetilK> +1


remove .ttl from RDFSource URIs

mpigott: I thought that DID and WebID-TLS came out, what happened with that?
... in last weeks notes one can see that


<Mitzi> https://github.com/solid/information#solid-learning-material

<TallTed> and we come around again to the question of primacy -- spec vs NSS implementation (vs reference implementation, if not NSS)

elf-pavlik: I see it as one of hard issues which may have more disagreements, I think we should start addressing it ASAP and don't kick the can down the road

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: set up a team with a taskforce for accessibility and internationalisation and collect information in a .md including links [recorded in https://www.w3.org/2019/05/09-solid-irc ]

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/05/09 14:50:59 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154  of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Present: Matthias_Evering elf-pavlik KjetilK michielbdejong mpigott michiel Mitzi megoth Hyuryu Michael_Thornburgh dmitriz TallTed
Found Scribe: elf-pavlik
Inferring ScribeNick: elf-pavlik
Found Date: 09 May 2019
People with action items: set

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]