Co-Chair Meeting Minutes: February 19, 2019
Posted on:Minutes from the Feb. 19, 2019, co-chair meeting:
Our Community Group’s in-person meeting at the Musikmesse in Frankfurt is set for Thursday, April 4. We discussed travel logistics. All three co-chairs will be in attendance.
The SMuFL 1.3 Community Group Final Report is essentially done. Several community members have reviewed it, and we’re not planning any more changes. The remaining step is coordinating the publication with the W3C, to make it official.
Moving forward with SMuFL, Daniel has reviewed all the open issues in the GitHub issue tracker and moved outstanding ones to a new milestone for Version 1.4. He also closed a few others that he determined were out of scope.
In MusicXML news, Michael plans to create a Version 3.2 milestone in the GitHub issue tracker and do similar issue gardening. Michael also plans to make a proof of concept for a new idea regarding richer support for parts within a score; when he has it, he’ll create a proposal on GitHub.
The DAISY Music Braille Project has recently been in touch with us and wants to engage more deeply with our community. At the basic level, they’d simply like our community to be aware of them as a resource; on a deeper level, they have specific requests for new MusicXML/MNX features. Daniel has an upcoming meeting with a representative, and they’ll discuss the best way to triage these features. We’d also like to see whether any DAISY folks can attend our Musikmesse meeting.
We’ve recently received several ideas and bug reports in our GitHub issue tracker from folks who haven’t yet formally joined the community group — and, hence, haven’t transferred their IP rights to the group (i.e., signing the CLA). As such, to be safe, we can’t respond to these issues until they take that step. Aside from continuing to contact these people one-by-one, there might be a technical solution: requiring GitHub contributors to sign a CLA in order to post issues or pull requests. Adrian is going to investigate this.
In MNX news, there’s been some activity recently in the GitHub thread regarding pitch representation (MNX issue 138). Adrian is continuing to work on an MNX “overview for laypersons” document and plans to have a draft this week.
Adrian brought up a few MusicXML oddities he’s seen in the wild recently, and Michael gave historical context and thoughts on the best way to handle them. One of the out-of-the-ordinary notations Adrian came across — a C clef centered on the C staff line — got the co-chairs talking about MNX’s definition of clefs (which is yet undesigned) and how it should perhaps let people specify a staff position (i.e., including staff spaces) instead of only staff lines. Adrian will file this in the MNX issue tracker.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 5.