BlockchainCG online meeting report at 5/May/2016
Posted on:BlockchainCG online meeting at 20160505
W3C CG Support
- not yet what
- IRC support was not enough
W3C Blockchain Workshop
- W3C had payment activity
- Blockchain is not just for payment but for wider scope
- out of scope
- payments
- ? (questioned)
- non-web aspects
- payments
- in-scope
- more wider view
- web aspect
- mountie will share contact info of R3
- Erik will be able to intro
- we had strong concensus for blockchain
- consider chinese members
- china miner’s association
- okcoin
- talk with KETELS Kris
- will request to present ISO20022 and details at next week
concall time
- doodle result :
- 22:00 KST
- non-payment
- IP licencing
- smart contract
- payment
- collect UseCases
- WIKI will be better
- github of W3C
IRC channel
- will get support by W3C
CG Workshop
- confused with W3C Workshop