Proposed Group: Blockchain2 Community Group
Posted on:The Blockchain2 Community Group has been proposed by Ty Everett:
The group will incubate specifications for decentralized web applications, with a goal of enhancing security, privacy, and efficiency through the use of blockchain technologies. Our first deliverable will comprise a list of value-adds and benefits that blockchain technology may be able to provide for the World Wide Web community. Subsequently, based on our findings, we aim to agree on a set of general, high-level requirements and capabilities that blockchain-based application architectures would need to fulfill in order to deliver value. Finally, we aim to explore the potential impacts of these architectures on the privacy, resiliency, incentives, and accessibility of the web, and to establish relationships with other groups to ensure alignment as these solutions are developed.
You are invited to support the creation of this group. Once the group has a total of 5 supporters, it will be launched and people can join to begin work. In order to support the group, you will need a W3C account.
Once launched, the group will no longer be listed as “proposed”; it will be in the list of current groups.
If you believe that there is an issue with this group that requires the attention of the W3C staff, please send us email on
Thank you,
W3C Community Development Team
I’d really like to support the creation of this CG, but the Support button is just reloading the page 😕
I’d really like to support the creation of this group, but the Support button returns me to this page 😕